3DS Max won't let me select certain edges/verts/etc. Also, when I delete a face, for example, this happens:
And this will only fix itself when I do something in the viewport that causes it to refresh. Both window crossing and lock selection are off.
This problem does not happen if I create a new file so there is something that I've specifically done wrong with the scene.
Any ideas what's going on?
Did it crash and you reopened the crash save? That's always dangerous... You should never really trust those and just go back to a previous autoback save. There is a reason it says "it may or many not be intact, open at your own risk" heh.
What about, create a box, apply edit poly, attach this mesh to the box, collapse and delete the box element.
Is it something simple like you have cull backfaces turned on (Right click > Object properties) and a bunch of the tris are facing the wrong way?
What about using the "turn to poly" modifier and check on "keep hull convex"
Also what version of max and what where you doing that lead up to this? Booleans?
Even new objects had the same issue as well. For example, I had a simple box where I could only select 2 completely random edges and none of others.
Anyway I'm just hoping I never have the same issue again.