This thread is for feedback and brainstorming for the work of those in Group D.
Everyone is welcome to post critique but please refrain from posting outside work if you are not currently assigned to the group.
Alright guys have fun and start posting.
Replies I guess we just post our chosen project for the group. I started one the other day knowing that this study group thing might kick off. So here we go.
I spose I should post a mission statement with this as well, so you guys know what I want to achieve with this.
Mission Statement:
Even though I've been in the games industry for a few years now, doing characters and other stuff. I've never actually completed a "next-gen" character from start to finish. So I've chosen a character that I dont need to worry about concepting or extra attachments (guns, etc). Nice and simple, but well executed is the key to this one.
Complete next gen character, usual texture maps and restrictions
Realism to the max
Study in cloth, hair and texture
Import into UDK
Heres she is. Jordan Two Delta from the Island (Scarlett Johansson)
ZBrush timelapse movie crashed on me twice so only have a turntable.
Crit already recieve in WAYWO from Robat:
Which I agree with and will be rectifying in the next update.
BTW, for any feedback please be brutal.
Go and sculpt the ears, they are at this point "Just ears" and not her ears. Get some good photo refs and sculpt them. Do not forget the back of her ears either.
See she has some wonkey looking ears.
Besides that look at the pictured woman's cheeks from the side view you can see that there is a line from her nose to the sides of her chin (I forgot what it is called sorry), that line conceals part of her lips. Yes she is smiling in these pictures, but in your sculpt you do not have represented at all.
sorry I can't give more feedback but I gots to go.
Thanks Killaball. Yep. Symmetry will be switched off in the next pass, I just like to get the structure down first. Which I think is pretty much there now. The ears are pretty much just a blockout atm.
I've added a bit of a cheek line that you mention and I've also fixed the nose as robat suggested.
Thanks for that "The Island" Reference btw. Bottom right image of her looking up will be invaluable. I've got the DVD which i'll play through and grab some good shots. If anyone has other good reference please link me. Anything like costume design images would be great as well.
Next step: A-symmetry, ears, moving onto body proportion.
This time the timelapse worked. Not alot to see as its micro movement but it gives a good all round view of the head. I find these timelapse awesome to look back at to self crit. I recommend it to any ZBrushers, or infact any art process really. Just ZB makes it super easy to do.
Stinger I think you should try softening the features some. The bridge of her nose and brow seem very intense.
Can you post a higher res version? I'm thinking the eye shape is a bit off.
If i'm to get this as real as possible i'll have to get much better reference. So thats the next step.
Heres a hi-res image
BTW: where are my fellow group D'ers. Get some work posted!
figure I'd post something fast since you're so into it already
I think the bridge of her nose protrudes a bit too much, and is too low, based on all the reference.
her upper lip is a bit taller too, and curls up more.
and the space between her nostrils looks too narrow.
looking forward to more.
I see that you have added that shallowness under cheekbones, that's right.
Besides, you can see that she has no real "sulcum" in the photos, but a sort of "puff" around the mouth's end that is very peculiar. Also, the ear's lobe is very round and thick, another very personal feature.
What a good work is coming out!
First of all, it's a nice model so far with a lot of definition, but it's looking a bit masculine at the moment.
I would downplay some things such as the creases from the sides of the nostrils to either side of the mouth, and the definition under the eyes. She's obviously a very attractive woman so I think it's important to make sure that idea gets across and not get caught up in details that may be realistic, but ultimately unflattering. You don't want to capture her when she just woke up after a troubled night- you want to capture her in movie star mode (or at least I would).
As Calabi pointed out, her head looks elongated in side view (face too far forward from ears). I also think her mouth is a tad too low and should be closer to the nose (I know you built it right off that front view photo, but it feels low to me). Your brow ridge is a little strong and wide.
Working on absolutely nothing impressive... just trying to learn Zbrush a bit more and do a bit of anatomy studying. I haven't really touched the hands much, still trying to get the shape of them right.
men are usually 7.
though, it looks like he may just have too much jaw
Will get working on something next weekend
I want to do hard surface modelling props/scenes as well, I want to get much better at that before even starting on floppy people modelling.
We could always crit your animation until next week ;D
Looks like you've jumped into sculpting too soon, which is fine if you want to mess about in ZB. but if you are studying anatomy as well then you should get the proportions correct first. I wouldn't even begin thinking about hands just yet. Legs look short, waist is high and narrow, upper arms are short, armpits are wrong and head is large.
Take the sub division to its lowest and start messing about with the move tool. Might be good to bring in a reference image as well. The Image Plane plugin here makes it very easy and allows you to make the mesh transparent. Which I find very helpful.
Again I made a ZBush movie that crashed. I saved it before exporting but it crashes at the same place every time. Annoying!!! So only a turntable again.
Hi res:
Not sure if anyone can crit it but I do have two questions if anyone is able to answer. Blending I here everyone say you should just use a hard edged brush(its really difficult, cheek area, and nose not good), but I've seen some proffesion artists, use soft edge brush's.
Another thing, I'm using almost the same values as my ref, though the objects in the ref seem to have more form like the teeth for instance, I'm not sure why that is.
Heres my update:
Started on the body proportion and first pass on the hands. I'll not be going into too much muscle detail on the body as she'll be full clothed but i'll block some in before I make the clothing geo.
I still need to find good reference for the clothing and wrist band things. Even though i've scanned through the film I havent got very good reference. I know that Puma made the shoes as well. So i'll try and track them down.
hi res:
it's a mech, obviously. Aiming for infantry support as it's main role.
intended to be about 4-5m tall, with a single pilot in the torso (front hatch)
right now, I'm at a low/medium detail high poly pass for baking normals/maps.
and intending it to be a rather detailed low poly asset, complete with cockpit and pilot.
the concept I made is rough, and more intended as a guide at this point, and I'm changing it a bit as I model.
my main concerns far are that I'm never gonna finish, and worrying the details don't have enough theme to tie them together.
Not a great deal to crit tbh. Maybe the hands look a little dainty and I think I prefer the head design in the concept. Might be good to add some a-symmetry in the arms so that each arm has a different function, one hand, one demolition claw or something. Thats all i've got i'm afraid. Look forward to more.
I made a changes based on critiques, and thanks they really helped, and I think it's coming along better now, although I'm sure there are still trouble areas. I tried to do some gesture drawings today and yeah... definitely a bit out of shape when it comes to anatomy.
@Calabi Have you tried a hard brush with pressure sensitivity (presuming you have a tablet) set to opacity? That could help, also when you use the brush tool hold down the alt key to switch to the color picker tool and let go to switch back to your brush tool. It really helps with blending. Also if you try other brushes like a chalk brush it might make things a little easier, plus it gives it a nice texture while you paint. I use mostly the chalk brush to draw and I find it more natural and enjoyable than just a boring circle brush. Also try not to focus on creating lines, but rather just block out the forms instead
Here are two heads I did. Each I only put about 2-4 hours into sadly. I wish they looked farther along in those two hours but I was more worried about correct shape then detail. And what is sadder still is I still don't think I got the shapes right.
Male head
Female head
I sculpted each head from a polysphere in zbrush.
I've been working on this for a long time.... /me is lazy. >_>
Anyways, I've done this much so far.
I will be redoing the sight and reworking the end of the barrel.
Killaball: Looks pretty good man. Don't get discouraged just keep on working on it. Try to keep the skull in mind when working on the head.
confracto : if thats your low poly pass the high will look awesome.
Stinger, I like your idea for a demolition claw on one hand. I'd thought about adding other armament on the arms, but I'm waiting till I get farther before I attempt it. I think I might go for a battering ram
regarding the hands looking a bit dainty, I'd sized them based on what clears for the shotgun/grenade launcher underneath, so while I agree, I'm not sure what I can do about it without changing a lot of other elements.
snoopy, the rifle looks good. stop being lazy and finish it!