Of course the vultures are at it like crazy (Kotaku mostly). Is it truly "exclusive" if it's a leak they got sent to them? And is it a good thing? Can they get into any serious shit for spread the info?
I dunno. I certainly wonder how it's happened though.
From looking at some of the pics, it looks like they were pics taken for someones portfolio. Look at all the weapon shots, seems like they were done to show off the weapons running in engine. Then again it could just be someone too pics of everything with the intention of releasing it.
I don't think those pics are real.... just me though. Either way I am not buying it.
I have been lured to buy call of duty every year, and I never really saw any change, just different setting with different player skins.... should be expansions, like Battlefield bc: Vietnam. The only way i'll be buying call of duty is either every other year, or when they actually change something and upgrade the game.
I will be to busy playing Battlefield 3 and the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.
I still like MW 2 over blackops, it was just a "tighter" game.
I am actually looking forward to MW 2, it should be fun. Hopefully they include more Co-op missions
I still like MW 2 over blackops, it was just a "tighter" game.
I am actually looking forward to MW 2, it should be fun. Hopefully they include more Co-op missions
The care package bug was pretty annoying though. I remember hearing it was a co-op game, and was pretty that it only had co-op missions. Black ops went the right direction being able to do split screen online, I hope MW3 has co-op missions AND split screen matchmaking.
Yeah pure marketing, for more of the same, copy n' paste game that will sell millions of copies
did you read the comments?
They certainly will be getting my cash. Like I mentioned below, after playing other shooters like Brink, I am starting to really appreciate the CoD / Battlefield series.
It looks... Exactly like MW2... Which looked... Exactly like MW1... Which looked... Well ok BLOPS was pretty bad, but yeah, kinda like BLOPS...
I get that you don’t just change art style etc mid way in a games development, but the engine has had zero improvements to it that stand out and hit you in the face. They reckon this one will have "destroyable environments"? Wow... So you mean you finally found the trigger>breakable brush in Radiant? Don't expect BF level of destruction here, it just wont happen from the Q3 engine like you expect. However do expect to be shooting at a few very randomly but sparsely places "pillars" that have concrete "break off" to reveal ZOMG A METAL SUPPORT.
I was one of the few that got quite into BLOPS, even MW2, and didn't really get the hate. But after giving it a break, playing other games and going back to it, its pretty clear that since COD2, COD has been all about adding as LITTLE as possible to the overall experience... I mean, after all, why bother spending time to innovate a stale franchise when it will STILL sell a few million copies on launch day?
ATM, BF3 is walking all OVER this. The only thing that could really pick this up as a day one for me is if they added a real objective based gameplay to the MP where you had to work as a team in a story related MP match, like RtCW did. I got bored of standard TDM/CTF etc years ago. The return of Spec Ops is cool, but Horde...? *yawn* What an exciting change of pace.........
TL/DR – Mod MW2 to have a three on the title screen, play the game six months early! WHODAT!
I get that you dont just change art style etc mid way in a games development, but the engine has had zero improvements to it that stand out and hit you in the face.
the difference in development cycles, make that an apples to oranges comparison. Wait, you know what? No. I was not that impressed with the engine in Portal 2. Considering how much time goes by in between valve games, I expect bigger engine improvements.
Portal 2 however made HUGE improvements in gameplay, story telling and even if you don't like so, looks a shit load better than Portal 1. Its like a different game, and was triple A in all regards.
MW2, however... Was just... Erm... Well I'll admit the music was spot on. But other than that, you could hardly tell any difference between the first and second (and BLOPS looked worse, lets face it, but thats because Treyarch have a sub-par art team really).
Portal 2 however made HUGE improvements in gameplay, story telling and even if you don't like so, looks a shit load better than Portal 1. Its like a different game, and was triple A in all regards.
MW2, however... Was just... Erm... Well I'll admit the music was spot on. But other than that, you could hardly tell any difference between the first and second (and BLOPS looked worse, lets face it, but thats because Treyarch have a sub-par art team really).
Can't disagree with any of those points. Sure it looked a shitload better then Portal 1. I Literally replayed Portal 1 the day after finishing Portal 2. I can't be arsed to look up how much time has between the two games, but suffice to say, it's been awhile. It had damn well better look alot better then Portal 1.
And I try not to EVER defend MW, and this is both a backhand defense AND a backhand snub, but you can't expect a worlds difference in engines with their short cycle time. God I wish they would give it another year or two, and do whatever they're going to try and shove down our throats right.
Have to disagree with you there Glynn, Portal 2 looks gobsmackingly beautiful, the engine has clearly had some tweaks since its HL2 days.
I dunno man, there we're parts that looked nice, but really, if you had taken alot of the assets I saw in Portal 2, threw them into a MW game, I think you'd say they looked like shite. IMO, Portal 2 showed how old their current engine is. HL2 looked great when it came out. It incorporated all the latest stuff for its time. But adding some 'tweaks', as you put it, is just the kind of criticism I'm hearing about the MW engine.
For the amount of time that's passed since Valve's last offering before Portal 2 and Portal 2, I honestly expected more. I mean, they REALLY had alot of time to incorporate more than 'tweaks' to their engine.
Can't disagree with any of those points. Sure it looked a shitload better then Portal 1. I Literally replayed Portal 1 the day after finishing Portal 2. I can't be arsed to look up how much time has between the two games, but suffice to say, it's been awhile. It had damn well better look alot better then Portal 1.
And I try not to EVER defend MW, and this is both a backhand defense AND a backhand snub, but you can't expect a worlds difference in engines with their short cycle time. God I wish they would give it another year or two, and do whatever they're going to try and shove down our throats right.
Its not a year though is it. Its TWO years, because the B team takes over every other year. In other words, from MW2 to MW3, they have had TWO years.
Also, while its understandable a team wont make a huge change to the engine in those two years, its not unrealistic to think that there would be side projects working on new tech alongside the main development, at least in SOME regard... But theres no sign of it here. In fact, MW3 so far looks EXACTLY the same as MW2, which looked EXACTLY the same as MW1...
So, COD4 released in November 2007. MW3 releases in November 2011. Thats FOUR years of development on an engine thats had zero improvements done to it worth a damn... In my eyes, thats just lazy as anything. Even more so when you look at BF3, notice its had a much shorter development time but looks 10x better at least AND brings new shit to the table...
Plus lets not forget the COD: Elite system with the new COD games, where you have to pay for content such as weapons, textures, player skins etc... So in short what you are being asked to buy in November will be:
* Same engine as ever.
* Very small limited destruction.
* Heavily scripted Single Player thats likely 3 hours long... Like every COD game.
* THE EXACT SAME MP GAME, only now...
* ...with the added bonus of paying £3 for a character model.
* Paid DLC for map content that should be free.
* All for the MORE EXPENSIVE ON PC PRICE (Which lets face it, WILL happen) of £39.99, which will likely be £10 MORE than BF3...
I mean come on... CODS got no fucking chance, at least with normal people. However, I dont doubt for a second it will sell by the million and be number one for a few months. I have to give them credit, Activision sure can rape a franchise and pull the blinders on people...
Wait what? the MW 3 screens are bad looking?
I guess something is wrong with my eyes, because other than the super BSP hard edge levels I think it looks pretty good. It's also a game series known for running 60 frames per second on a console while still looking great, so so compromises have to be made.
I'd say this looks better than Portal 2 visually, and that's as a huge Valve fanboy.
The texture work in IF games have always been top notch imo and this doesn't look like it's any less than stellar in that direction.
Also Odium, have you played MW 1 and the MW 2? Can you honestly do that and say they look the same? Really? Because I did, and they sure as hell don't have the same amount of detail and polish in regards to the visuals.
Of course I've played MW1 and MW2, and technology wise theres nothing between them. I'm not saying there wasnt a little spit shine in regards to texturing skill, but the engines are pretty much exactly the same. Theres nothing that could be done in one game but not the other.
Of course I've played MW1 and MW2, and technology wise theres nothing between them. I'm not saying there wasnt a little spit shine in regards to texturing skill, but the engines are pretty much exactly the same. Theres nothing that could be done in one game but not the other.
Well sure, but what is it that needs to be done?
It looks good, it's controls are easily the best in any fps game to date (imo).
The engine does the games type of gameplay perfectly, so I don't really get why they would jump onto another engine.
Its 2011. If I wanted levels made from boxes with run and gun singleplayer moving from A to B mowing down hundreds of people with no point, I would load up Quake 4.
Having played every one, and got to Prest. Lv 5 on BLOPS recently and I think it was about 4 on MW2, I think I'm allowed to say something negative if its there?
There’s a difference between just spouting out hate because its what "everybody else does" and having actual valid complaints about a series that was stale a few iterations back.
IMO, its more like a case of "oh look, jesse moody is back to throw his moderator status around and don't you dare stand up against him otherwise you will have an infraction and maybe even a bad word said against you."
Heres a thought, and it may seem REALLY out there and insane I know, but just bare with me...
How about rather than just acting like a tool, you come back with some valid hard hitting facts, thoughts and suggestions as to why I am wrong? Why don't you put over YOUR thoughts, and YOUR opinions, and then we can discuss why BOTH OF US are correct because at the end of the day, opinions are like arseholes after all.
Or we could do this whole song and dance routine which will just end up one of us saying a naughty word and ME getting told off/warned rather than you. This is a FORUM, a place of discussion. If everybody had the same train of thought it would be pretty dull, I have to say.
Have to disagree with you there Glynn, Portal 2 looks gobsmackingly beautiful, the engine has clearly had some tweaks since its HL2 days.
Yeah. I do agree that there is quite a big difference between HL2 and Portal 2, but it wasn't a giant leap from then to now - It's been very small, incremental improvements when and where they're needed most, to support the games
*EDIT* There's been like 6 games in between HL2 and Portal 2! Shit.
How can you whine so much (it's not a little whine, at this point you've transcended the critique stage and reached "the hatred of a troll"-stage) about a game if you play it so much that you've reached prestige 5.
I played alot but only reached lvl 47. My friend played more and reached prestige 1 then he was done. Let me guess, they change all of those things. Will you whine about it not being cod anymore then?
There's obviously something there if you keep paying it and playing it like a mad person. Why change it?
Its not a year though is it. Its TWO years, because the B team takes over every other year. In other words, from MW2 to MW3, they have had TWO years.
Also, while its understandable a team wont make a huge change to the engine in those two years, its not unrealistic to think that there would be side projects working on new tech alongside the main development, at least in SOME regard... But theres no sign of it here. In fact, MW3 so far looks EXACTLY the same as MW2, which looked EXACTLY the same as MW1...
So, COD4 released in November 2007. MW3 releases in November 2011. Thats FOUR years of development on an engine thats had zero improvements done to it worth a damn... In my eyes, thats just lazy as anything. Even more so when you look at BF3, notice its had a much shorter development time but looks 10x better at least AND brings new shit to the table...
Plus lets not forget the COD: Elite system with the new COD games, where you have to pay for content such as weapons, textures, player skins etc... So in short what you are being asked to buy in November will be:
* Same engine as ever.
* Very small limited destruction.
* Heavily scripted Single Player thats likely 3 hours long... Like every COD game.
* THE EXACT SAME MP GAME, only now...
* ...with the added bonus of paying £3 for a character model.
* Paid DLC for map content that should be free.
* All for the MORE EXPENSIVE ON PC PRICE (Which lets face it, WILL happen) of £39.99, which will likely be £10 MORE than BF3...
I mean come on... CODS got no fucking chance, at least with normal people. However, I dont doubt for a second it will sell by the million and be number one for a few months. I have to give them credit, Activision sure can rape a franchise and pull the blinders on people...
I again can't really disagree with much of anything you have said. I hate Activision and their soul sucking ways, and what they'll do to a franchise. And while I'm not necessarily aiming this at you, I feel it's kinda unfair to bash MW, while almost in the same sentence, throw heaps of love onto Valve and their dated looking engine. Cause while I hate Activision and what they did to COD franchise, and love Valve and pretty much everything they've made, I frankly think the COD engine is easily equal or superior to the Valve engine. Which I guess is just not saying alot. The difference is what the two different companies do with their engine.
How can you whine so much (it's not a little whine, at this point you've transcended the critique stage and reached "the hatred of a troll"-stage) about a game if you play it so much that you've reached prestige 5.
I played a lot but only reached lvl 47. My friend played more and reached prestige 1 then he was done. Let me guess, they change all of those things. Will you whine about it not being cod anymore then?
There's obviously something there if you keep paying it and playing it like a mad person. Why change it?
Totally valid points. There is something there. But with each iteration, it gets more and more and more stale, until it reaches the point where even hardcore players I know are saying "Wow... Its the same game, AGAIN?".
I'll put it in another light.
Year after year, people buy Fifa. Every year its the same bloody thing, which lets face it, could easily be done with a title update and not a full on release. Lets be honest, its usually nothing more than a simple transfer list update and some new music. And every year, it sells like hot cakes, but yet every year sales lower, and lower. People say "its the same game" until they hear that huge changes have been made to how the game plays in "some form". I don't play sports games on a console, I think its lazy lol But I hear its had a few big changes because PES has had a complete engine overhaul, and it needs to compete with that.
And thats the issue... Fifa, a game that you could say is even more stale than COD, is getting a lot of new additions, engine changes, upgrades etc, because its competing with the new PES (Winning 11 to those of you who live in a place that plays Rugby for girls). Two franchises that offer pretty much the EXACT same thing, but both are fighting to innovate to keep the fans happy and to keep the sales strong...
Then we look back to COD. Its not a "BAD" game, not really... Its just, its no different to last years... And the year before that. Theres never anything new about it. In the past they got away with it mostly due to the fact that they didn't exactly have HUGE competition to worry about... But then EA said "Hang up duck, Battlefield could do well here" and then BC2 came out and blew a lot of people away. They said the same with MOH (Which let me remind you, is NOTHING like past MOH games, despite how poorly it was received). They had the balls to take bold new steps, to change stuff... Yet MW3 comes along and looks EXACTLY the same. Its the same engine. Its the same graphics. Its the same everything. This whole "The levels are bigger now and theres more destruction!" just means "Theres a large level that wont make any difference as you still have to get from A to B and theres some bits that fall off walls". The MP will be an EXACT copy/past of past games, 100%.
The problem is that even die hard fans are starting to get bored of it. Its always the same stuff, year after year. YES, its not half bad to play, and yes I put a lot of time into it, because at times, its fun. But I already have that game...? Three times, even? Why do I need it again for the 4th time?
The problem with COD as a series is its the EXACT SAME GAME, every time...? Why don't they go "holy shit, lets... Lets just try a different approach!". It doesnt have to be a complete game changer as such but just a little innovation in the series wouldn't kill them.
The problem with COD as a series is its the EXACT SAME GAME, every time...? Why don't they go "holy shit, lets... Lets just try a different approach!". It doesn’t have to be a complete game changer as such but just a little innovation in the series wouldn't kill them.
They can't. They're owned by Bobby Kotick and Activision. That's anathema to them.
@odium: I heard somewhere that every single game in existence is getting from point A to Point B, and what you do in-between is completely up to the person playing said game. :poly142:
@Hboybowen: I thought it was obvious that those pictures were paintovers...
@leilei: You haven't played UT2004 lately have you.
It seems most of the people who hate CoD want it to be something other than CoD, in which case; Go play something else and stop being angry something you dislike is immensely popular among people with a taste different than yours.
There is nothing wrong with it's design either, because it works and it does what it is designed to do, hence why it's stuck to it's formula and why pretty much 90% of all shooters copy it in some way.
The visual quiality of Portal 2 very much depends on weather your playing console or pc, because the PC version looks fuck-tons better than the PS3, the lighting is smoother, the shadows crisper, the field of view proper so the scale doesn't look all fucked-to-hell.
hrmmm, this would have made alot more sense on the last page..... :poly122:
No, there are screens of some guns that may be from MW3... and they look grand to me! Plus, they are purely of the bottom right half of the screen with the guns in em... oh and we've seen prerendered stills. Nothing whatsoever to justify this, your umpteenth bitchy rant on polycount.
I think you are an unhappy person odium, and I think I know why. Cause you prestige 5 and 4 on two different COD games! Go out and enjoy life, ffs.
First of all, just look, eh?? Theres more than one screen floating around. If it looks "grand" to you, then thats your call. No need to insult me over it:
Secondly, Prest. 5 is NOTHING, it was what, 60 hours? Which for a game that came out, what, seven months ago, isn't a lot. Tell me theres no games you've put in triple that? Fallout? Oblivion? Some gay ass RPG that likely wasn't the same since its blonde spikey haired hey day? Yeah... The fact that saying I have "no life" because in two years I put a combined, say, 100 hours into TWO games, is a joke to be fair. Even more so when you notice you are on a video game forum where people sit up all night modelling a gargoyles tits.
Just think about that for a second, then quit with the pre-13 year old flaming and come back with a decent argument.
I actually put 120 hours in MW2 just to get to level 70, not even prestiging. I was okay, sometimes won, but could get owned by better players regularly.
And uhh, reading previous posts: calm down odium, you sound like a 14 year old troll from gametrailers or something.
I bet Odium will play it no end on the Xbox360 anyway, What kind of graphics you expect from such an outdated console?
No wonder why he doesn't play BC2 with us any more, I bet he spends his days playing Cod games :P
I actually put 120 hours in MW2 just to get to level 70, not even prestiging. I was okay, sometimes won, but could get owned by better players regularly.
And uhh, reading previous posts: calm down odium, you sound like a 14 year old troll from gametrailers or something.
Yeah me too, put lots of time in, didnt even get to lvl70 in MW2... takes maybe 260 hours to get to prestige 5, not 60 :P
I have been lured to buy call of duty every year, and I never really saw any change, just different setting with different player skins.... should be expansions, like Battlefield bc: Vietnam. The only way i'll be buying call of duty is either every other year, or when they actually change something and upgrade the game.
I will be to busy playing Battlefield 3 and the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.
WTF? They're actually doing that: http://kotaku.com/5801598/seal-team-six-black-tuesday-and-other-modern-warfare-3-hot-buttons
it looks like Russia is invading America? Because they didnt do that enough last game or something?
I am actually looking forward to MW 2, it should be fun. Hopefully they include more Co-op missions
SeanEG likes this.
You think...? well I KNOW it will
And Modern Warfare 3 will trump it in terms of sales.
And Bobby Kotick will trump it in terms of 'you're fired'.
Sorry IW
Even though MechWarrior 3 already existed.
The care package bug was pretty annoying though. I remember hearing it was a co-op game, and was pretty
did you read the comments?
I get that you don’t just change art style etc mid way in a games development, but the engine has had zero improvements to it that stand out and hit you in the face. They reckon this one will have "destroyable environments"? Wow... So you mean you finally found the trigger>breakable brush in Radiant? Don't expect BF level of destruction here, it just wont happen from the Q3 engine like you expect. However do expect to be shooting at a few very randomly but sparsely places "pillars" that have concrete "break off" to reveal ZOMG A METAL SUPPORT.
I was one of the few that got quite into BLOPS, even MW2, and didn't really get the hate. But after giving it a break, playing other games and going back to it, its pretty clear that since COD2, COD has been all about adding as LITTLE as possible to the overall experience... I mean, after all, why bother spending time to innovate a stale franchise when it will STILL sell a few million copies on launch day?
ATM, BF3 is walking all OVER this. The only thing that could really pick this up as a day one for me is if they added a real objective based gameplay to the MP where you had to work as a team in a story related MP match, like RtCW did. I got bored of standard TDM/CTF etc years ago. The return of Spec Ops is cool, but Horde...? *yawn* What an exciting change of pace.........
TL/DR – Mod MW2 to have a three on the title screen, play the game six months early! WHODAT!
I'd like to introduce you to Valve.
MW2, however... Was just... Erm... Well I'll admit the music was spot on. But other than that, you could hardly tell any difference between the first and second (and BLOPS looked worse, lets face it, but thats because Treyarch have a sub-par art team really).
Have to disagree with you there Glynn, Portal 2 looks gobsmackingly beautiful, the engine has clearly had some tweaks since its HL2 days.
Can't disagree with any of those points. Sure it looked a shitload better then Portal 1. I Literally replayed Portal 1 the day after finishing Portal 2. I can't be arsed to look up how much time has between the two games, but suffice to say, it's been awhile. It had damn well better look alot better then Portal 1.
And I try not to EVER defend MW, and this is both a backhand defense AND a backhand snub, but you can't expect a worlds difference in engines with their short cycle time. God I wish they would give it another year or two, and do whatever they're going to try and shove down our throats right.
I dunno man, there we're parts that looked nice, but really, if you had taken alot of the assets I saw in Portal 2, threw them into a MW game, I think you'd say they looked like shite. IMO, Portal 2 showed how old their current engine is. HL2 looked great when it came out. It incorporated all the latest stuff for its time. But adding some 'tweaks', as you put it, is just the kind of criticism I'm hearing about the MW engine.
For the amount of time that's passed since Valve's last offering before Portal 2 and Portal 2, I honestly expected more. I mean, they REALLY had alot of time to incorporate more than 'tweaks' to their engine.
Its not a year though is it. Its TWO years, because the B team takes over every other year. In other words, from MW2 to MW3, they have had TWO years.
Also, while its understandable a team wont make a huge change to the engine in those two years, its not unrealistic to think that there would be side projects working on new tech alongside the main development, at least in SOME regard... But theres no sign of it here. In fact, MW3 so far looks EXACTLY the same as MW2, which looked EXACTLY the same as MW1...
So, COD4 released in November 2007. MW3 releases in November 2011. Thats FOUR years of development on an engine thats had zero improvements done to it worth a damn... In my eyes, thats just lazy as anything. Even more so when you look at BF3, notice its had a much shorter development time but looks 10x better at least AND brings new shit to the table...
Plus lets not forget the COD: Elite system with the new COD games, where you have to pay for content such as weapons, textures, player skins etc... So in short what you are being asked to buy in November will be:
* Same engine as ever.
* Very small limited destruction.
* Heavily scripted Single Player thats likely 3 hours long... Like every COD game.
* THE EXACT SAME MP GAME, only now...
* ...with the added bonus of paying £3 for a character model.
* Paid DLC for map content that should be free.
* All for the MORE EXPENSIVE ON PC PRICE (Which lets face it, WILL happen) of £39.99, which will likely be £10 MORE than BF3...
I mean come on... CODS got no fucking chance, at least with normal people. However, I dont doubt for a second it will sell by the million and be number one for a few months. I have to give them credit, Activision sure can rape a franchise and pull the blinders on people...
I guess something is wrong with my eyes, because other than the super BSP hard edge levels I think it looks pretty good. It's also a game series known for running 60 frames per second on a console while still looking great, so so compromises have to be made.
I'd say this looks better than Portal 2 visually, and that's as a huge Valve fanboy.
The texture work in IF games have always been top notch imo and this doesn't look like it's any less than stellar in that direction.
Also Odium, have you played MW 1 and the MW 2? Can you honestly do that and say they look the same? Really? Because I did, and they sure as hell don't have the same amount of detail and polish in regards to the visuals.
Also lol at claiming it's abnormal to like CoD.
It looks good, it's controls are easily the best in any fps game to date (imo).
The engine does the games type of gameplay perfectly, so I don't really get why they would jump onto another engine.
There’s a difference between just spouting out hate because its what "everybody else does" and having actual valid complaints about a series that was stale a few iterations back.
IMO, its more like a case of "oh look, jesse moody is back to throw his moderator status around and don't you dare stand up against him otherwise you will have an infraction and maybe even a bad word said against you."
Heres a thought, and it may seem REALLY out there and insane I know, but just bare with me...
How about rather than just acting like a tool, you come back with some valid hard hitting facts, thoughts and suggestions as to why I am wrong? Why don't you put over YOUR thoughts, and YOUR opinions, and then we can discuss why BOTH OF US are correct because at the end of the day, opinions are like arseholes after all.
Or we could do this whole song and dance routine which will just end up one of us saying a naughty word and ME getting told off/warned rather than you. This is a FORUM, a place of discussion. If everybody had the same train of thought it would be pretty dull, I have to say.
Yeah. I do agree that there is quite a big difference between HL2 and Portal 2, but it wasn't a giant leap from then to now - It's been very small, incremental improvements when and where they're needed most, to support the games
*EDIT* There's been like 6 games in between HL2 and Portal 2! Shit.
How can you whine so much (it's not a little whine, at this point you've transcended the critique stage and reached "the hatred of a troll"-stage) about a game if you play it so much that you've reached prestige 5.
I played alot but only reached lvl 47. My friend played more and reached prestige 1 then he was done. Let me guess, they change all of those things. Will you whine about it not being cod anymore then?
There's obviously something there if you keep paying it and playing it like a mad person. Why change it?
I again can't really disagree with much of anything you have said. I hate Activision and their soul sucking ways, and what they'll do to a franchise. And while I'm not necessarily aiming this at you, I feel it's kinda unfair to bash MW, while almost in the same sentence, throw heaps of love onto Valve and their dated looking engine. Cause while I hate Activision and what they did to COD franchise, and love Valve and pretty much everything they've made, I frankly think the COD engine is easily equal or superior to the Valve engine. Which I guess is just not saying alot. The difference is what the two different companies do with their engine.
Totally valid points. There is something there. But with each iteration, it gets more and more and more stale, until it reaches the point where even hardcore players I know are saying "Wow... Its the same game, AGAIN?".
I'll put it in another light.
Year after year, people buy Fifa. Every year its the same bloody thing, which lets face it, could easily be done with a title update and not a full on release. Lets be honest, its usually nothing more than a simple transfer list update and some new music. And every year, it sells like hot cakes, but yet every year sales lower, and lower. People say "its the same game" until they hear that huge changes have been made to how the game plays in "some form". I don't play sports games on a console, I think its lazy lol
And thats the issue... Fifa, a game that you could say is even more stale than COD, is getting a lot of new additions, engine changes, upgrades etc, because its competing with the new PES (Winning 11 to those of you who live in a place that plays Rugby for girls). Two franchises that offer pretty much the EXACT same thing, but both are fighting to innovate to keep the fans happy and to keep the sales strong...
Then we look back to COD. Its not a "BAD" game, not really... Its just, its no different to last years... And the year before that. Theres never anything new about it. In the past they got away with it mostly due to the fact that they didn't exactly have HUGE competition to worry about... But then EA said "Hang up duck, Battlefield could do well here" and then BC2 came out and blew a lot of people away. They said the same with MOH (Which let me remind you, is NOTHING like past MOH games, despite how poorly it was received). They had the balls to take bold new steps, to change stuff... Yet MW3 comes along and looks EXACTLY the same. Its the same engine. Its the same graphics. Its the same everything. This whole "The levels are bigger now and theres more destruction!" just means "Theres a large level that wont make any difference as you still have to get from A to B and theres some bits that fall off walls". The MP will be an EXACT copy/past of past games, 100%.
The problem is that even die hard fans are starting to get bored of it. Its always the same stuff, year after year. YES, its not half bad to play, and yes I put a lot of time into it, because at times, its fun. But I already have that game...? Three times, even? Why do I need it again for the 4th time?
The problem with COD as a series is its the EXACT SAME GAME, every time...? Why don't they go "holy shit, lets... Lets just try a different approach!". It doesnt have to be a complete game changer as such but just a little innovation in the series wouldn't kill them.
They can't. They're owned by Bobby Kotick and Activision. That's anathema to them.
@Hboybowen: I thought it was obvious that those pictures were paintovers...
@leilei: You haven't played UT2004 lately have you.
It seems most of the people who hate CoD want it to be something other than CoD, in which case; Go play something else and stop being angry something you dislike is immensely popular among people with a taste different than yours.
There is nothing wrong with it's design either, because it works and it does what it is designed to do, hence why it's stuck to it's formula and why pretty much 90% of all shooters copy it in some way.
hrmmm, this would have made alot more sense on the last page..... :poly122:
We've seen nothing official from the game...
I think you are an unhappy person odium, and I think I know why. Cause you prestige 5 and 4 on two different COD games! Go out and enjoy life, ffs.
Secondly, Prest. 5 is NOTHING, it was what, 60 hours? Which for a game that came out, what, seven months ago, isn't a lot. Tell me theres no games you've put in triple that? Fallout? Oblivion? Some gay ass RPG that likely wasn't the same since its blonde spikey haired hey day? Yeah... The fact that saying I have "no life" because in two years I put a combined, say, 100 hours into TWO games, is a joke to be fair. Even more so when you notice you are on a video game forum where people sit up all night modelling a gargoyles tits.
Just think about that for a second, then quit with the pre-13 year old flaming and come back with a decent argument.
And uhh, reading previous posts: calm down odium, you sound like a 14 year old troll from gametrailers or something.
No wonder why he doesn't play BC2 with us any more, I bet he spends his days playing Cod games :P
Yeah me too, put lots of time in, didnt even get to lvl70 in MW2... takes maybe 260 hours to get to prestige 5, not 60 :P