I would like to know if someone can help me figure this one out! Ived been recently using mudbox with my intuos 3 and its seem's that my tablet dont cover all the screen space when using mudbox( same with photoshop) and its giving me bad result when sculpting because the pen is not accurate!( its not sculpting at the right place on the mesh)Can someone help me with this one ?
im using windows 7 btw!
Thx !
I have an Intuos 3 A4 with no problems like that though, not sure why.
Are you having these issues in, say, max as well? I'm pretty sure you're only noticing it in Mudbox and Photoshop because you actually have brushes.
This! I have a 4 and have no issues in either program.
i do have a intuos 3 6x11 which is wider than the A4 and more proportional to the 16:10.
anyways, make sure you turn off 'Wacom Virtual Hid Driver'
go to control panel -> Human Interface Driver -> Wacom Virtual Hid Driver - disable it and restart.
btw, u should not turn off stamp spacing in mudbox, just set it to 0
But its seem that for mudbox disabling those driver's made the sculptool unstable( making overlapping face and artefact)... I will try to reboot and re-install mudbox if its still happening...