The uv layout for ur crate is great, the reuse of uv is very nice
I hope to see this textured soon !
I think overall ur roller is ok, but great.
Ur HP is very nice, but in this proof sheet is just a tiny render !
make this stuff bigger - make it huge ! really showcase the tiny details you put into this thing. Also change ur lighting scheme on the clay renders, use some colour dude ! like oranges and blues, not just white lights.
here is what i'm thinking...
Also you really should be using a colour spec on this man !
Hey Hiten, thanks for the advice, I changed up the lighting for all of them. I also added a colour spec to it as well Im going to try a couple other light setups in UDK, but is there a better way to grab images from udk?
Here is the Container with normals applied in marmoset. Im going to start work on the spec and diffuse , the Decal sheet in the image is just for an idea of what type of logos etc I want to add.
For the roller i still think you need to spend more time really refining the smaller details on it.
more dripping rust details like this one:
smaller details like this:
ALOT more detail in ur spec map. Like stain/rain detail.
good start man,
I would recommend adding some "layered paint" look on this. U probably around had this in mind.
Right now i perssonaly dont like the way the chipped paint looks. at a look at this ref. some pretty neat looking small details.
Testing out the decal tool in UDK, I was wondering say I have a 512x512 with all of my decals, would i then need a separate alpha for each decal? Or is there a better way to achieve this?
Grab from Marmoset- Updated textures -- removed the white speckle, added layered paint.
Trying to figure out the best way to add more details in without it being terribly noticeable with tiling.
improved textures ! - i like.
> your chipped painted areas need to be much more improved. instead for small tiny scratches make less, but larger scale scratches. that way its easier to read.
HP render
>good new lighting.
> i hate the background. Try adding a curved curved background like in this pic
> Nice improvement on that shader, but the gloss value needs to be adjusted.
>Aim for strong edge highlights like in this pic. You probaly have to add another light ur scene just as a rim light. like in this pic:
and check out this blog.
> and the placement of ur text dude ! what the flip ? :P
> all yout text should be left or right aligned
Much better HP renders, but lets push it further
>Your digger should have some shadow contact w/ the ground. Right now it seems its kinda of floating-ish
>Like your shadows should look something like this - now this is going above and beyond
>The digger HP model has a minor pinch on the top left window area - fix it dude !!!
>And i still hate the colour of the background, include the light colour on the model on the background plane.
> The spec on the shader can still be pushed. OR render out a spec and AO pass and composite in PS. Make it look as pretty as possible
Now the Roller...
> Honestly i think you need to change the camera and fov on this. Right now its not "selling" your work..
> There a few things i think you need to do:
>Change ur camera angle back to how you had it in ur HP renders.
>Ur spec map isnt working dude ! fix it !
> Wheres the AO bake ? you got a great HP model, but it seems the bake didnt really come through.
> add some small props leaning next to the roller, like an oil barrel. Like really simple set dressing to sell your stuff
Good job on fixing normal map on roller though! Hiten is right, set up lights so the specs are showing their potential. Also how are the decals doing? Look at the Sci Fi Lab thread for proper material set up.
The roller looks legit!
Where's the lowppoly for digger?
Container needs better lighting; also did you manage to mask the decals or just stamp them individually?
nice oil barrel :P
for the wood pallet you should have alot of dents/bends. right now its straight lines
use the same shader on the mini digger on these construction props
your set dress props like nice.
Good start on the Pylon, nice modeling - but lets push it further
>The scratches you made are too hand painted they need to be more photo ref
>Add some dirt and grim around the orange areas
>The AO bake/ banding at the bottom needs to be refined
>add a grunge map into your spec, and play with the shader setttings alot more ! - also do this to your barrel too !
Very nice pallet ! nice texturing !
the nails should have a nice metal read to it, sliver in colour. and a nice shiny spec . right now it blends into the wood too much.
Also try to add broken/damage wood at the end of the broken parts of the pallet.
I love the new pallet texture ! its great !
I really like all the small details you put into it to bring it to life.
Now your Barrel is an improvement, the colour spec reads well. If you can try to make a spec power map. and push the overall strength of the spec.
>The highlights are too extreme in the diffuse, ton it down to 25% or less, and copy that layer into the spec and boost it there
>the way the sticker is faded/peeling is feel is incorrect. i like the intention
> it should be like either one of this 2 images
>i also feel that the amount of dirt on it is fine but just needs some minor touch ups.
> the amount of dirt at the bottom should be more varied, right now is sprayed a bit too evenly all around. you can add some height variation in that area.
>show a tiny of bit of rust in the white paint area dude !
for the pylon add some of that tearing/ripped look you made at the top orange rinf to the lower half of that same ring... i how that made sense to you
looking good man !
one thing i'm noticing is that you need to push the spec settings on ur shaders a lot more, really showcase ur spec work !
speaking of spec....
for the pylon add a hexagon pattern in the spec like in this image below. it'll make things pop !
and on that bottom area add some swirl lines like in the 2nd image. (look at bottom of pylon)
for the boiler room, i hope you plan on using a lot tiling texture/texture sheet w/ tiling strips and stuff. there should be little unique unwarps.
you should use Thiago method, its great. Just plan out what types of textures you need first and have some good pixel density going.
If your vertex painting in udk u'll be fine
btw mess around with the ceiling it shouldnt be flat, like have an angled roof. some interesting, also break up those straight lines
hope to see that block out soon.. like very soon....
hey dude ! nice block out man !
i like the first shot more. its nice.
i did a quick paint over of some minor changes, mainly extending on what you already have
That bottom have of the image is like the "first floor" of the warehouse. You can duplicate the machines you already have and place them there. theres no need to make new art for that area. then add alot of atmospheric perspective of that lower have of the scene. An example of this is this scene is did, look at the background, i'm just reusing elements
I hope to see this textured soon !
I think overall ur roller is ok, but great.
Ur HP is very nice, but in this proof sheet is just a tiny render !
make this stuff bigger - make it huge ! really showcase the tiny details you put into this thing. Also change ur lighting scheme on the clay renders, use some colour dude ! like oranges and blues, not just white lights.
here is what i'm thinking...
Also you really should be using a colour spec on this man !
add some wear/dirt on the decals
i hope you this this completely textured by this weekend !
The shader on ur roller could use alot of tweaking (clay renders). check out this pic, and try to match the high level of spec/gloss
DAMN! that looks good. Ill get right on that.
BTW- what do you think of the renders of the roller (Game)? any preference to those?
more dripping rust details like this one:
smaller details like this:
ALOT more detail in ur spec map. Like stain/rain detail.
Here is where Im at with the container, Normals, Base Diffuse
However when I try and add my spec in it gives me this, can anyone help with this?
(not sure where this white bar came from...)
I would recommend adding some "layered paint" look on this. U probably around had this in mind.
Right now i perssonaly dont like the way the chipped paint looks. at a look at this ref. some pretty neat looking small details.
Testing out the decal tool in UDK, I was wondering say I have a 512x512 with all of my decals, would i then need a separate alpha for each decal? Or is there a better way to achieve this?
Grab from Marmoset- Updated textures -- removed the white speckle, added layered paint.
Trying to figure out the best way to add more details in without it being terribly noticeable with tiling.
> your chipped painted areas need to be much more improved. instead for small tiny scratches make less, but larger scale scratches. that way its easier to read.
HP render
>good new lighting.
> i hate the background. Try adding a curved curved background like in this pic
> Nice improvement on that shader, but the gloss value needs to be adjusted.
>Aim for strong edge highlights like in this pic. You probaly have to add another light ur scene just as a rim light. like in this pic:
and check out this blog.
> and the placement of ur text dude ! what the flip ? :P
> all yout text should be left or right aligned
Great couple of sites! Im going to read into the 'strobist', also that is awesome reference for my boiler room, so much of it too
haha, the text was a mistake...
>Your digger should have some shadow contact w/ the ground. Right now it seems its kinda of floating-ish
>Like your shadows should look something like this - now this is going above and beyond
>The digger HP model has a minor pinch on the top left window area - fix it dude !!!
>And i still hate the colour of the background, include the light colour on the model on the background plane.
> The spec on the shader can still be pushed. OR render out a spec and AO pass and composite in PS. Make it look as pretty as possible
Now the Roller...
> Honestly i think you need to change the camera and fov on this. Right now its not "selling" your work..
> There a few things i think you need to do:
>Change ur camera angle back to how you had it in ur HP renders.
>Ur spec map isnt working dude ! fix it !
> Wheres the AO bake ? you got a great HP model, but it seems the bake didnt really come through.
> add some small props leaning next to the roller, like an oil barrel. Like really simple set dressing to sell your stuff
i hope this help !
still trying to figure that out Alex... I might just do them separately for now, I have an idea of how to do it.
Where's the lowppoly for digger?
Container needs better lighting; also did you manage to mask the decals or just stamp them individually?
for the wood pallet you should have alot of dents/bends. right now its straight lines
use the same shader on the mini digger on these construction props
Thanks, it helps when I flip the Y too.... :S
My goal is to have the roller, digger, and container done by the weekend
Hopefully be set dressing the roller and container tonight! Then Digger low poly tomorrow...
Yea, Im still messing around with the lighting in UDK, fixing up the decals right now.
They are individual... I wish I knew how to get them on the same sheet. For now this will work.
Crap :S, that makes total sense lol, when I get the pallet banged up, nailed together ill shader it up!
Pallet is about half done: on its way.
Good start on the Pylon, nice modeling - but lets push it further
>The scratches you made are too hand painted they need to be more photo ref
>Add some dirt and grim around the orange areas
>The AO bake/ banding at the bottom needs to be refined
>add a grunge map into your spec, and play with the shader setttings alot more ! - also do this to your barrel too !
the nails should have a nice metal read to it, sliver in colour. and a nice shiny spec
Also try to add broken/damage wood at the end of the broken parts of the pallet.
Here it is:
The base of the pallet is in the shop so to speak, the messy blocky part
Small update:
The chipped paint/plastic at the top, Ive tried several times to work in a photo overlay. However it never seems to look quite right
I really like all the small details you put into it to bring it to life.
Now your Barrel is an improvement, the colour spec reads well. If you can try to make a spec power map. and push the overall strength of the spec.
>The highlights are too extreme in the diffuse, ton it down to 25% or less, and copy that layer into the spec and boost it there
>the way the sticker is faded/peeling is feel is incorrect. i like the intention
> it should be like either one of this 2 images
>i also feel that the amount of dirt on it is fine
> the amount of dirt at the bottom should be more varied, right now is sprayed a bit too evenly all around. you can add some height variation in that area.
>show a tiny of bit of rust in the white paint area dude !
for the pylon add some of that tearing/ripped look you made at the top orange rinf to the lower half of that same ring... i how that made sense to you
one thing i'm noticing is that you need to push the spec settings on ur shaders a lot more, really showcase ur spec work !
speaking of spec....
for the pylon add a hexagon pattern in the spec like in this image below. it'll make things pop !
and on that bottom area add some swirl lines like in the 2nd image. (look at bottom of pylon)
I didn't do the swirls, but I did do rings
Swirls were a huge pain.... or maybe im tired :S
Next piece will be the boiler room,
Some Ideas:
for the boiler room, i hope you plan on using a lot tiling texture/texture sheet w/ tiling strips and stuff. there should be little unique unwarps.
Messing around with some modular pipes for the boiler room
I'm wondering how far I should take the tiling texture, should I try and go as far as what Thiago did?
I understand how to make the walls, floors, pipes etc, I also plan on using vertex paint to paint between texture layers.
Any tutorials would be much appreciated
Ill update tomorrow with a fleshed out block out.
you should use Thiago method, its great. Just plan out what types of textures you need first and have some good pixel density going.
If your vertex painting in udk u'll be fine
btw mess around with the ceiling it shouldnt be flat, like have an angled roof. some interesting, also break up those straight lines
hope to see that block out soon.. like very soon....
btw some more cool ref:
Two different shots, I like the first one with more showing. Any thoughts?
i like the first shot more. its nice.
i did a quick paint over of some minor changes, mainly extending on what you already have
That bottom have of the image is like the "first floor" of the warehouse. You can duplicate the machines you already have and place them there. theres no need to make new art for that area. then add alot of atmospheric perspective of that lower have of the scene. An example of this is this scene is did, look at the background, i'm just reusing elements
Made the changes: Final will have more pipes as well as a 'fuller' first floor
good luck
here is the first bit of normals for any mechanical pieces, ie the generator and the boiler, switchy doo dads, as well as the pipes
should have these started on a model later tonight
Been busy with work, but here is where I am at