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Looking for assets for platform game

polycounter lvl 10
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cheesecake polycounter lvl 10

I hope I am not being to forward to ask for assets in my first post here. But hopefully I came to the right place. I just finished the game design document for a new game idea. Starting on the prototype with simple placeholder assets using the Unity Engine.

But as I am a programmer and not a designer I am seeking a motivated designer who would like to see his art/assets in a real game. Maybe someone who is in the same position as me. I can program but cannot make nice assets for my game. You can design but lack the time/skills to program a game around it.

I am currently doing this game in my spare time as a hobby project and have no budget. So any created assets are no-pay. But they probably will end up in the game :)

Here are some examples of assets the game requires:

  • Menu background screen;
  • Game Over screen;
  • HUD Display timer;
  • HUD Display lives;
  • HUD Display coins;
Models (exported to .fbx format)
  • Animated business man model (idle, walk, run, jump, throw)
  • Briefcase for throwing;
  • Coin;
  • Skyboxes textures;
  • Tiled Platforms with seperate end-cap models
  • Ladder;
  • Plenty of obstacles;
  • Enemy 1 (idle, walk)
  • Enemy 2 (idle, walk, throw)
  • Menu background music
  • Ambient background music;
  • Game over sound;
  • Player transforms to super business man sound;
  • Player jump sound;
  • Player attack sound;
  • Player dies sound;
  • Enemy 1 dies sound;
  • Enemy 2 attacks sound;
  • Enemy 2 dies sound;
  • Intro story in comic style;
If you are interested please send me a PM or email me.
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