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Polycount up on kotaku



  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Kotaku comments are right up there with Youtube comments these days.

    edit: You know what? I take that back. After going back and reading the comments again I realized it was just the obnoxiously negative ones that stuck in my mind.

    Congrats to the character artists! There is some seriously fantastic work that came out of this competition. Hopefully another site will give some recognition to the environment artists as well.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Crazyfingers: Make it and we'll upvote :D
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Is Kotaku the best consolidated link of all the entries? People like instant gratification and i'd hate to link one without the environments.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    The threads themselves are the best bet tbh. Just put the env's in a comment/text.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Went ahead and threw up a thread here:

    The reddit format really isn't the best for this sorta thing but we'll see if anything comes of it.

    Upvote if you guys have the time.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Upvote if you guys have the time.

    Pfft, I'm not upboating anything that's been posted in the appropriate subreddit.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    While its kind of funny the way he did it, the guy who posted the article "Michael McWhertor" is a bit of a dick. This was the first time in months that I posted on Kotaku and bam it gets my star revoked heh.

    Lighten up dude...


    He just pissed on everyone who worked their asses off in the stage competition, not cool.
    Wooooooooow. I knew the commenters in general were a bunch of blabbermouths but one of the actual contributors?

    You'd think someone working for the site would be at least slightly professional, but then again.. the CEO of Gametrailers didn't know the Russians fought in WW2..
  • Artifice
    Proving only that while it takes time and effort to be even a mediocre artist, any fuckwit can be an internet writer. Kotaku in flames.
  • EzMeow
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    EzMeow polycounter lvl 10
    Cool , now I know that I'm doing non interesting stuff ~ :D
    This guy should have all the environment removed in every game he plays~
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    Seriously kotaku like ruined my day man
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    first of all congrats to all contestant, I don't finish my brawl entry I admit :(,
    little bit thought here i hope u guys don't mind :
    the epic ratio between character and environment art is little bit imbalance here,
    the characters are already really good/awesome, but environment are beyond superb. ( because i believe we already got insane amount of environment art library here)

    guess polycount need some update for character art wiki? :)

    kotaku>? mah i also saw some really mean youtube comment about my artworks on youtube. but we can't do anything about it. so I don't think its good idea to start a crusade to reply these people in kotaku
  • jimmypopali
    If at any point you doubt 3D art and video game production, these threads and comps are a reassuring way to get back onto it and get a new perspective.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    While its kind of funny the way he did it, the guy who posted the article "Michael McWhertor" is a bit of a dick. This was the first time in months that I posted on Kotaku and bam it gets my star revoked heh.

    Lighten up dude...


    He just pissed on everyone who worked their asses off in the stage competition, not cool.

    Wow thats pretty jerky. Makes me not want to go to kotaku anymore.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    It's sad actually.

    Almost on a daily basis, I see people dissing off stylized works, environment and prop pieces. What's worse is usually these people are the same ones who say that 'artists' especially CGI guys, aren't clever nor intelligent blokes (I'm not kidding, this is the stance many of the Contributors at Kotaku have) and that many of us are ignorant fools.

    Really, really, really sad...
  • confracto
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    confracto polycounter lvl 11
    yeah, kotaku just lost my traffic.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Not to defend Kotaku in this, because I agree that they were a bit lame with it but...

    I do think that some of this has been brought upon ourselves. There tends to be way too much over sexualization of women by game artists. So it's not a surprise really when the communities who view the art focus on that part of it.

    So yeah... not saying they're in right (they were douches) - but it could help this kind of situation in the future if we tried to limit the amount of blatant tits and ass on this stuff. I love the brawl stuff, lots of amazing art, just saying that the contest (and community, and industry) could benefit from being a bit more mature about female characters. :)
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    pff, never understood people who read kotaku anyways. it's always been a stuck-up shithole.
    then again, i don't understand people in general.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    Not to defend Kotaku in this, because I agree that they were a bit lame with it but...

    I do think that some of this has been brought upon ourselves. There tends to be way too much over sexualization of women by game artists. So it's not a surprise really when the communities who view the art focus on that part of it.

    So yeah... not saying they're in right (they were douches) - but it could help this kind of situation in the future if we tried to limit the amount of blatant tits and ass on this stuff. I love the brawl stuff, lots of amazing art, just saying that the contest (and community, and industry) could benefit from being a bit more mature about female characters. :)

    I think you argument would have more punch to it if it actually stood true to Kotaku in anyway or form (Please note I'm not insulting, and I apologize if it sounded such).

    I won't lie, I tend to go to Kotaku alot to get the news I need, but even that has been abit weird recently.

    First of all, those guys down-star anyone who badmouths the following things:
    -Apple (IPhone is sacred apparently)
    -An article (You know it)
    -Sister Gawker site (Jezebel namely)
    -Blatant calling out of trolls (I'm serious, every Sunday a miserable cunt complains about the webcoimcs and no one took him down for well over several months now).

    The worst part is, they felt the need to publish 3 articles on how the movie Tron Legacy was bad...twice by self-righteous cretins who basically called the movie 'meh' and complained about stuff that didn't make sense, while taking stabs at even the first Tron.

    Their third article was about how a 8 year old girl went to see the movie with her daddy and called it boring, and they published that.

    They also post all the time character artwork (both 3D and 2D) from games and movies, and that is fine, but explain to my why, whenever the 'Contributors' act like mature people, the posters act like Pillocks?

    I mean you just said we should tone down the sexy in our characters, fine, but explain to me then why they complained about:
    -Cammy wearing a skirt vs. the leotard
    -Akuma looking like a retarded kid
    -Chun-Li being 'too techy'
    -Ken Eagle being too emo
    -Mike Hagger, piledriving a shark = trying too hard and being generally just crap
    -Kabal being too much like TF

    Sorry, but no, I don't agree with any of that, and outright bashing environment? Do I need to remind people he beauty that is Honda's public Sauna stage?

    Again, sorry, but Kotaku cannot be defended. The contributors aren't professional at all, and the few ones that act level headed, get their temper handed in by cretins who think they're Roger Ebert of the gaming world if they nitpick something to death.

    Defend all you want, I'll stay with the Escapist, at least the Newspress-Posters there are professional to some respectable degree and the cretins who stink the place keep to themselves and no one hears them out.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    I think you argument would have more punch to it if it actually stood true to Kotaku in anyway or form (Please note I'm not insulting, and I apologize if it sounded such).

    Tulkamir wrote: »
    Not to defend Kotaku in this...

    Meant that I'm not trying to defend Kotaku.

    I'm more trying to say that the overall attitude of the gaming community where they go "OH! BEWBIES!" and ignore all else in a contest like this is atleast partly caused by how often game artists make female characters that are essentially... boobies.

    So I agree with everything you just said about Kotaku, and don't think that their attitude deserves defending. I just think it's also important that we understand that we have the ability to affect that sort of general attitude by being a bit more responsible with the way that the industry as a whole depicts it's female characters. :)

    (My post was more in response to Mark's Kotaku post and the reply from the kotaku guy. I think Mark was right and Kotaku dude was a dick. Just think there's more to the deal than what shows on the surface).
  • EtotheRic
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    EtotheRic polycounter lvl 20
    Pretty damn lame they ignored half the comp. Not much different from other news media in that respect.
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    My loathing for Kotaku just grew exponentially...
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    man, I can't even get someone to hate my design.... I need to step my game up.
  • Mark Dygert
    Oh wow, I really liked your entry Dan! I didn't have any issue with the design, I thought that was really well done. The only beefs I had where minor technical things. You should be proud of it, it's awesome!

    About Kotaku, I was being a smacktard, and probably shouldn't of worded it that way but I was shocked that they actually have any kind of standards and that they'll just blast you right out of the water without a warning. Normally the comments section boarders on 4chan which is ok I guess just don't turn that smacktardery toward their editors, oh noes!1 heh.

    Must of been some truth in what I said if it stung that much...

    If they're that iron fisted with everyone its not hard to imagine why so many people act out.

    Meh, with the restoring of the old style "long form" I was thinking of adding it back into my routine but probably not so much now.

    I also agree that the way we portray women in games does contribute to a bit of a negative stereotype and that trend has been reversing a bit, 5 years ago all the entries would of made a great pin up calender, now there is a whole new kind of awesome. Also its not like guys are portrayed any better... So both sexes get equally skewed which with most gamers is fine.

    It doesn't help that the media in this case Kotaku zero's in on boobs any chance it gets especially when there was so much awesome art that didn't have T or A in full display. Just looking over their other posts its not hard to see that they like teh bewbs...
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Those comments upset over Haggar pile driving a shark need to learn some internets.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Also, yeah holy shit that dude was unprofessional. This isn't the first time I've gotten a sense of insecurity from their editors.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Just looking over their other posts its not hard to see that they like teh bewbs...
    Polygon boobs are a lucrative business best taken very seriously! (or not...) I wonder if their brains would implode if we made a boob-contest.
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    Dan! wrote: »
    man, I can't even get someone to hate my design.... I need to step my game up.

    Haha, I know the feeling! Maybe I'll get noticed for bashings if I gave my Kung Lao a hat made of tits.
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Maph wrote: »
    Haha, I know the feeling! Maybe I'll get noticed for bashings if I gave my Kung Lao a hat made of tits.

    Yeah, I guess that's why Jordan's enviro gets some internet love - he's got some pretty impressive (man)tits in there! an issue a lot of us missed.

    edit: just in case: I kid:)
  • MasteroftheFork
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    MasteroftheFork polycounter lvl 18
    To be fair the to kotaku guys about the environments, you need a mind before it can be blown.
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    I agree with ya'll, I'm really disappointed they didn't plug some of the environments too. I have to admit that to me over all the stages smashed the characters, but I'm not sure why you'd expect an entirely professional response to a [jokingly] belittling comment haha?

    But I would like to note that there are only 2 female characters among the 10 shown, don't you think it's a little red herring to start saying there's too much focus on boobies rather than another case of imbalance of exposure for characters vs. environments?
    (Or maybe I'm just jealous I had to search the internet so hard for my single constructive feedback of: 'LOLWUT' haha)

    I think some normal folks still really don't realize how much they appreciate environments :(

    either way, congrats and don't mind the douches, the commenters are such a small percentage of the kotaku-goers. There were a ton of awesome entries whether plugged or not
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    maybe if I put tits in my desert it might get on the front page of kotaku? Thoughts?

    Or should I step it up and just put wangs everywhere for them?
  • Mark Dygert
    But I would like to note that there are only 2 female characters among the 10 shown, don't you think it's a little red herring to start saying there's too much focus on boobies rather than another case of imbalance of exposure for characters vs. environments?
    Which raises the question why did they focus so much on those two characters? Why use Cammy as their seed image and why did they post her twice in the gallery as bookends? In their title they also focus on the two female characters first. They also already covered Cammy and linked to a special gallery. Maybe people would think he was gay if he focused that much on Haggar... Oh noes and that's bad!

    I'm not trying to hate on Cammy, it's a fantastic entry and one of my favorites and it deserves all the credit it gets but given that there where so many entries and an entire other half of the contest it seems like they had trouble focusing on everything.

    They can't go a day without posting something about cosplay kittens.
    A dude builds a gieger counter, they link it to fallout, the image they dig up... tits.
    Any excuse it seems like will work, just make sure to bring it up every few hours.

    They put the otaku in kotaku its just they aren't otaku about games... unless they're covered boobs heh. If that's how they want to run things, cool, you just really don't have much room to navigate when someone calls you on it /shrug.
  • Mrinnan
    Everyone did such a fantastic job! I don't understand how bashing work became constructive criticism. Whatever though, you all know you did great and it seems polycount has the community for great feedback.
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