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The world ends today.



  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    man i hate really judgmental gods, fuck there worse than hipsters.
  • Zephiris
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    Zephiris polygon
    "Judgment Day has come and passed, but it was a spiritual judgment on the world," he explains. "There is no more salvation. Salvation is over with. The fact is we have 153 days, and on the 21st of October, the world will end."
    So the end of the world moved from one day before my dad's birthday to one day before my birthday? Amazing, 2 things to look forward to :)
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    passerby wrote: »
    man i hate really judgmental gods, fuck there worse than hipsters.

    well he did create them in his image.
  • Jeremy Tabor
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    Jeremy Tabor polycounter lvl 14
    1 day after my birthday. Guess I need to party then :)

    Hehe, my 21st birthday actually was on May 21, so me and my buds made sure we were at the bar at 12:00 am, May 21st just to play it safe. lol. Getting raptured in a bar may have been out of the question anyway...

    And Scudz, that link led me to this. Funny stuff.
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Robat wrote: »
    Hehe, my 21st birthday actually was on May 21, so me and my buds made sure we were at the bar at 12:00 am, May 21st just to play it safe. lol. Getting raptured in a bar may have been out of the question anyway...

    And Scudz, that link led me to this. Funny stuff.

    My 22nd bday was on May 21st, I stood outside staring at the sky at 6 hoping that the zombie's would rise, couldn't wait to drive over them to the nearest gun store :D
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14

    Lol...I dont understand...his math made so much sense.

    See....5 = atonement, 10 = completeness, and 17 = heaven. Got it!
  • Mark Dygert
    DDuckworth wrote: »
    My 22nd bday was on May 21st, I stood outside staring at the sky at 6 hoping that the zombie's would rise, couldn't wait to drive over them to the nearest gun store :D
    Oh they rose... it just takes a while for them to claw their way through 6ft of dirt! It takes a while to get things going, as soon as more recently deceased people become reanimated and start making more recently deceased people we can fully roll out the zombie hunting. In the mean time while society is still functioning you should make sure you have enough supplies.

    You will need:
    Some kind of vehicle, trucks are good, they can be equipped with snow plows and can haul other survivors or supplies, like a dirt bike or food and water.
    Plenty of sturdy melee weapons, think casey jones and his golf bag.
    One or two long range weapons, preferably with common ammo types or with reusable ammunition, lets face it if they're chewing on your face you failed to play a few of the only safe cards you have.
    Food and water, gotta stay hydrated and well fed.

    Also some short sighted people are only stocking up only on zombie supplies, remember that the gates of hell and several plagues will also be unleashed. The name of the game isn't survival its just being the last human to go down. Remember there is no honor in feeding other survivors to the demon hordes, but hey, he who lives the longest gets to write history!
  • Ride
    So some random dude predicts that the world will end and somehow gets nearly global coverage.

    Who needs to hire a marketing company if that's all you have to do?
  • ScudzAlmighty
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    Mark, all you really need is one of these;


    Oh... My... Fucking... Gawd! WANT!
    If only it could also toast bread. :(
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Maph wrote: »
    Oh... My... Fucking... Gawd! WANT!
    If only it could also toast bread. :(
    1. put bread on shovel
    2. put shovel over fire
    3. ENJOY
  • Mark Dygert
    Mark, all you really need is one of these;
    That's hot, the use at 3:45 has great potential in keeping those bitters at bay. Hopefully society can hold it together for me to order one or two... fingers crossed!
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Wahlgren wrote: »
    "Judgment Day has come and passed, but it was a spiritual judgment on the world," he explains. "There is no more salvation. Salvation is over with. The fact is we have 153 days, and on the 21st of October, the world will end."

    ORGY TIME!!!

  • slipsius
    that guy made 85 MILLION dollars from this.... no joke...
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    His "math" is ....er... interesting.


    5 = atonement
    10 = completeness
    17 = heaven.

    OF COURSE!!!

    Seriously though...his math reminds me of Jim Carrey in The Number 23.
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    Religious people need to understand that non-believers look at them the same way that religious people look at Harold Camping and his camp.
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Speak for yourself. I know a number of Christians whose intelligence I greatly respect, and I imagine in different social circles I'd be able to say the same about followers of other religions as well.
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    Camping belief on left, Christian belief on Right


    But Zach Fowler has a point... I shouldn't presume to speak for all non-believers, i apologize for that.

    so let me retract my statement and say that "Some non-believers look at moderate religious people the same way that religious people look upon harld camping and his crew"
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Speak for yourself. I know a number of Christians whose intelligence I greatly respect, and I imagine in different social circles I'd be able to say the same about followers of other religions as well.

    Well, Virtuosic can speak for both himself and me then. :)

    Anyways, it's not a thing about intelligence. It's a thing about delusions. People look at these rapture nutters and say "Hah! Aren't they silly and deluded". That's how myself (and many other non-believers) see religion in general. It's not saying that the people are all a bunch of gibbering morons. Just that they believe some crazy ass shit.
  • Zephiris
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    Zephiris polygon
    HonkyPunch wrote: »
    1. put bread on shovel
    2. put shovel over fire
    3. ENJOY

    I'm all for the super shovel, but, would you really want your bread roasted on the same shovel you've used to slay rotting zombies? You'd have to order and carry around two of them to have one stay clean... or three if you plan to dual wield them in battle.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    Well, Virtuosic can speak for both himself and me then. :)

    Anyways, it's not a thing about intelligence. It's a thing about delusions. People look at these rapture nutters and say "Hah! Aren't they silly and deluded". That's how myself (and many other non-believers) see religion in general. It's not saying that the people are all a bunch of gibbering morons. Just that they believe some crazy ass shit.

    kind of agree, I don't disrespect the moral values some of the religions try to teach but the entire part of people taking biblical stories literal just confuses me .

    Why would you live your life in fear, waiting for something better when you might be wasting away the only real life you will ever have.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    because you *might* have to spend ETERNITY in HELL. fear is an interesting thing.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    Jim Jefferies sums it all up pretty nicely IMO. He's kinda rough on religious people but I feel he's got quite a few points.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    konstruct wrote: »
    because you *might* have to spend ETERNITY in HELL. fear is an interesting thing.

    Also, I think it's that people seem to have some need to believe they are special. Believe in religion and god because there *must* be some greater plan, some special reason for you to exist. Believe in the rapture because *you* are part of the special generation, the ones who will be there at the end, and only *you* and a select few will see heaven. Sure it means believing in fear. But it's a fear caused by something that proves that you are special.

    Can see it in lots of other parts of society too. Conspiracy nuts have that kind of mindset in spades. :P Of course most people can't see the "truth" but *you* are looking behind the curtain, seeing what's really going on.

    (That's just my speculation atleast. Based off of some talks and the like I've watched on the subject.)
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Mark, all you really need is one of these;


    Wow Scudz I thought I was going to laugh my ass off but that was just awesome! :D

    Also mark I was heading for the dicks sporting goods to get some crossbows (reusable ammo) but that sounded more lame than gun store haha.

    As for Melee weapons, i'm all set, got a machine shop full of shovels, saws, and other various things that can easily be crafted into deadlies!
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    Anyways, it's not a thing about intelligence. It's a thing about delusions. (snip) It's not saying that the people are all a bunch of gibbering morons. Just that they believe some crazy ass shit.

    I would actually be pretty surprised if you know what the particular folks I have in mind really believe, and why they believe it. It might be quite different from what you suspect. Or from what I suspect, for that matter.

    One of the most important things I've learned over the years is how little I know, just how limited each of our individual experiences are. It's really tempered the way that I look at people who think differently from me. There's definitely a lot of people out there who believe "crazy ass shit" -- I remember a guy I worked with in a warehouse once who refused to donate blood because of some bizarre religious reason. But at the same time, there is so much variety and complexity to each individual, and every group, and culture, that my reaction to hearing some strange new divergent belief isn't "what a bunch of crazy shit" but "why would someone believe that?"

    Of course, you can rationalize it by thinking that someone desperate for answers would just be willing to take something that makes some weird sense of the universe, just for the sake of having something. And that definitely does happen. But most of the religious people I've met who I have the greatest respect for have been people with no desperate situation, no cautionary tales, no sad hole in their existence to fill or painful experience to justify. They don't hate themselves or want other people to hate themselves. They don't talk to non-believers like you or me condescendingly. And yet they still take their beliefs very seriously.

    So I dunno. I guess I'm just saying, be careful how much you think you know about people.

    On a lighter note, that shovel is fucking awesome. I'll take three.
  • kaze369
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    kaze369 polycounter lvl 8
    Luckily the rapture didn't come because Sunday was my birthday.:)

    Maybe, we should make May 21st Rapture Day and everyone parties like it's the end of the world.
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    kaze369 wrote: »
    Luckily the rapture didn't come because Sunday was my birthday.:)

    Maybe, we should make May 21st Rapture Day and everyone parties like it's the end of the world.

    I support this.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    I would actually be pretty surprised if you know what the particular folks I have in mind really believe, and why they believe it. It might be quite different from what you suspect. Or from what I suspect, for that matter.

    One of the most important things I've learned over the years is how little I know, just how limited each of our individual experiences are. It's really tempered the way that I look at people who think differently from me. There's definitely a lot of people out there who believe "crazy ass shit" -- I remember a guy I worked with in a warehouse once who refused to donate blood because of some bizarre religious reason. But at the same time, there is so much variety and complexity to each individual, and every group, and culture, that my reaction to hearing some strange new divergent belief isn't "what a bunch of crazy shit" but "why would someone believe that?"

    Of course, you can rationalize it by thinking that someone desperate for answers would just be willing to take something that makes some weird sense of the universe, just for the sake of having something. And that definitely does happen. But most of the religious people I've met who I have the greatest respect for have been people with no desperate situation, no cautionary tales, no sad hole in their existence to fill or painful experience to justify. They don't hate themselves or want other people to hate themselves. They don't talk to non-believers like you or me condescendingly. And yet they still take their beliefs very seriously.

    So I dunno. I guess I'm just saying, be careful how much you think you know about people.

    On a lighter note, that shovel is fucking awesome. I'll take three.

    Thank you, Zach. :) It's nice to know there are those out there who can respect and appreciate someone as an individual regardless of their beliefs. People don't understand how hurtful it is when you're compared to a large category of people and labeled as "another religious nut case."

    PS: Don't be stealin' my idea dudes, I wanted to celebrate rapture day before it was even cool.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    I would actually be pretty surprised if you know what the particular folks I have in mind really believe, and why they believe it. It might be quite different from what you suspect. Or from what I suspect, for that matter.

    There's a chance that you know some unique snowflakes who'd flabbergast me with their insightful and unique belief system and reasons for having it. But honestly - that's very unlikely.

    Anyways, the point is that just because a person's delusions can be labeled religion doesn't mean they stop being delusions. This isn't saying anything about how nice that person is, or how intelligent or anything of the sort. It's just saying that they have delusions.

    And quite honestly, I don't think it serves any good for society to do differently. It's nice to pretend that everyone's beliefs are equal and good and everything is lovely. That's not the case though. Not saying everyone doesn't have a right to their beliefs. But with that comes the fact that we need to be able to openly discuss beliefs, and be honest about them. And if we aren't allowed to point out when a specific belief system is flawed we can't have honest discussion.

    Anyways, I'm not saying anything against religious *people*. I grew up in a religious household, going to religious schools, in a very religious community. I have lots of good friends and family who are quite religious, who I also respect and think are great people. That does not mean that their belief system is suddenly perfect and valid though. :P

    [edit] Makkon - Again, this has nothing to do with what I (or the majority of us heathens) think about you personally(I think you seem like a cool dude actually). That said, we need to be able to discuss all belief systems honestly. Especially religious ones that have a huge impact on our lives that we are forced to live with whether or not it's what we want. Also - remember, pretty much all of the Abrahamic religions have doctrines that say far, far worse things about me than I'd ever say about even my worst enemy. Thus, I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings to hear what we think, but it's only fair that we get our say. :P
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    I grew up semi religiously, cynicism and life experience made me not believe in it, and now-a-days it seems.. odd to believe it.

    I'll admit that most of what I see of religion are the bad parts. The ones that deny science (science doesn't deny religion, it's just facts, you can still choose to be religious), the ones that want to impose religion on children instead of science, those who are against critical thinking, those who are against asking questions, those who are against people making their own choices.

    And that fills me with anger, seeing these people feeling entitled to defy logic and ruin other peoples lives, just because they read it.

    But in the end.. Religion doesn't define you, it's just part of you, and most people who are religious are awesome people, same goes for mostly anything really.

    Vocal minority being given screen time is the problem here.

    Heck these days I've even started wondering, I guess all people do.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    [edit] Makkon - Again, this has nothing to do with what I (or the majority of us heathens) think about you personally(I think you seem like a cool dude actually). That said, we need to be able to discuss all belief systems honestly. Especially religious ones that have a huge impact on our lives that we are forced to live with. They are also a systems that generally considers us a bunch of sinful people that are due to an eternity of torment. Thus, I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings to hear what we think, but it's only fair that we get our say. Remember, pretty much all of the Abrahamic religions have doctrines that say far, far worse things about me than I'd ever say about even my worst enemy. :P

    I appreciate your insightful and honest words, and I completely agree that we all should be open with how we feel and what we think.
    At the same time, you may not realize it, but you are still overgeneralizing. I don't believe that people who disbelieve in god or live a particular lifestyle are going to hell. I never have. Neither does the religious organization that I belong to:
    For many of these people who are open to religious faith, one issue has been particularly troubling. They have had a difficult time reconciling the correct doctrine that we have a loving Father in Heaven and the incorrect doctrine that most of mankind would be doomed to eternal hell...
    ...The Anglican church leader and classical scholar Frederic Farrar, the author of The Life of Christ, lamented in lectures in Westminster Abbey that the common teachings of the Protestant churches with respect to hell were incorrect. He asserted that a definition of hell which included endless torment and everlasting damnation was the result of translation errors from Hebrew and Greek to English in the King James Version of the Bible. Farrar also noted the overwhelming demonstration of a loving Father in Heaven throughout the Bible as additional evidence that the definitions of hell and damnation used in the English translation were incorrect. http://lds.org/general-conference/2009/04/our-fathers-plan-big-enough-for-all-his-children?lang=eng&query=hell
    Please understand that not all Abrahamic/Christian beliefs are the same. You will be pleasantly surprised how different they can be.

    Skamberin wrote:
    But in the end.. Religion doesn't define you, it's just part of you, and most people who are religious are awesome people, same goes for mostly anything really.

    Vocal minority being given screen time is the problem here.

  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    It's amazing polycount is talking religion, that shovel owns on multiple levels and just imagine how many people said screw It and tossed the condom thinking It was the end.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Follow my logic here:

    I'm an atheist sinner, so I'm going to hell. Good people will go to heaven. Since I go to one place, and good people go to another place, that means we won't be together. And spending eternity without me IS hell.

    Therefore, all religious people are going to hell.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Um, bible says no one knows the day or the hour when GOD comes back in Mathew 24:36 ( WAIT< OMG! I actualy gave a bible verse instead of saying the bible says this or that without giving evidence! SCANDALOUS!)

    so...yeah. Plus one to parroting and ignorance -_-
  • Mark Dygert
    Skamberin wrote: »
    I grew up semi religiously, cynicism and life experience made me not believe in it, and now-a-days it seems.. odd to believe it.

    I'll admit that most of what I see of religion are the bad parts. The ones that deny science (science doesn't deny religion, it's just facts, you can still choose to be religious), the ones that want to impose religion on children instead of science, those who are against critical thinking, those who are against asking questions, those who are against people making their own choices.

    And that fills me with anger, seeing these people feeling entitled to defy logic and ruin other peoples lives, just because they read it.

    But in the end.. Religion doesn't define you, it's just part of you, and most people who are religious are awesome people, same goes for mostly anything really.

    Vocal minority being given screen time is the problem here.

    Heck these days I've even started wondering, I guess all people do.
    Well put. I agree and as with everything, people focus on the negative and rarely reflect on the good. But that isn't religious persecution its just what draws peoples attention, which I think on most levels is hardwired into most people. Your survival and well being depend on your ability to learn as much as you possibly can about dangerous or negative situations so you don't fall victim to them.

    Happiness comes at the avoidance of negative and dangerous things, so we pay attention to the negative things more often. Which is why I think fire and brimstone, doom and gloom preaching works on a lot of people and why it gets so much attention.
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