man! this game look so WIn already,is studio behind Just Cause who made this? ,
remind me to old school Jackal in NES combined with Nuclear strike in ps-one
Wohoo, Avalanche Studios go go go! xD They already have the engine for Just Cause 2 so yeah I guess this is an easy and awesome way to get some money in. They make me proud to be a Swede xD Looks amazing!
Just played the trial on 360, went to buy MSP to get the full immediately.
Love it! Gameplay is just really satisfying, the upgrade unlock things look like they'll add even more value and it looks great.
It was on my radar due to my friends at Avalanche so I picked it up day one. Without pumping there ego too far it is a fantastic little game, perfect for the end of a long working day. Breaks out something new JUST before you feel its getting a little on the repetitive side. Art and visual effects are strong throughout.
Like Trials HD and Shadow Complex I keep coming back to it! Would welcome some Polycount Co-op!
I might even buy it again with some guys at work (4PACK), to play at lunch!! It's that great, really. Gonna go on xbox now, hope somebody's there to play with!
edit: there was noone, andre and sean left like 15 mins before :x
Just played the trial on xbox. finished it pretty quick (playing on casual for the trial). Once I finished it, it was the easiest buy in a long time. Without even thinking about it, i picked up the full game. SO good! Well done devs. well done! cant wait to level my guy up and being uber!
Going to play it at a friends split screen tonight hopefully
Played a few levels today, its fun, I really enjoy the physics and how the car steers
did die once when the car was stuck sideways against a tank while it pounded away at me, that wasnt cool. Also get stuck on the environment and do rolls and stuff a lot.
Also, the sound... every single time someone narrates something it cuts just after the end... when they start saying the next thing..
so "get to the choppa! n" followed by "now open your boot. a" or something.. its painful when there is a lot of spoken dialogue cut up into sentences.
Reminds me of Return Fire from back in the day:
im not sure if it was the same one or not, but there was also one where you were a helicopter
You can be a helicopter in Return Fire too.
Maybe you're thinking of Desert Strike?
Love it! Gameplay is just really satisfying, the upgrade unlock things look like they'll add even more value and it looks great.
ps3 breaks down 2 days before release (fixed now though! ye!)
can get free codes from work, didn't have to buy..
not sure what to feel ;D
will give it a go when I get home today I guess
Like Trials HD and Shadow Complex I keep coming back to it! Would welcome some Polycount Co-op!
My gamertag is my last name. Wahlgren.
If you guys wanna add me
edit: there was noone, andre and sean left like 15 mins before :x
Xoliul: We may have to do a little coordinating here, haha.
use an xbox controller... the keyboard has a BRUTAL control scheme. Devs - WASD is NOT a joystick..... dont try and make it act like one!
Played a few levels today, its fun, I really enjoy the physics and how the car steers
did die once when the car was stuck sideways against a tank while it pounded away at me, that wasnt cool. Also get stuck on the environment and do rolls and stuff a lot.
Also, the sound... every single time someone narrates something it cuts just after the end... when they start saying the next thing..
so "get to the choppa! n" followed by "now open your boot. a" or something.. its painful when there is a lot of spoken dialogue cut up into sentences.