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Solutions for sculpting tileable textures (other than bricks) in zbrush 4.



  • Moutrave
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    Moutrave polycounter lvl 8
    i remember when i had the same issue when starting zbrush = I also learned in a tut how to use the 2.5 view to make you texture tile by sclupting your pattern in the middle and then using the tilda key (ù on my european keyboard i think...anyway) to pan the texture and make it tile properly. I gave up trying to use the wrap mode too...for some reason it wasn't working that well and made my computer slow down a lot :d

    did you manage to make your pattern work or do you still have issue ?
  • Clark Coots
    Online / Send Message
    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    I've used this technique A LOT in production by BradHB3D on Youtube (sorry don't know real name!) and it's amazing! Great for sculpting whatever you want on a plane, not so great if you want to manually place different subtools and have them tile.

  • bhall27
    Moutrave wrote: »
    i remember when i had the same issue when starting zbrush = I also learned in a tut how to use the 2.5 view to make you texture tile by sclupting your pattern in the middle and then using the tilda key (ù on my european keyboard i think...anyway) to pan the texture and make it tile properly. I gave up trying to use the wrap mode too...for some reason it wasn't working that well and made my computer slow down a lot :d

    did you manage to make your pattern work or do you still have issue ?

    So using both the ztools from the previous posts I was never able to get those to work for some reason the center it seems would be off because where it's wrapping is clearly not doing it from the center of the shape.

    The gumroad tutorial however works just fine. Not sure what the difference is.
  • bhall27
    coots7 wrote: »
    I've used this technique A LOT in production by BradHB3D on Youtube (sorry don't know real name!) and it's amazing! Great for sculpting whatever you want on a plane, not so great if you want to manually place different subtools and have them tile.


    Sweet I'll check this out - thank you.

    I do need to try my hand at doing differnt subtools and using them to tile as well, but first things first.

  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    In order for wrap mode to work properly, your plane has to be within ZBrush's unified space. If I remember correctly, the default Zbrush plane is the right scale, but it doesn't subdivide properly. If it's not in the right space, then your brush wrap won't work as intended(sculpting on the right edge carries over to the left edge, for example). Depending on how your plane is setup, you may have to tick Z-axis under Tools > Modifiers, so your brush isn't deforming the edges of the plane. If you follow the tutorial in the video posted by coots above, then you don't have to worry about the modifier since his plane includes the low-res area outside of the baking area for the strong deformations.

    For the 2.5d and tilde method, I find that it's easier to scale my assets properly in the canvas by using a reference image. Instead of eyeballing the brick sizes, just match them to a tiling brick texture.
  • bhall27
    leleuxart wrote: »
    In order for wrap mode to work properly, your plane has to be within ZBrush's unified space. If I remember correctly, the default Zbrush plane is the right scale, but it doesn't subdivide properly. If it's not in the right space, then your brush wrap won't work as intended(sculpting on the right edge carries over to the left edge, for example). Depending on how your plane is setup, you may have to tick Z-axis under Tools > Modifiers, so your brush isn't deforming the edges of the plane. If you follow the tutorial in the video posted by coots above, then you don't have to worry about the modifier since his plane includes the low-res area outside of the baking area for the strong deformations.

    For the 2.5d and tilde method, I find that it's easier to scale my assets properly in the canvas by using a reference image. Instead of eyeballing the brick sizes, just match them to a tiling brick texture.

    Great info, thank you! I'll give it a shot.

  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    I will need to go all noobie mode on you guys! what I am doing wrong here?:

    - I make a 2048x2048k document in Zbrush
    - I frame the basic Zbrush polyPlane
    - I export this plane to 3DSMax
    - convert the editable mesh to editable poly and extrude the edges by sight (arbitrary)
    - I convert the model back to editable poly and export as .obj
    - append the .obj as a tool
    - subdivide it with smoothing off
    - start sculpting with brush wrap set to 2

    Then several issues;
    1. with brush wrap set to 2 you get 4x tiling but...
    this cause enormous lag. Is there a way to improve this ?
    ( I have 16GB ddr3 ram but the active memory stays low )

    2. when you have your sculpt, how do you get your final texture ? Do you "cut" the texture in Photoshop or is there a faster way ?
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