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SciFi Soldier - C&C Welcome

polycounter lvl 8
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dogzer polycounter lvl 8
Comming soon: helmet and add-ons.


Two of his guns, I'm supposed to make it 'upgradeable', or 'modular', so there's the base gun, and the top changes to other things.




  • Addieo
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    Wow great character! The guns looks a little plastic though?
  • dogzer
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    dogzer polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah, it does.. I did the metallic scratches on the edges, but it's missing something, maybe some sort of metal texture? But not sure what! I don't know what are guns really made of :-0
  • Ikosan
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    to make the material feel more metal i'd suggest uping the specular intensity and tightening the focus, you could also try adding a reflection/spherical ambient map to it
  • Mik2121
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    Mik2121 polycounter lvl 9
    It might be because he's not wearing a helmet... but there's something that's really bugging me about his head. It seems to be a bit too big, or the shoulders not wide enough. And perhaps the knees and forearms are a tiny bit too short. Try changing the balance there and you will most likely get a more appealing character.

    Also, doesn't the armor have way too many attached details? (the light grey parts). Other than that, it's looking pretty good (better than what I could do... I hate doing characters :P).

    Oh, oh, oh.. and another thing. You might want to have some extra color. Be it red, yellow, blue or whatever you want.. to use as extra detail accents. The red stripes near his butt and the yellow emblem on his shoulder are a bit hard to spot at first.
  • dogzer
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    dogzer polycounter lvl 8
    @Mik2121: Human proportions is something I've always had to work hard to get right. Every time I get a little better, thought! And the fact he's actually covered by that armor adds a little challenge to it.

    I think he's got big'ish head, it could be just a tad bit smaller. Another thing I've noticed is the face, it's just a tad bit 'big' as well, covers a 5~10% of the face more than it should? (for an average face).
    Right now he looks, I don't know, russian, maybe, haha!

    You think I've overdone it with the light-gray details? Maybe there should be places for the "eyes to rest", if you know what I mean. I think I might have forced myself to raise my bar on the detail-amount, and I might have forgotten about aesthetics! But I don't think it's too bad, right?

    Yes, about the colors, so it's not just me. At first the armor was pretty much monochrome, only shades of that blue-ish color, then I decided to add the decals. I was planning on having different sets of armor textures, actually, like desert camo, snow camo, spec ops, know what I mean? So textures are still subject to a lot of modifications.

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