They got in through a window, broke it and ripped out the blinds. They took my PC, three monitors, wacom tablet, and worst of all... my back up harddrive. I'm going to be beating my head against the wall for months wishing I had hid it. I didn't have any tracking software on my pc. My xbox 360 was also taken. I should have most of the serial numbers to follow up with the police report, but I doubt I'll be seeing any of my stuff again.
I filed the insurance claim today; I'll be talking with them tomorrow morning. Some of my work is on servers, but this will be a huge set-back. Live and learn...
Has anyone else been through this before?
UPDATE: I forgot I had dropbox installed on my pc. I never realized your account info tells you the last ip address and time. They haven't been online yet, but I'll know it if they do.
UPDATE 5/20: So these guys FINALLY got online. The investigator has the IP address in hand. Now we have to wait for two search warrants to go through. One for the internet service provider and one for the home where the pc is. Hopefully it will still be there...
I just remembered I installed dropbox about a week ago. They haven't plugged it up to the internet yet... but I'll be checking my account frequently to see if there's any new activity.
Also might want to check local pawn shops over the next week or two. Good luck man.
Thanks. I'll be giving the police the serial numbers, which they'll put in the system for pawn shops. I've also been checking craigslist and ebay.
Sucks ass bro. I put all my latest work on Dropbox just in case.
I hope those arseholes are stupid enough to turn on your computer so you can track them down!
I really ought to get a dedicated external backup HDD come to think of it...
doesnt save your hardware, but the work.
I guess its time to back up again and this time squirrel it away in the walls... online and just about any other place someone can't get their hands on it.
My laptop was yanked by a school janitor 2 years ago and the student affairs department was unwilling to act in the face of overwhelming evidence. My bag turned up in one of the ceiling tiles on the same floor that it was stolen just 6 months ago. By then the guy had already been fired for another theft, but he had gotten away with my comp and the books in my bag. The school is still unwilling to look at the possibility that the thefts were related... :poly127:
All I can say is that you should be as reasonably proactive as you can be in helping the investigation along. I mean, don't get in the way, but if you feel like information is being ignored, push to have it looked at. Initially, the school wasn't going to review (or even let me look at) the security tapes, until I walked up to the director of facilities and personally requested to see them. Prior to that I had gone to the Dean of Student Affairs, where I was actually told, "Sorry, but it's not worth our time."
Sorry for the majority of that being my personal experience, but I was trying to make a point, and I think there may be a lesson in there somewhere.
But good luck man. Keep your head up, and regardless of the outcome, I hope this doesn't set you back too far.
Luckily like you I had insurance! Hope you get sorted quick
I hope you're able to dig up a lot of your missing work and at least get some amount of compensation for your stolen stuff
If you can't afford to get a real security system (hardware and service fees are insane), just put breakage sensors on your windows and a loudspeaker that could wake the dead to scare them off (on a battery backup). Motion lights help too. Put deadbolts on all exterior doors, even the garage. Get yourself a NAS with a security case you can lock and bolt to the floor to prevent data loss. Bolt your desk to the floor if possible and use security cables to secure your displays to the desk. It's not perfect, but the harder they have to work to get your stuff, the more likely they will be to just look for an easier target. Don't place anything near the house that will give them access to the upper floors and always be certain to lock all of the windows (upstairs too), lock up your ladders out of reach inside the garage. If they get access to the garage, they will use your tools to break into your house and remove your stuff.
If you nail them down or make It impossible to take I bet they'd just get mad and break It to fug up your day even more, better than stolen I guess.
Tracking the IP is a waste of time. It's too easy to conceal your location. A proxy will make IP tracking worthless.
Yes, and all home burgling hoodlums use proxy's. I think your giving whoever stole the guy's stuff a little too much credit.
Hitmon, I hope whoever broke in to your house is at least as dumb as the guy in my story.
I'm sure it was someone within a couple blocks of my home. We live in a "transition area." Remodeled houses, new houses, old houses all mixed in together. Our house is one of the more expensive homes on the street, granted were talking under 150k, but it's still a target because of what's around us.
They were probably expecting a lot more stuff. We still don't have a tv and my pc is long over-due for an overhaul. They took my intuos 3 but not the pen lol. These crooks have no idea what they stole. Still no internet activity though. I'm starting to worry they wiped it clean.
I had security film installed on the "high risk" windows instead of the whole house to save some cash. The window they broke into was the last window I would have expected to get broken into. Serves me right for cutting corners. We're doing it right this time. Every window is getting film and we're finally getting an alarm system. When I get a new machine, that sucker is getting bolted to the floor. Also, I'm going to start wearing my backup hdd like a chastity belt.
Learn from my mistakes! Back up online and and hide your backup drives!!!!
Good luck and I hope you bounce back from this stronger then before!
Hope you bust some computer stealin peeps up (by which i mean police apprehend them and you can get all your stuff back ^^).
Hope this works out positively for you
Now dropbox is giving me an ip address in Pennsylvania.... I live in South Carolina. The last ip was in my city just a few hours ago. Any thoughts on how this could be?
i've been toying with the idea for a while now...
I'm assuming it's the buyer. That would explain why it took a week for any online activity. Regardless of what really is going on, come monday that household will have an officer knocking on their door with a warrant. I'll take what I can get...
Cops went to the address attained from IP with warrant. It was some kid that lives with his grandma. They supposedly just brought it over to "check it out" and then left. I also had internet content tracking software, and it looks like all they got online to do was google the CPU sticker on the case (probably to try and figure out what it's worth).
The most recent activity is still in PA a few days ago. The investigator is doing the rounds with that IP now, but I've pretty much lost all hope
On the bright side, UPS has been visiting me everyday this week
Now to see if marmoset and 3dmotive will be nice enough to let me download their stuff again...
Keep your new stuff safe, thieves like to come back and hit ya again once you get new stuff.
They got a first name and description. Unfortunately, the system has its flaws.
We've made a lot of security changes since it went down. But I still keep a glock 45 next to me when I'm home.
Well he lives in South Carolina and the address was in Pennsylvania, so not that close.
That's the second IP. He didn't say where the first IP was :P
Ah, I don't think they have one. I think they only went online in his city and at that kids house in PA. I wouldn't think they'd go online again now after the police visited that kid's house.
The warrant didn't go through till this Tuesday, and the PA IP was picked up last Friday. They're still working on the PA one.