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Moroccan Environment

polycounter lvl 15
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iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15

Latest Update:

This is the remains of my BRAWl entry. The BRAWL deadline ended up coinciding with a work deadline. Push came to shove and I abandoned ship.

But I'm back on it now and plan on re-purposing the assets for an environment thats a little more expanded. I'll probably try and keep to the 4096 texture map size however. At least for the time being.

So for those that are interested here is the origonal BRAWL thread here.

And this is how far I had got:

I have decided to start with a small street and go from there. If I can i'll expand into a more substantial scene that can be walked around a little bit.

But this is where I'm at the moment:




Textures and models still rough.


  • DamaGames
    Excellent .. I like lighting
  • ayoub44
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    ayoub44 polycounter lvl 10
    i'm from morroco :D .. and i love your environment

    it's similar to prince of persia 3 desing :) ... good luck
  • sgtmus
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    sgtmus polycounter lvl 14
    Really impressive. :)
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks sgtmus & DamaGames

    Ayoub44 glad you approve :). Someone else mentioned an assassins creed feel as well. Trying to keep a nice bright, colourful environment, so Prince of Persia is the right direction.

    Here is the texture sheet for the buildings, this accounts for most of the models you see, all except the steps and the arch way. And not the sky of course, which is currently a map that came with UDK.
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    cool idea, but from what i've seen of the tanning pits, they don't go beyond the ground level. It seems like you have a pretty extensive environment here, so I would keep the tanning pits on the ground which would let you create new and different areas for the upper levels of the city. Oh, and more colors in the pits would be cool.
    Those are my thoughts on the large area.

    The small area you have is really cool. I don't think you need to go further for the moment. You could just focus on that small hallway area and make something really nice. Morocco seems like a bustling and crowded city. If you put market stalls and a bunch of crap in that hallway and make if feel slightly claustrophobic I think you'd have a really nice scene and you wouldn't have to change the lighting or any of the work you've already done.
    I don't know if you've played final fantasy 12, but something like the Nalbina Fortress market would be cool.


    I can't find any other good pictures, but you get the point.
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    oh, and some alphas and transmission masks would be cool on those awnings.

    And what is the size of that texture sheet? 1024? 2048?
  • ayoub44
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    ayoub44 polycounter lvl 10
    some referene can help you :)


  • polygonfreak
    Those pits are crazy, I wounder what would happen if some one fell in.... oh wait there is a guy in one of them.

    Nice scene. I do have a question, the lattice on the top, are those meshes?
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    polygonfreak and P442 Yeah, the tanneries, are more ore less all on one level, the reason I raised them was because it was for the BRAWL competition, and I was reinventing the Mortal Kombat "The Pit" arena.

    But now I am now kind of trying to make it more of a realistic environment rather than continuing the with the Brawl/MK theme. So I have stripped everything back to that small environment, I will build it to a nice busy environment, etc, slowly expanding to a wider scene. Thats the plan anyway.

    polygonfreak The lattice is made of two alpha planes, one set slightly above the other to give the illusion of depth. Although you can't really notice that from this distance.
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 20
    Quite nice so far. The only thing I would say is that the steps could use more detail, they look really low poly at the moment. And the darkened edge of the texture is repeating a bit too obviously.
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    TorQue[MoD] Thanks, the texture on there is still a little place holder.

    A small update:

    Some sketches to work out tillable assets etc:


    Been a little stuck on direction so threw some scribbles and photos over a screen grab just to get a feel for where I wanted to be going. Its no where near a "concept" but enough to keep me going.
  • Pixelz
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    Pixelz polycounter lvl 9
    this enviro looks just like a level in that "the first templar" game. very nice !
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    yep, smaller assets and some 'life' is just what its lacking, good work so far tho :)
  • Jozzy
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    Jozzy polycounter lvl 8
    Eh, your texture is too plain. You need to work on it. I like the concept though.
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 20
    Definitely a good paint over. The scene will look great with all that extra junk lying around. I don't know what texture Jozzy is talking about, but I think everything in that screenshot looks great! Plenty of detail in the textures.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I think your paint over ideas are really going to sell this well. They are some great ideas and will add a lot. You might look at working in some intricate tile work trim pieces in areas.

  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    jeffro Thanks for the feedback. Agreed. I have been looking at more and reference, (SkyScraperCity is an amazing site for reference material BTW/) and alot of buildings feature very ornate details.

    TorQue[MoD], Pixelz & shrew81 Cheers for the crits.
    06-04-2011 08:55 PM

    JozzyThe textures are still lacking normal, spec maps, etc. if thats what you are referring to?

    Started on a shutter door. I have been holding off on using mudbox until I got a workflow in place. Now that Im on a bit of a (slow) roll id thought id see how it goes.

    This looks a little 'blobby' because its not on the highest subdiv level, PC couldn't handle it all at once :s.
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    Bake and first texture pass. Some smoothing group/normal map issues around some of the edges I think. They have about 1024x1024 texture space.

    Very quick placement too, just testing them out. M

  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 20
    The only problem I'd say is that those cracks you just added to the highres now make re-using that asset way too obvious. I'd either make a modified version of the model for the second smaller frame, or make the cracks less obvious. Looks especially bad when you see the U shaped crack on mirrored on the side there.
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    TorQue[MoD] Good point. What I will probably do is move the crack to the side, so that it can only be seen from one side at a time. That should help make the mirroring less obvious.
  • Pixelz
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    Pixelz polycounter lvl 9
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    Working on some assets to start putting together some shops and stalls. I want to try and get all the corners & shelves full of small details.





    I placed some shelves across the wall for now, ill probably swap them out at some point for something more appropriate, but this is the kind of thing im going for: image, image

    [EDIT] Almost forgot:

    A few sketches/doodles of some of the other assets I had in mind:

  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 20
    The shelves look fine. Once they're full of stuff, I don't think anyone is going to notice the shelves themselves. No need to replace the later.

    Keep it up, this is starting to look really nice!
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    Started a few treasures and trinkets, also spent some time playing with the Xoliu shader and the set up tut. I had used it before but never really took the time to understand it properly.

    Inital bake; Some dodgy bits in the AO around where are yoused some floating geometry but pretty happy with it. Still need to find a balance with those sharp edges too. I'm going to play with some UDK material to get the appearance that there is a candle or something inside. Also to note this a very large texture that will be scaled down.


    Not so interesting a bin/container thing for a stall, to fill with fruit,nuts etc. I stayed a lil later at work and had a go at using the cintiq with mudbox, so much fun! Took some getting used to but looking forward to trying it out with something a bit more adventurous. :D
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    Still chipping away at this.

    Some assets to populate the market stalls.
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 20
    very nice! Like the details.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Very cool stuff, cannot wait to see more. Loving your consistency and strong value choices!
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    Excuse me while I blow the dust of this project.

    Its been a (very long) while since I’ve made a pimping post. I have had some spare time recently and was able to consider working on a personal project again. Rather than start something completely new I wanted to have a go at finishing a project I’d already started, but not had time to finish, so I’ve been looking back over my Moroccan environment. When I last toyed around with it I felt I was lacking some direction so I’ve gone back to the drawing board a little to be sure I have an genuine understanding of what I want to achieve. I’d like to bring back some of the original assets that I’d built previously, but for now I’ve spent a while blocking out the environment so I have something to work to. Previously I was creating modular assets but with out any real thought to what I wanted the environment to look like as a whole. I think this is part of the reason the project began to falter.

    I wasn't particularly sold on my original art direction either. I had plenty of ideas, but once this was was no longer going to be based on the Polycount challenge it kind of lost its purpose and things stalled. I'm trying to rectify that by being a little more focused. I spent a long while looking through photos and videos taken from around Morocco and kept coming back to Chefchaouen, Morocco’s Blue City. The blue rinse buildings are very striking, especially when played off against vibrant colours from foliage and market stalls. Some of the reference material below is also from the city of Jodhpur, India. Besides being another example of a Blue City, it had some interesting shapes and silhouettes, that being said, we wanted to hold to the Moorish architecture of Morocco.

    And by ‘we’ I mean Scrawld URL="http://www.scrawledpages.co.uk"]site[/URL and I. After both getting our first industry jobs a year or so ago we have had little time for personal projects and so together we thought we might actually stand a chance of completing something.

    I think that’s enough talk for now… here are some pretty pictures.

    This how we have laid out the map to begin with, a really rough block out which I split into four areas, two each. It’ll be nice to complete the entire area, but for now we are concentrating on the “Street” and “Courtyard” areas in yellow and green, I have actually shortened some of the areas since this pic because they were needlessly oversized.

    These are some renders from 3Ds Max. We are pretty much blocking the whole thing out in Max and exporting huge chunks to UDK to get a feel for how it’s working. Its gone through several iterations to get to this stage. We are only now just starting to think about how we want to split things up into separate assets.



    As you can tell, some areas are still really rough, there are gaps and bounding box issues, but naturally the workflow is very iterative, by the time I’ve finished making one change Neil’s ready with another, so things will have moved on from this a little already. I just wanted to share what the block out looked like before it got split up into more modular chunks.

    I think next I’m going to focus on a single corner of the courtyard, bring back some of those assets I’d made and flesh it out, see how it looks with something in there besides coloured grids. Here are a few early assets being re-introduced into the environment.
  • urgaffel
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    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    Great to see you're back on this. Looking forward to seeing how the reboot goes :)
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    I spent a year living in morocco (alAkhawayn, for those in morocco wondering why) and I really enjoy this, you got the feeling down very well. Looking forward to seeing more. As for the chefchoen direction, it is a gorgeous but frankly extremely creepy city, definitely the strangest place I've ever spent time. The hills surrounding it are lined with hashish, and the economy there is definitely based on it. Everywhere you go in morocco tourism vendors sell the same trinkets and odds and ends, but in chef they sell hash, so it can feel uninviting if drugs is not why you came, since it just doesn't feel like morocco there.
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    urgaffel: Thanks.

    ysalex: That's rather disturbing to hear about Chefchaouen's hashish trade, especially as it looks so beautiful & picturesque in the photographs we have collected for reference. I admit the concept we have is very idyllic, with market stalls selling trinkets rather anything...untoward...

    Been working on getting a few more assets in there. Still WIP, textures are rough, models to be refined and things moved around etc, just feeling my way around the environment to see what works and what doesn't.


  • Tokusei
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    Tokusei polycounter lvl 10
    awesome work, nice to see you have come back to this project, it def looks cooler with the blue colour scheme ;3

    I visited Chefchaouen a couple of years ago and my friend took some reference imagery on his SLR. perhaps they will be useful to you guys for this project
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    Wow, thanks Tokusei. These will be really useful, especially being able to see some of the details up close.
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 20
    The layout is definitely a lot better than before. Looks like it would make a great Counter-Strike or COD map. Not a fan of the current direction with the blue. It looks like a smurf village right now. There's not enough contrast in the scene and the blue is way too saturated. Tokusei's link is full of some much better idea for the color. Mostly white buildings with a very soft desaturated blue splashed around the bottom of all the buildings. Looks much better that way.
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    TorQue[MoD] I know what you mean, the majority of the colour in Tokusei's photo's are very pastel and desaturated in comparison. I do want my colours to be slightly over saturated, to have the colours pop. Though I think once I've started adding more assets as detail, such as foliage, pots, hanging clothes, etc, I think I'll look to balance the saturation more so its splashes of colour and not all over the top.

    I have been working on a material that supports vertex painting so that I can add the kind of blue tide line, so it won't all be blue.

    This is just a bit of a demonstration but you get the idea:

    That being said I do want to have an area that is all blue, and then as you move up to higher ground, and the buildings get taller, it'll break out into more of the white with with blue patches, just to add a touch of visual change to the environment, I quite like the contrast:

    I still have to work on the specifics, but that's currently the general idea...
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 20
    yeah that works. Just pure blue would look odd. The last indie project I worked on made everything nearly completely blue and it just looks terrible. But yeah going from pure blue in some areas to white and blue in others would work well.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Even still, the color is too saturated. The only reason the left photo looks that blue is because of bounce light. The actual pigment is much more washed out - you can see this on the more backgroundish walls. I would play more with the lighting to get a bit of blue ambient in there... maybe even a post process volume or something so you sort of nicely fade?
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