Also man, and i hate to keep stressing this.. smoothing groups!
Try to think about your specular maps as well, as right now the props look like it's max default spec.
one problem. or 2.
one. the chipped paint on wood, doesnt look like chipped paint on wood.
the problem is your using a soft PS brush - you need some w/ hard edges.
check out this pic and compare it to how you masked out ur wood.
i hope that helps
Thanks Hiten, I created a chipped paint brush. Noticed just now there is a spot on the top left part of the closed door where it seems very splotchy.
Here is the basis of my plan to have an awesome portfolio.
Plan is to have this complete by October.31st. This is to have a well rounded portfolio by MIGS and DIG London.
Portfolio Site Outline Plan: 1. “Guten Morgen”- WW2 Scene 3. “In Hot Water”- Boiler Room 4. WW1 Props/Bunker 5. Misc Props + Vehicle (Roller, Arcade Assets, Modular Building, Forklift
*All projects will be shown in real time/ UDK
*Remember to clean up all diff and normal maps
*All images need to be larger on site (12$/ month subscription to Carbonmade)
*Check into squarespace, discounts
*All will include Info ( Who for, Software, etc)
“Guten Morgen”- WW2 Scene Rework camera and lighting in UDK
3. “In Hot Water”- Boiler Room
Revamp- Individual assets mainly the boilers themselves - Reduce Tris in all cylinders (Railings, ladders) - Very Orange, Need cooler pools of colours - Better UV tiling/ Texture
4. WW1 Props/ Bunker
Beauty of total group of props
Best Individual assets broken down
Best texture sheets
i like the improved chipped paint, but still needs refinements. take ur base texture and apply it above ur green paint layer. set it to multiply and do a levels adjustment, this will help show the wood grain poping though. check out this 2 refs. also it needs some discoloration on the paint layer, and use more hi rez photos when doing dirt passes. and dude theres the AO bake ? i can see the ones on the inside (nice), but every connecting pieces should have on as well. try to do a LP on LP bake ur get basic/good results.
Hey everyone, here is an update with where I am at with a bunch of different projects ,
I'm going to start just finishing them off as I should have more free time to work on them. Lately has been an hour or so a night anyways here they are:
Roller- Started the Low poly as this the right way to go about it? having those lines converge together?
Shipment Crate-
Mini Digger-
Start of Low- Ignore the bottom base as it will be reduced heavily.
As always I appreciate feedback, good and most importantly bad
Your hi poly work is great, but your texturing leaves a lot to be desired. Textures are what make games look good not just polys. I think you just need to spend a little bit of time thinking about how surfaces meet, and textures should transition. Also the use of pure photo sourced textures is really apparent. Try blending textures together to make something new and more unique looking. Good Work though awaiting more.
Tutorials are always good to watch for texturing, but that is not the only way to learn texturing tips. What also works is just to look at other people's texture sheets, study them, see what you like and what works, and just try to learn from that. There is no shortage of great textures around these forums!
One tip I have is to practice a lot. The other is sometimes just stare at something. i find myself staring at walls, floors, desks, pretty much anything around me. I try to analyze and breakdown what colors, shapes, and patterns are used. As for tutorials I definitely think that they are a must and one of the most helpful I have found is sci fi floor by
Everything looks goood so far.
I agree w/ the other comments about the texturing, but i do believe you get better in time - just keep practicing.
one thing i so notice is that it seems the shader settings cant been adjusted that much, really play around w/ this. It'll really help sell the material read on ur objects.
Also for rendering HP for ur portfolio, use a shader with a high spec/gloss settings, u'll get great results. The clay render u have a "fine" but go the extra mile !
Hey Ben, You've progressed really well, I think that the main problem with your texturing is the UV layouts, It seems you want to make them too unique, therefore you're loosing Uv space for having too many unnecessary islands. Overlay some your UV islands and save up space.
@Jessica Dinh - thanks for the tips, and yes definitely a lot of great artists on this forum.
@Donavonyoung - Thanks for the link to the tutorial/ video, ill be sure to watch it
@ Hiten, thanks, also Ill be sure to change up those renders, I had the settings all somewhere before, will need to dig them up Also when you say shader settings what are you referring too?
@ Alberto - Thanks, Awesome thread! When I do my next unwrap Ill take an extra chunk of time and really lay it out methodically.
Hey Ben, cool digger. Fix the darn normals on the rims of that roller and also the normals on the digger's windshield :P Anyways, bake the rest and compile it, there is nothing more to dig here
Ben, i suggest doing one piece at a time. It will help focus on certain issues, that can than be fixed as you move on to the next piece. It becomes counter productive trying to manage so many WIPs at one time.
Some more texturing on the roller, Most is still basic trying to get a feel for the amount of rust etc. The repeating rust texture will be taken care of
getting better, you need to start the spec map the same time you make ur diff. Or else you might create the spec as an after thought. Work on all 3 types of maps at the same time vs finish diff start spec finish spec start normals, finished post on p/ I hope that helps
Hey Ben, going slow but steady! There is a bit of shading deformation happening on the back wheel. Also I think the front roller should be more banged up, I know that in your reference its not, but it just seems a bit too perfect right now... Cheers!
Thanks Alex, yeah feels like forever :S, couple hours here and there can really drag a piece out. Working on the back wheel now. I wasnt finished with the textures on the front roller yet
good update one the roller. but you need to push that spec map. Also put some better lighting in ur scene, ur put it into UDK
The red container idea is great. also u can put those sign on as decal and not into the texture. That way your container uv is a tiling texture which will help increase the resolution
Thanks, Ill drop it into UDK, I've got a tutorial dvd that shows tips on lighting etc ill dig into that. Also that make sense lol, I forgot about the decals option.
Yea decals would be awesome, get some crazy rust going on that container :P I hope the back wheels will turn out better with the new HP prop. Watch out for the edge bleeding between the tire & the metal disk!
Won't get to these for a bit, have a couple other projects to finish but
I would love to hear some comments on these next couple of pieces and really nail down everything before I start one.
Have a couple projects- smaller scenes that I'm in the process of concepting:
First of which is set in a empty war torn town, only 1 or a small group of people still reside and are now separated from the rest of the world. A small shelter will be the focal point, this shelter will be built off of an existing blown out building, tarps, cloth, wood anything that could be scavenged. Small items of canned food will be scattered around a small fire pit. A make shift clothesline will be hung from the shelter. Im aiming to keep this down in size, using tiling textures, and modular rubble/ buildings.
Second is a new take on my existing boiler room piece, also smaller in scale.
I want to evoke the feeling of claustrophobia, lots of pipes running through out the piece. Lots of gauges, grill plates, bolts, "Industrial". Another thing I want to improve on is the use of colour, The heat off of the boilers will cast a very warm feel to the upper left of the image, cooling off to a blue hue in the lower half.
Ive fixed the UV's they are hopefully a lot better, the decals and pipes will be placed on a separate sheet, although im thinking it would be better for the pipes to be with the rest of the container and have the decals left on a 256x256 (for projection)
Try to think about your specular maps as well, as right now the props look like it's max default spec.
your smoothing groups on the wood box are not set correctly.
not every poly face should be the same smoothing group
Finally back at it, been a busy summer.
I've created a project outline with the intent to have an awesome portfolio by October.31st.
Ill post my plans up tomorrow, for now here is a screengrab from UDK of the pantry,
As always, appreciate any feedback
one problem. or 2.
one. the chipped paint on wood, doesnt look like chipped paint on wood.
the problem is your using a soft PS brush - you need some w/ hard edges.
check out this pic and compare it to how you masked out ur wood.
i hope that helps
Here is the basis of my plan to have an awesome portfolio.
Plan is to have this complete by October.31st. This is to have a well rounded portfolio by MIGS and DIG London.
Portfolio Site Outline Plan:
1. “Guten Morgen”- WW2 Scene
3. “In Hot Water”- Boiler Room
4. WW1 Props/Bunker
5. Misc Props + Vehicle (Roller, Arcade Assets, Modular Building, Forklift
*All projects will be shown in real time/ UDK
*Remember to clean up all diff and normal maps
*All images need to be larger on site (12$/ month subscription to Carbonmade)
*Check into squarespace, discounts
*All will include Info ( Who for, Software, etc)
“Guten Morgen”- WW2 Scene Rework camera and lighting in UDK
3. “In Hot Water”- Boiler Room
Revamp- Individual assets mainly the boilers themselves
- Reduce Tris in all cylinders (Railings, ladders)
- Very Orange, Need cooler pools of colours
- Better UV tiling/ Texture
4. WW1 Props/ Bunker
Beauty of total group of props
Best Individual assets broken down
Best texture sheets
Props List: Crate, Rations, Pantry, Lantern, Phone, Table, Projector
5. Props and Vehicle’s
· Roller – High/ Low/ Maps/ Wires
· Arcade Assets –Motorcycle Mach. Revamp!
· Modular building- Warehouse
- Beauty shots
- Modular Components
- Maps/ Tris/ high/ low
· Forklift - High/low/maps/wires
I would really appreciate any feedback towards where I am heading with this plan/outline.
Here is the Pantry WIP,
and the crate,
I'm going to start just finishing them off as I should have more free time to work on them. Lately has been an hour or so a night anyways here they are:
Roller- Started the Low poly as this the right way to go about it? having those lines converge together?
Shipment Crate-
Mini Digger-
Start of Low- Ignore the bottom base as it will be reduced heavily.
As always I appreciate feedback, good and most importantly bad
I agree w/ the other comments about the texturing, but i do believe you get better in time - just keep practicing.
one thing i so notice is that it seems the shader settings cant been adjusted that much, really play around w/ this. It'll really help sell the material read on ur objects.
Also for rendering HP for ur portfolio, use a shader with a high spec/gloss settings, u'll get great results. The clay render u have a "fine" but go the extra mile !
Check out this thread, I think it will be a nice lesson into saving up UV space.
@Donavonyoung - Thanks for the link to the tutorial/ video, ill be sure to watch it
@ Hiten, thanks, also Ill be sure to change up those renders, I had the settings all somewhere before, will need to dig them up
@ Alberto - Thanks, Awesome thread! When I do my next unwrap Ill take an extra chunk of time and really lay it out methodically.
Front and Back-
Rough UV Layout-
Rough Normal Map-
Need to fix the window, along with a few other details
Here is the Container, please ignore the red... AO Bake and NRM-
I'm also wondering about how to present the rest of my pieces, should I create a pedestal?
Here is the tire that ill be going with, the original tire I had created didnt transfer well to the low.
Also took a few minutes to work a couple ideas with the container, will post more as I get them.
The red container idea is great. also u can put those sign on as decal and not into the texture. That way your container uv is a tiling texture
Whats the best way to screen grab from UDK?
Won't get to these for a bit, have a couple other projects to finish but
I would love to hear some comments on these next couple of pieces and really nail down everything before I start one.
Have a couple projects- smaller scenes that I'm in the process of concepting:
First of which is set in a empty war torn town, only 1 or a small group of people still reside and are now separated from the rest of the world. A small shelter will be the focal point, this shelter will be built off of an existing blown out building, tarps, cloth, wood anything that could be scavenged. Small items of canned food will be scattered around a small fire pit. A make shift clothesline will be hung from the shelter. Im aiming to keep this down in size, using tiling textures, and modular rubble/ buildings.
Second is a new take on my existing boiler room piece, also smaller in scale.
I want to evoke the feeling of claustrophobia, lots of pipes running through out the piece. Lots of gauges, grill plates, bolts, "Industrial". Another thing I want to improve on is the use of colour, The heat off of the boilers will cast a very warm feel to the upper left of the image, cooling off to a blue hue in the lower half.
Ive fixed the UV's they are hopefully a lot better, the decals and pipes will be placed on a separate sheet, although im thinking it would be better for the pipes to be with the rest of the container and have the decals left on a 256x256 (for projection)