This thread is for feedback and brainstorming for the work of those in Group C. Everyone is welcome to post critique but please refrain from posting outside work if you are not currently assigned to the group.
Alright guys have fun and start posting.

Always around to blab on about other peoples stuff though :P
Other people in group
Look forward to giving out some critique and getting some myself on indie/ personal work.
Okay Bowen, so just following through what we said on Skype, you really need to get your basic proportions and anatomy blocked out before using high subdivisions and adding clothing. Also it would probably help using a style reference with proportions of a dwarf, rather than a proportionally opposite style.
Though I'm no character artist, so perhaps somebody else can step in.
You seem like you havent really gone in and SCULPTED on that guy yet.
Also member what I said in skype if your trying to put some stylization into the shapes try the trim dynamic brush.
Just want you to improve. The hair looks pretty cool.
just wanted to point out that it doesn't matter whether you are making a photo realistic human or a stylized human, they are both humans and has to follow some fundamental human anatomy in order to look like a human.
it seems like you are not open to suggestion, but here is one in case you want to learn.
step away from zbrush, block out the shapes in polygons.
look at TF2 models for example, they all follow the high level anatomy with exaggeration to proportions. every single TF2 model can be created just with polygons without ever entering zbrush.
the arm look a little flat
try to make this area and the hole arm , bigger on front view . hope that help
Ive been working on a song?
here is wath i'm working on
Ayoub44 : I think the tiles have enough depth, you could add some edges to give them a bit more shape. Also your low poly has a lot of shading issues, add some bevels and some loops on the end. The wood doesn't really look all that well defined, but the texturing should look after that.
Anyway I said I'd post something up, I'm currently cleaning up a large ship wreck model so that the interior can be modular and so the details are instanced. So far I've just broken up the exterior. Everything in the picture below will use tiling textures with vertex colours, I still need to add (or subtract.. heh) about 20 holes and make the whole thing a little less even.
Here are the details which will populate the exterior, these all need to be properly modeled and might have unique textures, I haven't decided yet.
I also need to model all in the modular hallways and rooms, along with all the damage debris that can be placed around the holes in the ship. In terms of time scale, I have probably about 10 days to get this finished.
And I think if you took out the unneded edges you could get that thing down to 5k at most.
Good work tho.
Just did a speedsculpt to unwind from school.
Eh, should have used references.
I kinda based it on this guy I just found on CGHub
Also, it looks like you have a lot of different parts clipping through each other, which will probably suck up valuable UV space and make baking just a bit more tedious. Maybe try to connect some of those forms.
@Tokoya: im not sure im understanding which part you are talking about.
@myles: UV mapping has been surprisingly easy for me thus far. mostly because a lot of the edges offer no need for smoothing groups, in which case each separate piece needs only 1 or 2 UV islands, but i do understand what you mean. in regards to poly distribution. im trying to generally get the hang of letting go of geometry. its hard for me to use a cylinder less than 12 sides on anything that isnt tiny, and if it is that small ill more than likely project it. for certain things like the big cylindrical piece in the back, i figured since it wouldnt be seen directly in FPV, then it may not be necessary to have it high poly. i appreciate the comments, but im really trying very hard to break the habit of "needing" all that geometry.
@Bonebrew: i probably wouldnt let this get to 5k. it seems a bit too low for a long rifle that has organic and cylindrical pieces. my scope alone is about 1.5k, and even if i brought it down to a decent amount of ring edges, it still needs to be able to hold up in FPV, so i wouldnt see it going any less than 1k. if anything i know i can probably find some hidden geometry inside of some of the connecting pieces and consolidate those.
@Ben: thanks for that pic. ill definitely use that to rework the geometry. ill try and connect some of the pieces so baking can be made easier.
ALSO! in general, how bad would it be to have 5 or 6 (just tossing a number but anything higher than 3) edges connecting to a single point on a flat surface. i mean, if i need 4 edges on 1 side of a part of this, and 1 edge on the other side, would it be ok to run ALL of those edges to 1 point?
When it gets down to a final Ingame mesh, you dont have any reason to worry about how many triangles your creating.
It just doesn't matter, unless your smoothing the flat faces with a corner, in whits case you STILL usually cant afford to add in supporting edges, it just comes with the territory.
Just make sure you don't get any radical smoothing errors across the flat surface and beyond that, go for optimization. Its a balancing act for sure, but that's why its game art :P
good luck
Thanks a lot ayoub, thats really helpful!
Unfortunately I didn't get as much done today as I hoped, but I cleaned up the cuts and got those ready to be detailed tomorrow. I also added all the 'entrances' to the ship hull in a style that should look realistic (peeled forward panels).
Tomorrow I hope to finish off the hull damage on the middle cut and add the holes for the rooms which will be accessible from there. I'll also add the cuts for some more of the doorways into the cabin area. I will have to make some general shelling scale models for the doors and hatches at this point.
Forgot to upload a shot last night so heres the progress so far, I've added all the holes and entrances necessary (actually I forgot a hatch on the top, derp) and I've almost finished adding the damage to the hull itself, all the rest of the damage will be added with instanced bits and pieces.
Oh and heres the start on some of the details, probably going to remake some of it though, as they are just shelling meshes.
Myles : Can you post your reference? Might help out to compare it.
Hboybowden : the arm looking pretty cool , post more cloth informaton
cool concept tokoya , hope too see the progress soon
finished baking and fixing my normals and AO. and i started to add some color just to get a feel of it. i may still play around with them. ill start on texturing tomorrow. (and its down to 8.4k tris now.
Oniram - Fantastic bake! Not too sure about the turquoise, it works well by the stock, but not on the larger circle below the scope, keep going though man, looks beastly! (PS I'd love to shoot this gun, and I'm not even a gun fan.)
So I finally passed my gameplay shelling stage today (yay!). Incase people werent aware this is part of proper map for the retail game Depth. I also have to do the bow. Now that I've finished shelling the gameplay meshes though I can start shelling all the detail meshes and work on the uv's on the larger bits. Probably got another 3/4 weeks before this is close to shipping quality
Myles Depth is something I've been looking forward to for awhile (sharks and the deep sea scare me )
the flow of the level is looking solid with lot's of connecting bits and I'm looking forward to seeing with what you do with what I'm assuming is a control station in the upper level top pic. I can also imagine the shark players setting up some nasty traps when the divers try to cross the gap in the last pic :poly130: