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Progess of first 3D Character

Hello Polycount! This is my first post after lurking on the forums for awhile, soaking up all the knowledge and tutorials I could find. Right now I'm nearly finished my second year of my Game Design course in College (UK) and about to enter Uni doing Game Design again for 3 years. For our final project in the course, we were allowed to do anything we wanted, so I wanted to push my boundaries and attempt my first 3d human character. I thought I would post my progress on Polycount to get some good, constructive critique, help and/or tips : )

For my character, I decided to go for a Steampunk/Medieval Knight theme as that's always interested me, and I wanted a challenge in trying to come up with a cool design. Right now I have only created a head and arm with a basic, non-detailed gauntlet.

Here are some renders of the arm.


And here is the latest part I've created, the head. I would really want some critique on this, as it seems very off to be at the moment, and yes I know there are no ears yet. I want to get the topology and the rest of it looking good before I start on the detailed ears.



Thanks for taking your time to read/post.
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