If you don't buy a game, then you have no game. You sit at home staring at your game system waiting for it to do something.
Again, complaining isn't going to make the games better, but since these games can change after you buy them you can mod (protest) the game and make it more enjoyable for you and others.
there's always independents in some ridings
or the marxist-leninist party!
and I've also found that there's 3 ways my vote counts, and it's important to consider all 3.
1. which party gets the most seats, and forms government.
2. party funding. parties get money from the government for having lots of votes, so they do still count for something.
3. your MP. they might be part of a party you don't like, but do an awesome job, or vice-versa.
People who don't vote have every right to complain as much as the next guy. We have some absolutely putrid selection of parties to chose from.
I've heard so many people make this argument, but so far everytime it's been baseless when I tried to dig into it at all. It's just sort of something people convince themselves of and repeat, having heard other people say it.
So I'm curious. What specifically is so putrid about the parties? For each one? What is it in the NDP's platform that makes you so repulsed? The Green Party? What about the Communist Party? The Christian Heritage party? Hell, can you even say what parties are running in your riding? Who are the candidates? What are the major parties main platforms? The leaders histories? What is it that the current representatives of the parties have done that is so terrible?
I highly doubt that you can answer adequately any single one of those things; atleast without jumping straight to wikipedia and then spending time convincing yourself you knew all along ("hah!").
So, my thinking is this. You don't want to vote? Fine. But right now the only thing that smells like crap is the bullshit you are spewing. So just drop it, say you're too lazy and quit trying to act like you have any sort of opinion. An opinion requires being atleast marginally informed. If that's not true, and you are informed, then give a valid argument. Not a bunch of meaningless sayings you like to repeat.
And if you really do feel that way, there are far better ways to show it anyways. Even going to vote and invalidating your ballot is a far better way to show your disdain for the current political climate than sitting at home pretending your too cool to care.
NOT Steven Harper
Not Bloc Quebecois
Old structures that are killing people (bridges falling, buildings collapsing, Earthquake proof this 400 year old city thats on a GOD DAMN FAULT LINE)
We have the lowest doctors per capita in North America here in MTL. And Education (which i would equate as infrastructure development) is severely underfunded.
I asked my close friend (who is an economist for the Federal Government), who I should vote for (seeing as he shares the same views as I do). He rolled his eyes. and suggested one of the 'joke' parties that have no hope in winning.
@jacque - I will say this: If you ever thought you NEEDED to vote, it should be this election. If Harper wins again, we're all fucked. Even you Frenchies.
If I am already registered in a different riding do you think I could just show up with my ID? I don't know if I'll be able to update it by the cutoff today by 6pm. In fact I am almost positive I won't make it. I really want to vote though.
Adam and Frump: I think that so long as you can prove you are who you say you are, and that you live where you say you live, you should have no problem.
Tulkamir is entirely correct. And instead of actually addressing his points people evade the debate by spewing out "hurp durp" comments.
You can't sit on your ass and complain about how things suck and all the parties suck and not do something to change it.
Its like everyone thinks "If I sit on my ass and close my eyes things will magically be different when I open them." If you don't like it, vote and make your voice heard. The party you vote for may not be the perfect party but for the moment its the best you have. If you are unhappy with how they perform you vote for someone else during the next election until the parties clue in that their ways are costing them votes.
Having looked at some crazy polls the other day I can guarantee (If true) the Liberals are shitting themselves that there's a chance they won't even end up as official opposition.
All this junk about "My vote doesn't matter","All parties suck" "I refuse to vote as protest" is complete apathetic lazy bullshit. Further proven by the fact the people who state such comments refuse to bring any logical arguments to the table, cause there too lazy to even do that.
You don't show your support for a protest in the streets by sitting your ass at home and watching dance with the stars.
You can repeat the same points over and over, and it wont change anyone opinions, Atleast not mine.
Further proven by the fact the people who state such comments refuse to bring any logical arguments to the table, cause there too lazy to even do that.
Please tell me how doing "Nothing" will "Change" something. All snark aside I am actually interested in how you reach this conclusion.
Please tell me how doing "Nothing" will "Change" something. All snark aside I am actually interested in how you reach this conclusion.
It's impossible to do 'nothing', even a first grader should understand that. Without abstention, no one would be able to feel so self-righteous about ticking a box on a piece of paper. Now wouldn't that be a shame?
I once had an English teacher who wanted to demonstrate the power of 'Democracy' to the class. He had us vote on something. He tallied the votes and they were 50/50 split with one vote left to look at. Everyone was tense, the stage was set, and I was trying not to burst out laughing; I knew the last vote was mine because it said 'abstain'.
No one knew what to do, there were a lot of annoyed people and nothing came out of it in the end. Turned out 'Democracy' couldn't defeat reality.
And that reality is: 'Democracy' does not exist and never has. What we call 'Democracy' is a shameless joke perpetuated by bullshit arguments that 'you need to vote because you're a horrible person if you don't'. Hey that's nice, but reality says FFUUUUUUUU-
Every informed vote is drowned out by tens of thousands of uninformed votes.
Most votes are ultimately discarded and useless.
The system is perfectly capable of ignoring the will of the majority when convenient.
Elected officials almost always abandon their campaign promises.
Most of the population doesn't vote regardless of whether you think they should.
Most everyone hates every option -- even the joke ones!
Every time there is a major shift in government it's because of a scandal, not policy.
Corporations already run the world, we don't get to vote for them, and politicians are scared shitless of them.
Good, decent people don't go into politics because it's hell.
Most MP's don't show up for parliament.
When they do show up, most just stomp their feet and yell like little children.
But generations of idiots have passed down the insane notion that you need to vote because somehow everything will turn out alright... despite the fact that the instant voting season is gone everyone turns around and complains that the government doesn't work.
What is that saying again? Insanity is defined by doing the same action over and over and expecting a different result?
That's all well and good, and I'm the guy who promotes the Venus project so I know how useless this system is... but if Harper wins, don't be mad :P
With that said, I think the NDP are doing really good in Quebec, Ontario I'm not sure... but if they can destroy those two provinces and trickle in the votes of the other ones, they might win.
In Brazil, many politicians enter with the intent of cleaning up their respective cities, and end up instead being held, for a lack of better terms, hostage, when certain parties go behind their back, dirty their hands and essentially tell the guys; "You rat us out or try and clean us up, we'll tie to the events which will bring you and your whole family down".
What I'm trying to say is that stand-up comedy on such premise is fine, but the guy kinda went overboard and entered the zone of awkwardness when half of the things he said are untrue, and sounded like someone who has too much of a liberal political free roaming mouth to be unbiased.
Although I'll agree about one thing, you pett-WE petty human beings are shit!
I personally would like to vote, but it wouldn't be fair on my behalf to vote simply because I have been out of the loop for almost everything, and no amount of 5 minute videos (even if this was good) will help me decide what is good for the country.
Sadly enough, almost all of my friends, who are well off or simply do stupid decisions on their own that affects their own immediate area of things, plan on voting what is personally good for them, not a bad philosophy I would say, but considering they themselves throw tantrums like little children without being actually well versed in politics, it is sad.
"The NDP are the only Canadian party to state in their platform that they will prohibit Usage Based Billing for Internet Providers"
--We will prohibit all forms of usage-based billing (UBB) by Internet Service Providers (ISPs);
--We will unlock cells phones, allowing consumers to change providers without changing phones;
--We will rescind the 2006 Conservative industry-oriented directive to the CRTC and direct the regulator to stand up for the public interest, not just the major telecommunications companies;
--We will enshrine "net neutrality" in law, end price gouging and "net throttling," with clear rules for Internet Service Providers (ISPs), enforced by the CRTC; and,
--We will apply the proceeds from the advanced wireless spectrum auction to ensure all Canadians, no matter where they live, will have quality high-speed broadband internet access.
Especially considering harper tried to pass a ridiculous bill that would rival the american dmca and prop up the cria to an equivalent power as the riaa. Which is perfect for the dudes/bros who love sue (15K a song? 20k a movie?) families who's sons or daughters downloaded a couple songs off the webnet.
Honestly man, so sick of this cry-me-a-fucking-river everyone sucks shit. I've never said that anything is going to "save" me. I've never said that I need "saving".
That said, like in all things, some are worse than others. Just as things can get better or worse over time. So, the immediate response is to make choices that lean towards the best available at the time, that will lead to a better future.
Thus, go out and vote for whoever is best. And quit acting like an emo about how sad you are that no one is good enough.
[edit] Wait... I just read the article (your link lead the to comments section and I missed it). That article doesn't even really say anything. Maybe I missed something, I have no clue what point the article makes, or what point you are trying to make now. [/edit]
Honestly man, so sick of this cry-me-a-fucking-river everyone sucks shit. I've never said that anything is going to "save" me. I've never said that I need "saving".
That said, like in all things, some are worse than others. Just as things can get better or worse over time. So, the immediate response is to make choices that lean towards the best available at the time, that will lead to a better future.
Thus, go out and vote for whoever is best. And quit acting like an emo about how sad you are that no one is good enough.
[edit] Wait... I just read the article (your link lead the to comments section and I missed it). That article doesn't even really say anything. Maybe I missed something, I have no clue what point the article makes, or what point you are trying to make now. [/edit]
Careful all about calls telling you your voting station has moved. Apparently there is some serious election fraud going on right now and people are getting fake calls that their election stations have moved. From the sounds of it those who have committed as Liberal voters are most at risk.
Apparently some other funny stuff going on as well.
Soo the guy is in the pub, he sees something on TV that makes everyone cheer, girls hand is on his face so he can't see shit. He pulls it down.
Oh lawd he pulled a girls arm down!
By the way, my post wasn't trying to say that I want NDP to win, it was two different things. My hate for HARPER, and the fact that NDP is now in second place. No where related to each other
Again, complaining isn't going to make the games better, but since these games can change after you buy them you can mod (protest) the game and make it more enjoyable for you and others.
or the marxist-leninist party!
and I've also found that there's 3 ways my vote counts, and it's important to consider all 3.
1. which party gets the most seats, and forms government.
2. party funding. parties get money from the government for having lots of votes, so they do still count for something.
3. your MP. they might be part of a party you don't like, but do an awesome job, or vice-versa.
I've heard so many people make this argument, but so far everytime it's been baseless when I tried to dig into it at all. It's just sort of something people convince themselves of and repeat, having heard other people say it.
So I'm curious. What specifically is so putrid about the parties? For each one? What is it in the NDP's platform that makes you so repulsed? The Green Party? What about the Communist Party? The Christian Heritage party? Hell, can you even say what parties are running in your riding? Who are the candidates? What are the major parties main platforms? The leaders histories? What is it that the current representatives of the parties have done that is so terrible?
I highly doubt that you can answer adequately any single one of those things; atleast without jumping straight to wikipedia and then spending time convincing yourself you knew all along ("hah!").
So, my thinking is this. You don't want to vote? Fine. But right now the only thing that smells like crap is the bullshit you are spewing. So just drop it, say you're too lazy and quit trying to act like you have any sort of opinion. An opinion requires being atleast marginally informed. If that's not true, and you are informed, then give a valid argument. Not a bunch of meaningless sayings you like to repeat.
And if you really do feel that way, there are far better ways to show it anyways. Even going to vote and invalidating your ballot is a far better way to show your disdain for the current political climate than sitting at home pretending your too cool to care.
Had this debate quite a few times.
These are the key things I'm looking for:
NOT Steven Harper
Not Bloc Quebecois
Old structures that are killing people (bridges falling, buildings collapsing, Earthquake proof this 400 year old city thats on a GOD DAMN FAULT LINE)
We have the lowest doctors per capita in North America here in MTL. And Education (which i would equate as infrastructure development) is severely underfunded.
I asked my close friend (who is an economist for the Federal Government), who I should vote for (seeing as he shares the same views as I do). He rolled his eyes. and suggested one of the 'joke' parties that have no hope in winning.
I think my riding had a Pirate Party that I voted for last time. A bunch of swashbuckling dudes with eye patches.
It really is the same as not voting.
to bad i cant "like" comments on polycount :P
I don't NEED to register to vote, right? I can simply show up with my ID and cast my votes?
yup. Been doing this for the last two elections.
Here's how you can prove this stuff:
You can't sit on your ass and complain about how things suck and all the parties suck and not do something to change it.
Its like everyone thinks "If I sit on my ass and close my eyes things will magically be different when I open them." If you don't like it, vote and make your voice heard. The party you vote for may not be the perfect party but for the moment its the best you have. If you are unhappy with how they perform you vote for someone else during the next election until the parties clue in that their ways are costing them votes.
Having looked at some crazy polls the other day I can guarantee (If true) the Liberals are shitting themselves that there's a chance they won't even end up as official opposition.
All this junk about "My vote doesn't matter","All parties suck" "I refuse to vote as protest" is complete apathetic lazy bullshit. Further proven by the fact the people who state such comments refuse to bring any logical arguments to the table, cause there too lazy to even do that.
You don't show your support for a protest in the streets by sitting your ass at home and watching dance with the stars.
Please tell me how doing "Nothing" will "Change" something. All snark aside I am actually interested in how you reach this conclusion.
And my vote is my own, however i use it, is my choice. Like i said, no Mather how many time you repeat your opinion, that will not change mine.
"I'm not a fan of facts. You see, the facts can change, but my opinion will never change, no matter what the facts are." - Stephen Colbert
I would share with a select few of course, the ELITE!
I once had an English teacher who wanted to demonstrate the power of 'Democracy' to the class. He had us vote on something. He tallied the votes and they were 50/50 split with one vote left to look at. Everyone was tense, the stage was set, and I was trying not to burst out laughing; I knew the last vote was mine because it said 'abstain'.
No one knew what to do, there were a lot of annoyed people and nothing came out of it in the end. Turned out 'Democracy' couldn't defeat reality.
And that reality is: 'Democracy' does not exist and never has. What we call 'Democracy' is a shameless joke perpetuated by bullshit arguments that 'you need to vote because you're a horrible person if you don't'. Hey that's nice, but reality says FFUUUUUUUU-
- Every informed vote is drowned out by tens of thousands of uninformed votes.
- Most votes are ultimately discarded and useless.
- The system is perfectly capable of ignoring the will of the majority when convenient.
- Elected officials almost always abandon their campaign promises.
- Most of the population doesn't vote regardless of whether you think they should.
- Most everyone hates every option -- even the joke ones!
- Every time there is a major shift in government it's because of a scandal, not policy.
- Corporations already run the world, we don't get to vote for them, and politicians are scared shitless of them.
- Good, decent people don't go into politics because it's hell.
- Most MP's don't show up for parliament.
- When they do show up, most just stomp their feet and yell like little children.
But generations of idiots have passed down the insane notion that you need to vote because somehow everything will turn out alright... despite the fact that the instant voting season is gone everyone turns around and complains that the government doesn't work.What is that saying again? Insanity is defined by doing the same action over and over and expecting a different result?
With that said, I think the NDP are doing really good in Quebec, Ontario I'm not sure... but if they can destroy those two provinces and trickle in the votes of the other ones, they might win.
I'll still be voting. As to who, we shall see.
That's awfully unfair.
In Brazil, many politicians enter with the intent of cleaning up their respective cities, and end up instead being held, for a lack of better terms, hostage, when certain parties go behind their back, dirty their hands and essentially tell the guys; "You rat us out or try and clean us up, we'll tie to the events which will bring you and your whole family down".
What I'm trying to say is that stand-up comedy on such premise is fine, but the guy kinda went overboard and entered the zone of awkwardness when half of the things he said are untrue, and sounded like someone who has too much of a liberal political free roaming mouth to be unbiased.
Although I'll agree about one thing, you pett-WE petty human beings are shit!
I personally would like to vote, but it wouldn't be fair on my behalf to vote simply because I have been out of the loop for almost everything, and no amount of 5 minute videos (even if this was good) will help me decide what is good for the country.
Sadly enough, almost all of my friends, who are well off or simply do stupid decisions on their own that affects their own immediate area of things, plan on voting what is personally good for them, not a bad philosophy I would say, but considering they themselves throw tantrums like little children without being actually well versed in politics, it is sad.
What choo think foo
--We will prohibit all forms of usage-based billing (UBB) by Internet Service Providers (ISPs);
--We will unlock cells phones, allowing consumers to change providers without changing phones;
--We will rescind the 2006 Conservative industry-oriented directive to the CRTC and direct the regulator to stand up for the public interest, not just the major telecommunications companies;
--We will enshrine "net neutrality" in law, end price gouging and "net throttling," with clear rules for Internet Service Providers (ISPs), enforced by the CRTC; and,
--We will apply the proceeds from the advanced wireless spectrum auction to ensure all Canadians, no matter where they live, will have quality high-speed broadband internet access.
Way ahead of the curve on copyrighting, as well.
Especially considering harper tried to pass a ridiculous bill that would rival the american dmca and prop up the cria to an equivalent power as the riaa. Which is perfect for the dudes/bros who love sue (15K a song? 20k a movie?) families who's sons or daughters downloaded a couple songs off the webnet.
Also, something for the still undecided:
Nice list of promises made by the parties.
Also This...
Just feeds my rage fire!
And another good read for those interested:
Honestly man, so sick of this cry-me-a-fucking-river everyone sucks shit. I've never said that anything is going to "save" me. I've never said that I need "saving".
That said, like in all things, some are worse than others. Just as things can get better or worse over time. So, the immediate response is to make choices that lean towards the best available at the time, that will lead to a better future.
Thus, go out and vote for whoever is best. And quit acting like an emo about how sad you are that no one is good enough.
[edit] Wait... I just read the article (your link lead the to comments section and I missed it). That article doesn't even really say anything. Maybe I missed something, I have no clue what point the article makes, or what point you are trying to make now. [/edit]
Apparently some other funny stuff going on as well.
Pretty sad.
Shit... even I would do that... ahahahahah
Soo the guy is in the pub, he sees something on TV that makes everyone cheer, girls hand is on his face so he can't see shit. He pulls it down.
Oh lawd he pulled a girls arm down!
By the way, my post wasn't trying to say that I want NDP to win, it was two different things. My hate for HARPER, and the fact that NDP is now in second place. No where related to each other