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Canadian Elections

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Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
Hey all, figured there should be a post on here about the Canadian Elections, as there are a bunch of us Canucks on here.

Hopefully everyone's going to be voting that can, as this is a potentially important election, and comes about in a rather shameful way for us Canadians (Government found in contempt of Parliament :poly117:). Which makes me think we need to get active and actually change shit for the better.

Anyways, won't say much more than that, just try to drum up some interest.

Here's something for the undecided to help you vote: http://votecompass.ca/federal/

And one last thing... whoever you vote for, for the love of all that is good and holy, please don't vote Harper. :(



  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Whoever votes for Harper needs to have their balls clenched in an iron cast, tied to a car, and driven overboard a cliff.

    I mean seriously, Steven Harper, he just...he just...

    Steven Harper...Steven Harper...S = Steven Harper, H = Harper.

    S.H. = Steve Harper!
    SH = Silent Hill!

    Silent Hill Movie being made in Canada!
    Steven Harper is in Canada!

    Silent Hill = Madness of Horror!
    Seven Harper = Madness of the Government!

    OH...MY...LORD! STEVEN HARPER is the representation of the Madness that stems from one person when their belief become a condemnation to another persons lifestyle not based upon study, but prosecution of ability!

  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    Mhmm should be an interesting election, I'll obviously be voting.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Down with HARRP!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Damn, that kinda sucks have 1 conservative party, and 4 liberal, talk about splitting the vote.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    The day polititians start showing more intrest in politics than they do in telling us how bad the other guys are is they day I'll start being interested in voting...
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    The day polititians start showing more intrest in politics than they do in telling us how bad the other guys are is they day I'll start being interested in voting...

    - If you are really unhappy with the current political climate there are better ways to do a "Protest" vote than not vote
    - There are varying degrees of bad/good in politics, even if there is little good, atleast vote for the smaller amount of bad.
    - If you don't vote you have no right to bitch about politics (so vote, then bitch away!)
    - Apathy is fail

    The day you start voting is the day that you can start taking an active hand in pushing towards a day when politicians will do as you want, scudz.

    I'd say that if you are going to sit and bitch about how you are unhappy with how politicians act, but don't vote, you really don't have any rights to talk. About any political problems. You are given a chance to participate, and don't. You are therefore a large part of the current problem with politics.

    Anyways, to be completely honest it is an argument I've heard from many people, and it amounts to little more than an excuse for laziness. Anyone truly unhappy with the current political climate should be informed enough to know that there are better ways to do a "protest" vote. If you don't know enough to know that, you sure don't know enough to be actually unhappy.

    As a side note to anyone thinking like this, there is definitely a point in voting, always, especially now. Even though none of the parties/options are perfect, or in your view even good, there are varying degrees of how good/bad they are. Currently, we have one very, very bad option. It's important to atleast vote for the lesser evil. If not, things get just get worse.

  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Tulkamir wrote: »

    That didn't help at all... The result I got is might as well blindfold myself and throw a dart... heh.
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    The day polititians start showing more intrest in politics than they do in telling us how bad the other guys are is they day I'll start being interested in voting...

    I agree with this for the most part, however its really only the Liberals and Conservatives that are doing this. NDP, not so much. The NDP has some really great commercials I think.

    As far as I'm concerned NDP is the only party that gives a damn. The only thing the other two main parties are worried about is having a majority government.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    I'm tempted to vote NDP just because they are picking up enough steam to help take down Harper now... but on the other hand they are gaining support mainly from Quebec and that's always bad news for the west coast. Hey, maybe we can get French on all our Punjabi signage! :poly122:

    Eh, will probably just abstain or vote Green to get them more funding. Policies are a bit too left but May actually seems like a reasonable human being as opposed to the other ridiculous jokes for candidates.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    - If you are really unhappy with the current political climate there are better ways to do a "Protest" vote than not vote
    - There are varying degrees of bad/good in politics, even if there is little good, atleast vote for the smaller amount of bad.
    - If you don't vote you have no right to bitch about politics (so vote, then bitch away!)
    - Apathy is fail

    The day you start voting is the day that you can start taking an active hand in pushing towards a day when politicians will do as you want, scudz.

    I'd say that if you are going to sit and bitch about how you are unhappy with how politicians act, but don't vote, you really don't have any rights to talk. About any political problems. You are given a chance to participate, and don't. You are therefore a large part of the current problem with politics.

    Anyways, to be completely honest it is an argument I've heard from many people, and it amounts to little more than an excuse for laziness. Anyone truly unhappy with the current political climate should be informed enough to know that there are better ways to do a "protest" vote. If you don't know enough to know that, you sure don't know enough to be actually unhappy.

    As a side note to anyone thinking like this, there is definitely a point in voting, always, especially now. Even though none of the parties/options are perfect, or in your view even good, there are varying degrees of how good/bad they are. Currently, we have one very, very bad option. It's important to atleast vote for the lesser evil. If not, things get just get worse.


    That would be a totally valid point if I hadn't a spent the last 14 years looking for someone who was worth voting for. To clarify, I have voted multiple times in the past and in each case, weather that person got elected or not, the one who ended up in "power" was involved in some shady dealings or scandals or ignoring the entire foundation of their campaign or outright selling away every single possible thing of worth in the province, or screwing an intern; or turning out to be the stupidest person alive.

    I'm not interested in voting for any of the current candidates because I have no confidence in any of the current candidates based on 14 years of irrefutable evidence that it doesn't make a goddam bit of difference. Especially, and you should be very aware of this Tulk, when BC's votes have almost zero effect on the final outcome anyway. Ontario and Quebec will decide who ends up in charge.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    This is the easiest election to win in history.

    We have some of the lowest voting turnout per capita in the last few elections.

    All they have to do is campaign at colleges and universities, and promise funding towards education, and they would get hundreds of thousands of student voters.

    Problem is, not a single party wants to fund health care, education, or infrastructure development.

    Here in Quebec, we have the lowest doctors per capita of any place in North America, underfunded school system, and bridges so old and unmaintained they COLLAPSE, and Hospitals that are hundreds (yes hundreds) of years old.

    There is no Helipad in Montreal. So if you're in an emergency you're just fucked.

    None of the parties in this province give 2 shits about any of this.

    The major party in Quebec only cares about national Sovereignty, and Quebec's identity. Pretty fucked up considering we pay the highest taxes in North America (I am at 50%, and I am making below the GameDev Industry average).

    Our left parties are split into 4, and Harper is essentially George Bush III. He WILL win another minority government.

    So.. in recap.

    We get to chose between Poo, Crap, Dung, Shit, and Feces, but the Feces will win.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not interested in voting for any of the current candidates because I have no confidence in any of the current candidates based on 14 years of irrefutable evidence that it doesn't make a goddam bit of difference. Especially, and you should be very aware of this Tulk, when BC's votes have almost zero effect on the final outcome anyway. Ontario and Quebec will decide who ends up in charge.

    Yea Ontario and Quebec have more say, there's quite a few more people out there than in western Canada. Also, you not wanting to vote just makes their votes worth more. Oh the irony.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    We're slowly become United States, no big deal...

    But not voting is not a good option either, voting for the other guys will help in the long run... I know the way our voting system tally works is a bit weird.. well really weird... but I think that if we get enough votes for the right guys the tally will be in our favor... So what if the Conservative own majority seats in the senate? We can easily reverse that... but if everyone sits in their house again that's not going to happen. I know that it is our choice to vote as much it is not to.. but that doesn't mean we should sit around, glaring at the TV to find out Harper won again even though 70% of the people didn't pick him as their top choice.

    I think Jean Chr
  • Momo
    2004 Election "The results showed that approximately 37% of electors aged 18–24 voted."

    Goddammit people. :(

    Edit - Found stats for 2006.
    For the 2006 general election, a similar study showed that approximately 44% of electors in the 18–24 age group voted.
    Improvement! Although still crappy in my opinion.

  • slipsius
    NDP has some great ideas... but where are they gonna get the money for it all?

    I personally jsut wanna see something done about gas prices, and someone have the balls to actually create, and KEEP, a law saying all car companies must have a zero emissions car in their roster. It was possible in the 90s... man up and bring it back! pussies.... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Killed_the_Electric_Car%3F)
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Momo wrote: »
    Goddammit people. :(

    Edit - Found stats for 2006.

    Improvement! Although still crappy in my opinion.



    Why vote for a party that will not do anything for them, and raise tuition costs anyways?

    And if they wanted the student vote, they would campaign on campuses (which they don't). So they obviously do not want to have anything to do with youth.

    Bleah, I'll likely vote for NDP this year. Not because I actually like them, but because I hate Harper the most, and NDP is the left/non-separtist party most likely to be voted in at my riding. I absolutely hate the NDP, just not as much as Harper.

    You know how shitty it is to vote in an election based on hating the person who will likely win anyways? If it rains on election day, I probably won't even be bothered to get off my ass.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    I wasn't old enough to vote when I lived in Canada.. the voting system is like...

    Well, you have to vote for your top 3 choices right? Then they tally the votes, whenever it's a draw they add the votes for the guy who got the least to the second most favorable person on the ballet the person voted for, then it keeps going... or is it different?
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    I wasn't old enough to vote when I lived in Canada.. the voting system is like...

    Well, you have to vote for your top 3 choices right? Then they tally the votes, whenever it's a draw they add the votes for the guy who got the least to the second most favorable person on the ballet the person voted for, then it keeps going... or is it different?

    You vote for the local party representative running in your area. There's no top 3 choices. The winner is the party with the most seats won.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    What's this about eh?
  • MasteroftheFork
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    MasteroftheFork polycounter lvl 18
    Ya I think I'm going to vote for NDP mostly because I hate libereal and Conservatives. I really hate minority govermnents because nothing ever happens but it seems that no party is ever stong enough to get a majority these days. I am almost tempted to vote conservatives because they are most likely to get a majority but I just disagree with their stances so much.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    Bleah, I'll likely vote for NDP this year. Not because I actually like them, but because I hate Harper the most, and NDP is the left/non-separtist party most likely to be voted in at my riding. I absolutely hate the NDP, just not as much as Harper.

    Hey man, that's great. It's a start. It may not be instant, but atleast if a lot of us start voting for the least shitty option things can start moving in the right direction. If we just leave it be it will continue to move farther and farther the wrong way.

  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Ya I think I'm going to vote for NDP mostly because I hate libereal and Conservatives. I really hate minority govermnents because nothing ever happens but it seems that no party is ever stong enough to get a majority these days. I am almost tempted to vote conservatives because they are most likely to get a majority but I just disagree with their stances so much.

    Gah! Don't buy into this bullshit. Our parliamentary system is set up to work well with minority governments. In fact, I'd say they are the ideal way. They force the government to do compromises between varying viewpoints to get things done, meaning that they actually work in a somewhat democratic fashion. The only reason that our recent minority governments haven't worked in this way is that The Harper Government™ refuses to cooperate with any other party.

    And honestly, given how absolutely terrible The Harper Government™ has the potential to be, it's better for them to be in a neutered minority than a strong majority. Harper has a lot of traits of a megalomaniacal control freak with some frightening ideas on how things should be run. I'd rather have someone like that in charge of a government that can do nothing, than to give him the near absolute power a majority government could afford him. :S
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Hmm well thats how they elect the members of the Liberal Party.. Thanks for the info though.

    Early Voting had good turnouts, but I think Cons. are winning.

    Elections Canada is not releasing final numbers for advance voter turnout until later this week. In the last election, about 1.5 million people in the country and more than 575,000 Ontarians voted in advanced polls out of the 13.9 million who voted in total.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    I voted for Harper and all I got was this lousy awkward picture...


    I've actually never voted sadly, and most of the time I've never felt a reason too, and this election is no different. Just from doing research here and there, it seems like Conservatives have a shoe in anyways... :(
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    I've actually never voted sadly, and most of the time I've never felt a reason too, and this election is no different. Just from doing research here and there, it seems like Conservatives have a shoe in anyways... :(

    Maybe they do. But that'd be just because so many people are lazy and defeatist like you and don't vote.

    The conservatives don't have the support of nearly half of Canadians. They do have the support of a lot of bitter, old farts though. And sadly for those of us who give a fuck; bitter, old farts vote a hell of a lot more than the rest of us.

    Seriously, it's 20 fucking minutes of your time to go and make an x on a piece of paper once every few years. Is it that hard? :(
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    Maybe they do. But that'd be just because so many people are lazy and defeatist like you and don't vote.

    The conservatives don't have the support of nearly half of Canadians. They do have the support of a lot of old, bitter farts though. And sadly for those of us who give a fuck; old, bitter farts vote a hell of a lot more than the rest of us.

    Seriously, it's 20 fucking minutes of your time to go and make an x on a piece of paper once every few years. Is it that hard? :(

    There needs to be a consolidation of NDP and Liberal. There is virtually ZERO difference between the two parties.

    Even in a recent interview, Layton mentioned that the only difference between the two parties, was that the Liberals have been in power and have screwed up, whereas the NDP has never been in power.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, you can't be sitting there with a sad face when you can make a difference.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Ha ha, that's the joke. You can't make a difference this election.

    Each province will vote for what benefits them the most.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Some quick thoughts as I haven't read all of this:

    My voting going in this year isn't just to vote for who I'd like to win, but I'm rather voting for the Conservatives to NOT win. Our voting system is fucked, and if I don't want Harper in this year (I don't) I'm simply going to have to vote for 2nd place and hope to fuck it knocks him out of office. Next election I'll go with who I'd like to win, but until we embrace an alternative voting system where the power is giving to the people it'll have to go this way :\
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Well if you really wanna get down to it you can't make a difference at all... but every vote towards the right guy brings you .01% towards a nice future.

    But I don't think it's impossible for the Libs or NDP to win, it can happen if there is a big voter turnout for them, still not impossible. It's not like the Liberal have never won or never will, usually thats what happens, when the people get sick of one they switch and see what the other guys will provide.

    For BC I can't see the Cons winning, for Ontario... hmmm not sure, but if the youth vote they might lose. All they have to do it not vote for Harper man.. thats all I care about... vote for the Green Party, or the Marijuana Freedom Party.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    To elaborate on why I'm voting this way:

    If 40% of the votes go Conservative, 35% of the votes go Liberal and 25% go *Other (NDP, Green, etc). that is 60% of the country who did not want Harper to win.

    Like I said, our system is fucked and I'm voting to get Harper out, not to get who I want in. Sad, but I feel I need to vote this way.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    To vote you will need either:
    -One piece of Government Photo ID


    -Two pieces of ID (or Official Mail like a Utility Bill) with your name and address


    -A person with ID as above to swear they know you and that you live in the riding.

    Here is a list of everyone across Canada to vote for to best beat the Conservatives! I removed some because my guess it no one from here lives in that province.
     .	 British Columbia	 Abbotsford	 Lib	 Madeleine Hardin
     .	 British Columbia	 British Columbia Southern Interior	 NDP	 Alex Atamanenko
     .	 British Columbia	 Burnaby—Douglas	 NDP	 Kennedy Stewart
     .	 British Columbia	 Burnaby—New Westminster	 NDP	 Peter Julian
     .	 British Columbia	 Cariboo—Prince George	 NDP	 Jon Van Barneveld
     .	 British Columbia	 Chilliwack—Fraser Canyon	 NDP	 Gwen O'Mahony
     .	 British Columbia	 Delta—Richmond East	 Lib	 Alan Beesly
     .	 British Columbia	 Esquimalt—Juan de Fuca	 Lib	 Lillian Szpak
     .	 British Columbia	 Fleetwood—Port Kells	 Lib	 Pam Dhanoa
     .	 British Columbia	 Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo	 NDP	 Michael David Crawford
     .	 British Columbia	 Kelowna—Lake Country	 Lib	 Kris Stewart
     .	 British Columbia	 Kootenay—Columbia	 NDP	 Mark Shmigelsky
     .	 British Columbia	 Langley	 Lib	 Rebecca Darnell
     .	 British Columbia	 Nanaimo—Alberni	 NDP	 Zenaida Maartman
     .	 British Columbia	 Nanaimo—Cowichan	 NDP	 Jean Crowder
     .	 British Columbia	 New Westminster—Coquitlam	 NDP	 Fin Donnelly
     .	 British Columbia	 Newton—North Delta	 Lib	 Sukh Dhaliwal
     .	 British Columbia	 North Vancouver	 Lib	 Taleeb Noormohamed
     .	 British Columbia	 Okanagan—Coquihalla	 NDP	 David Finnis
     .	 British Columbia	 Okanagan—Shuswap	 NDP	 Nikki Inouye
     .	 British Columbia	 Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge—Mission	 NDP	 Craig Speirs
     .	 British Columbia	 Port Moody—Westwood—Port Coquitlam	 NDP	 Stewart McGillivray
     .	 British Columbia	 Prince George--Peace River	 NDP	 Lois Boone
     .	 British Columbia	 Richmond	 Lib	 Joe Peschisolido
     .	 British Columbia	 Saanich—Gulf Islands	 Green	 Elizabeth May
     .	 British Columbia	 Skeena—Bulkley Valley	 NDP	 Nathan Cullen
     .	 British Columbia	 South Surrey—White Rock—Cloverdale	 Lib	 Hardy Staub
     .	 British Columbia	 Surrey North	 NDP	 Jasbir Sandhu
     .	 British Columbia	 Vancouver Centre	 Lib	 Hedy Fry
     .	 British Columbia	 Vancouver East	 NDP	 Libby Davies
     .	 British Columbia	 Vancouver Island North	 NDP	 Ronna-Rae Leonard
     .	 British Columbia	 Vancouver Kingsway	 NDP	 Don Davies
     .	 British Columbia	 Vancouver Quadra	 Lib	 Joyce Murray
     .	 British Columbia	 Vancouver South	 Lib	 Ujjal Dosanjh
     .	 British Columbia	 Victoria	 NDP	 Denise Savoie
     .	 British Columbia	 West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country	 Lib	 Dan Veniez
     .	 Manitoba	 Brandon—Souris	 NDP	 John Bouché
     .	 Manitoba	 Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia	 Lib	 Robert Clement
     .	 Manitoba	 Churchill	 NDP	 Niki Ashton
     .	 Manitoba	 Dauphin—Swan River—Marquette	 NDP	 Cheryl Osborne
     .	 Manitoba	 Elmwood—Transcona	 NDP	 Jim Maloway
     .	 Manitoba	 Kildonan—St. Paul	 NDP	 Rachelle Devine
     .	 Manitoba	 Portage—Lisgar	 Lib	 MJ Willard
     .	 Manitoba	 Provencher	 NDP	 Al Mackling
     .	 Manitoba	 Saint Boniface	 Lib	 Raymond Simard
     .	 Manitoba	 Selkirk—Interlake	 NDP	 Sean Palsson
     .	 Manitoba	 Winnipeg Centre	 NDP	 Pat Martin
     .	 Manitoba	 Winnipeg North	 Lib	 Kevin Lamoureux
     .	 Manitoba	 Winnipeg South	 Lib	 Terry Duguid
     .	 Manitoba	 Winnipeg South Centre	 Lib	 Anita Neville
     .	 New Brunswick	 Acadie—Bathurst	 NDP	 Yvon Godin
     .	 New Brunswick	 Beauséjour	 Lib	 Dominic LeBlanc
     .	 New Brunswick	 Fredericton	 Lib	 Randy McKeen
     .	 New Brunswick	 Fundy Royal	 NDP	 Darryl Pitre
     .	 New Brunswick	 Madawaska—Restigouche	 Lib	 Jean-Claude D'Amours
     .	 New Brunswick	 Miramichi	 Lib	 Keith Vickers
     .	 New Brunswick	 Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe	 Lib	 Brian Murphy
     .	 New Brunswick	 New Brunswick Southwest	 Lib	 Kelly Wilson
     .	 New Brunswick	 Saint John	 Lib	 Stephen Chase
     .	 New Brunswick	 Tobique—Mactaquac	 Lib	 Chuck Chiasson
     .	 Ontario	 Ajax—Pickering	 Lib	 Mark Holland
     .	 Ontario	 Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing	 NDP	 Carol Hughes
     .	 Ontario	 Ancaster—Dundas—Flamborough—Westdale	 Lib	 Dave Braden
     .	 Ontario	 Barrie	 Lib	 Colin Wilson
     .	 Ontario	 Beaches—East York	 Lib	 Maria Minna
     .	 Ontario	 Bramalea—Gore—Malton	 Lib	 Gurbax S. Malhi
     .	 Ontario	 Brampton West	 Lib	 Andrew Kania
     .	 Ontario	 Brampton—Springdale	 Lib	 Ruby Dhalla
     .	 Ontario	 Brant	 Lib	 Lloyd St. Amand
     .	 Ontario	 Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound	 Lib	 Kimberly Love
     .	 Ontario	 Burlington	 Lib	 Alyssa Brierley
     .	 Ontario	 Cambridge	 Lib	 Bryan May
     .	 Ontario	 Carleton—Mississippi Mills	 Lib	 Karen McCrimmon
     .	 Ontario	 Chatham-Kent—Essex	 Lib	 Matt Daudlin
     .	 Ontario	 Davenport	 Lib	 Mario Silva
     .	 Ontario	 Don Valley East	 Lib	 Yasmin Ratansi
     .	 Ontario	 Don Valley West	 Lib	 Rob Oliphant
     .	 Ontario	 Dufferin—Caledon	 Lib	 Bill Prout
     .	 Ontario	 Durham	 Lib	 Grant Humes
     .	 Ontario	 Eglinton—Lawrence	 Lib	 Joe Volpe
     .	 Ontario	 Elgin—Middlesex—London	 Lib	 Graham Warwick
     .	 Ontario	 Essex	 Lib	 Nelson Santos
     .	 Ontario	 Etobicoke Centre	 Lib	 Borys Wrzesnewskyj
     .	 Ontario	 Etobicoke North	 Lib	 Kirsty Duncan
     .	 Ontario	 Etobicoke—Lakeshore	 Lib	 Michael Ignatieff
     .	 Ontario	 Glengarry—Prescott—Russell	 Lib	 Julie Bourgeois
     .	 Ontario	 Guelph	 Lib	 Frank Valeriote
     .	 Ontario	 Haldimand—Norfolk	 Lib	 Bob Speller
     .	 Ontario	 Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock	 Lib	 Laura Redman
     .	 Ontario	 Halton	 Lib	 Connie Laurin-Bowie
     .	 Ontario	 Hamilton Centre	 NDP	 David Christopherson
     .	 Ontario	 Hamilton East—Stoney Creek	 NDP	 Wayne Marston
     .	 Ontario	 Hamilton Mountain	 NDP	 Chris Charlton
     .	 Ontario	 Huron—Bruce	 Lib	 Charles Bagnato
     .	 Ontario	 Kenora	 Lib	 Roger Valley
     .	 Ontario	 Kingston and the Islands	 Lib	 Ted Hsu
     .	 Ontario	 Kitchener Centre	 Lib	 Karen Redman
     .	 Ontario	 Kitchener—Conestoga	 Lib	 Robert Rosehart
     .	 Ontario	 Kitchener—Waterloo	 Lib	 Andrew Telegdi
     .	 Ontario	 Lambton—Kent—Middlesex	 Lib	 Gayle Stucke
     .	 Ontario	 Lanark—Frontenac—Lennox and Addington	 Lib	 David Remington
     .	 Ontario	 Leeds—Grenville	 Lib	 Marjory Loveys
     .	 Ontario	 London North Centre	 Lib	 Glen Pearson
     .	 Ontario	 London West	 Lib	 Doug Ferguson
     .	 Ontario	 London—Fanshawe	 NDP	 Irene Mathyssen
     .	 Ontario	 Markham—Unionville	 Lib	 John McCallum
     .	 Ontario	 Mississauga East—Cooksville	 Lib	 Peter Fonseca
     .	 Ontario	 Mississauga South	 Lib	 Paul Szabo
     .	 Ontario	 Mississauga—Brampton South	 Lib	 Navdeep Bains
     .	 Ontario	 Mississauga—Erindale	 Lib	 Omar Alghabra
     .	 Ontario	 Mississauga—Streetsville	 Lib	 Bonnie Crombie
     .	 Ontario	 Nepean—Carleton	 Lib	 Ryan Keon
     .	 Ontario	 Newmarket—Aurora	 Lib	 Kyle Peterson
     .	 Ontario	 Niagara Falls	 Lib	 Bev Hodgson
     .	 Ontario	 Niagara West—Glanbrook	 Lib	 Stephen Henry Bieda
     .	 Ontario	 Nickel Belt	 NDP	 Claude Gravelle
     .	 Ontario	 Nipissing—Timiskaming	 Lib	 Anthony Rota
     .	 Ontario	 Northumberland—Quinte West	 Lib	 Kim Rudd
     .	 Ontario	 Oak Ridges—Markham	 Lib	 Lui Temelkovski
     .	 Ontario	 Oakville	 Lib	 Max Khan
     .	 Ontario	 Oshawa	 NDP	 Chris Buckley
     .	 Ontario	 Ottawa Centre	 NDP	 Paul Dewar
     .	 Ontario	 Ottawa South	 Lib	 David McGuinty
     .	 Ontario	 Ottawa West—Nepean	 Lib	 Anita Vandenbeld
     .	 Ontario	 Ottawa—Orléans	 Lib	 David Bertschi
     .	 Ontario	 Ottawa—Vanier	 Lib	 Bélanger, Mauril (Hon.)
     .	 Ontario	 Oxford	 Lib	 Tim Lobzun
     .	 Ontario	 Parkdale—High Park	 lib	 Kennedy, Gerard
     .	 Ontario	 Parry Sound—Muskoka	 Lib	 Shawn Pudsey
     .	 Ontario	 Perth—Wellington	 Lib	 Bob McTavish
     .	 Ontario	 Peterborough	 Lib	 Betsy McGregor
     .	 Ontario	 Pickering—Scarborough East	 Lib	 McTeague, Dan (Hon.)
     .	 Ontario	 Prince Edward—Hastings	 Lib	 Peter Tinsley
     .	 Ontario	 Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke	 Lib	 Christine Tabbert
     .	 Ontario	 Richmond Hill	 Lib	 Wilfert, Bryon (Hon.)
     .	 Ontario	 Sarnia—Lambton	 NDP	 Crissy Sinopole
     .	 Ontario	 Sault Ste. Marie	 NDP	 Martin, Tony
     .	 Ontario	 Scarborough Centre	 Lib	 Cannis, John
     .	 Ontario	 Scarborough Southwest	 Lib	 Simson, Michelle
     .	 Ontario	 Scarborough—Agincourt	 Lib	 Karygiannis, Jim (Hon.)
     .	 Ontario	 Scarborough—Guildwood	 Lib	 McKay, John (Hon.)
     .	 Ontario	 Scarborough—Rouge River	 Lib	 Rana Sarkar
     .	 Ontario	 Simcoe North	 Lib	 Steve Clarke
     .	 Ontario	 Simcoe—Grey	 Lib	 Alex Smardenka
     .	 Ontario	 St. Catharines	 Lib	 Andrew Gill
     .	 Ontario	 St. Paul's	 Lib	 Bennett, Carolyn (Hon.)
     .	 Ontario	 Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry	 Lib	 Bernadette Clement
     .	 Ontario	 Sudbury	 NDP	 Thibeault, Glenn
     .	 Ontario	 Thornhill	 Lib	 Karen Mock
     .	 Ontario	 Thunder Bay—Rainy River	 NDP	 Rafferty, John
     .	 Ontario	 Thunder Bay—Superior North	 NDP	 Hyer, Bruce
     .	 Ontario	 Timmins—James Bay	 NDP	 Charlie Angus
     .	 Ontario	 Toronto Centre	 Lib	 Rae, Bob (Hon.)
     .	 Ontario	 Toronto—Danforth	 NDP	 Jack Layton
     .	 Ontario	 Trinity—Spadina	 NDP	 Olivia Chow
     .	 Ontario	 Vaughan	 Lib	 Mario Ferri
     .	 Ontario	 Welland	 NDP	 Allen, Malcolm
     .	 Ontario	 Wellington—Halton Hills	 Lib	 Barry Peters
     .	 Ontario	 Whitby—Oshawa	 Lib	 Trevor Bardens
     .	 Ontario	 Willowdale	 Lib	 Hall Findlay, Martha
     .	 Ontario	 Windsor West	 NDP	 Masse, Brian
     .	 Ontario	 Windsor—Tecumseh	 NDP	 Comartin, Joe
     .	 Ontario	 York Centre	 lib	 Dryden, Ken (Hon.)
     .	 Ontario	 York South—Weston	 Lib	 Tonks, Alan
     .	 Ontario	 York West	 Lib	 Judy Sgro
     .	 Ontario	 York—Simcoe	 Lib	 Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux
     .	 Québec	 Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou	 BQ	 Lévesque, Yvon
     .	 Québec	 Abitibi—Témiscamingue	 BQ	 Lemay, Marc
     .	 Québec	 Ahuntsic	 Lib	 Noushig Eloyan
     .	 Québec	 Alfred-Pellan	 Lib	 Carrier, Robert
     .	 Québec	 Argenteuil—Papineau—Mirabel	 BQ	 Laframboise, Mario
     .	 Québec	 Bas-Richelieu—Nicolet—Bécancour	 BQ	 Plamondon, Louis
     .	 Québec	 Beauce	 BQ	 Sylvio Morin
     .	 Québec	 Beauharnois—Salaberry	 BQ	 DeBellefeuille, Claude
     .	 Québec	 Beauport—Limoilou	 BQ	 Michel Létourneau
     .	 Québec	 Berthier—Maskinongé	 BQ	 André, Guy
     .	 Québec	 Bourassa	 Lib	 Coderre, Denis (Hon.)
     .	 Québec	 Brome—Missisquoi	 Lib	 Denis Paradis
     .	 Québec	 Brossard—La Prairie	 Lib	 Mendes, Alexandra
     .	 Québec	 Chambly—Borduas	 BQ	 Lessard, Yves
     .	 Québec	 Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles	 BQ	 Félix Grénier
     .	 Québec	 Châteauguay—Saint-Constant	 BQ	 Freeman, Carole
     .	 Québec	 Chicoutimi—Le Fjord	 BQ	 Bouchard, Robert
     .	 Québec	 Compton—Stanstead	 BQ	 Bonsant, France
     .	 Québec	 Drummond	 BQ	 Pomerleau, Roger
     .	 Québec	 Gaspésie—Îles-de-la-Madeleine	 BQ	 Daniel Côté
     .	 Québec	 Gatineau	 NDP	 Françoise Boivin
     .	 Québec	 Haute-Gaspésie--La Mitis--Matane--Matapédia	 Lib	 Nancy Charest
     .	 Québec	 Hochelaga	 BQ	 Paillé, Daniel
     .	 Québec	 Honoré-Mercier	 Lib	 Rodriguez, Pablo
     .	 Québec	 Hull—Aylmer	 Lib	 Proulx, Marcel
     .	 Québec	 Jeanne-Le Ber	 Lib	 Mark Bruneau
     .	 Québec	 Joliette	 BQ	 Paquette, Pierre
     .	 Québec	 Jonquière—Alma	 BQ	 Pierre Forest
     .	 Québec	 La Pointe-de-l'Île	 BQ	 Lalonde, Francine
     .	 Québec	 Lac-Saint-Louis	 Lib	 Scarpaleggia, Francis
     .	 Québec	 LaSalle—Émard	 lib	 Zarac, Lise
     .	 Québec	 Laurentides—Labelle	 BQ	 Deschamps, Johanne
     .	 Québec	 Laurier—Sainte-Marie	 BQ	 Duceppe, Gilles
     .	 Québec	 Laval	 BQ	 Demers, Nicole
     .	 Québec	 Laval—Les Îles	 Lib	 Karine Joizil
     .	 Québec	 Lévis—Bellechasse	 BQ	 Danielle-Maude Gosselin
     .	 Québec	 Longueuil—Pierre-Boucher	 BQ	 Dorion, Jean
     .	 Québec	 Lotbinière—Chutes-de-la-Chaudière	 BQ	 Gaston Gourde
     .	 Québec	 Louis-Hébert	 BQ	 Paillé, Pascal-Pierre
     .	 Québec	 Louis-Saint-Laurent	 BQ	 France Gagné
     .	 Québec	 Manicouagan	 BQ	 Asselin, Gérard
     .	 Québec	 Marc-Aurèle-Fortin	 BQ	 Ménard, Serge
     .	 Québec	 Mégantic—L'Érable	 BQ	 Pierre Turcotte
     .	 Québec	 Montcalm	 BQ	 Gaudet, Roger
     .	 Québec	 Montmagny—L'Islet—Kamouraska—Rivière-du-Loup	 BQ	 Nathalie Arsenault
     .	 Québec	 Montmorency—Charlevoix—Haute-Côte-Nord	 BQ	 Guimond, Michel
     .	 Québec	 Mount Royal	 Lib	 Cotler, Irwin (Hon.)
     .	 Québec	 Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Lachine	 Lib	 Jennings, Marlene (Hon.)
     .	 Québec	 Outremont	 NDP	 Mulcair, Thomas
     .	 Québec	 Papineau	 lib	 Trudeau, Justin
     .	 Québec	 Pierrefonds—Dollard	 Lib	 Patry, Bernard
     .	 Québec	 Pontiac	 Lib / BQ	 Cindy Duncan McMillan (L), Maude Tremblay (BQ)
     .	 Québec	 Portneuf—Jacques-Cartier	 BQ	 Richard Côté
     .	 Québec	 Québec	 BQ	 Gagnon, Christiane
     .	 Québec	 Repentigny	 BQ	 Dufour, Nicolas
     .	 Québec	 Richmond—Arthabaska	 BQ	 Bellavance, André
     .	 Québec	 Rimouski-Neigette—Témiscouata—Les Basques	 BQ	 Guimond, Claude
     .	 Québec	 Rivière-des-Mille-Îles	 BQ	 Desnoyers, Luc
     .	 Québec	 Rivière-du-Nord	 BQ	 Guay, Monique
     .	 Québec	 Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean	 BQ	 Claude Pilote
     .	 Québec	 Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie	 BQ	 Bigras, Bernard
     .	 Québec	 Saint-Bruno—Saint-Hubert	 BQ	 Lavallée, Carole
     .	 Québec	 Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot	 BQ	 Thi Lac, Ève-Mary Thaï
     .	 Québec	 Saint-Jean	 BQ	 Bachand, Claude
     .	 Québec	 Saint-Lambert	 BQ	 Beaudin, Josée
     .	 Québec	 Saint-Laurent—Cartierville	 Lib	 Dion, Stéphane (Hon.)
     .	 Québec	 Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel	 Lib	 Pacetti, Massimo
     .	 Québec	 Saint-Maurice—Champlain	 BQ	 Laforest, Jean-Yves
     .	 Québec	 Shefford	 BQ	 Vincent, Robert
     .	 Québec	 Sherbrooke	 BQ	 Cardin, Serge
     .	 Québec	 Terrebonne—Blainville	 BQ	 Bourgeois, Diane
     .	 Québec	 Trois-Rivières	 BQ	 Brunelle, Paule
     .	 Québec	 Vaudreuil-Soulanges	 BQ	 Faille, Meili
     .	 Québec	 Verchères—Les Patriotes	 BQ	 Malo, Luc
     .	 Québec	 Westmount—Ville-Marie	 Lib	 Garneau, Marc
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18

    I could have spent 20 minutes and voted... instead... I did this, and I feel much more fulfilled as a person because of it.

    Thanks Tulkamir :)
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    Words..... just..... fail me right now.
  • slipsius
    anyone that says your vote doesnt matter, you are a tard... its because SO MANY PEOPLE have that same opinion that we get shitty leaders. get off your ass and vote. Bring all your friends that dont vote, and boom, you`ve made a difference.



    So, at the very least, vote so you have the right to complain. otherwise, stfu

  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    To each his own pal.
    To each his own.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    b1ll votes Bloc
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    John Cannis has been doing good so he gets my vote for my riding. Just need to find where the station is, Canada elections yet again managed to fuck up the address
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Few questions:

    1 - I haven't banned anyone in a while. So keep you opinions about a person and how they vote to yourself or you will be the one to relieve me of my dry spell. With that said....
    2 - Do we all agree that Harper should be out of office? Anyone want him in?
    3 - If we all want him out of office, do you agree that our system is fucked in that you'll vote for who you want in but won't get that based on my example in my previous reply?

    Am I even correct in that way? I hate feeling like I can't vote for who I want but rather who I don't want. If I have to vote this way to get rid of Harper, then so be it.

    People in this thread keep mentioning that they should look at who they want to win and vote for that person. I think, if we all do that, Harper will win based on him receiving the highest % of votes amongst the candidates.

    /shrug, coffee.
  • slipsius
    I dont care HOW people vote, id prefer they dont vote for harper, but, to each their own. I just want people to vote! If you dont vote, you have no right to complain. Get out and vote. everyone.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    If Harper wins and everyone votes I'll be damn sure to bitch about how people voted :)
  • Mark Dygert
    They actually make you go somewhere to vote? Like to a poling station or something? In the US a lot of people vote by mail or have an absentee ballot mailed to them if their state isn't 100% mail balloting.

    In Wash St, we get a voter pamphlet where all the candidates state their stances on the issues and plead their case. It also covers the initiative and laws. We're also slowly moving away from the party system and just having "candidates" at least on the local levels. Then we get our ballots in the mail, fill em out and send em in. Super nice to take your time and read up on it all.

    I would be shocked if Canada didn't have some kind of mail in Absentee mail in ballot set up. Before we switched over state wide that's how I got mine, fuckin rocks!
  • slipsius
    Mark, for canada, you get something in the mail saying where to vote and when. I think its only if you dont live within an hour drive of a voting station that they will let you vote by mail. But, if thats how the states are setup, that explains the whole florida screw up back in the day. but ya. for canada, you have to go to a voting station (usually set up at a local school).

    And im not sure how it works in teh states, but here, you vote for your local candidate, then which ever party gets the most candidates voted in gets to have their leader as PM. And each party is suppose to be represented in the house of commons according to how many votes they got from the public, but there are parties that dont have the proper representation. like the green party is missing something like 1.5million votes worth. But, that setup is suppose to make it so minority governments can still rule, but it doesnt work very well because most of the parties say screw them, we dont want them in power, so we`ll say no to everything and force another election, instead of working together and doing something good for the country. But most of the advertising the parties do during the election is just them saying everything bad they can think of about the other party, with a small "vote for us" at the end of it. Integrity is not very common. Makes me sad.
  • Mark Dygert
    slipsius wrote: »
    if thats how the states are setup, that explains the whole florida screw up back in the day. but ya. for canada, you have to go to a voting station (usually set up at a local school).
    Florida is not by mail yet, that whole fuck up was straight up old school vote rigging.

    They also have the largest Sr population in the US and they keep changing the voting machines. They also have long lines at the poles and certain parties have been fingered for either hiring or strongly encouraging people to take their time when voting so people leave. If you're a republican living in a largely democratic area you can help sink the vote by being a confused and befuddled. It's not always about turning out the vote, but often discouraging votes that won't go your way...

    They've also done stupid things like allow early voting, then jack around the dates of just how early since the early voters tend to favor one party or the other. They're doing it again right now...

    I won't even get into "redistricting".
    slipsius wrote: »
    And im not sure how it works in teh states, but here, you vote for your local candidate, then which ever party gets the most candidates voted in gets to have their leader as PM. And each party is suppose to be represented in the house of commons according to how many votes they got from the public, but there are parties that dont have the proper representation. like the green party is missing something like 1.5million votes worth. But, that setup is suppose to make it so minority governments can still rule, but it doesnt work very well because most of the parties say screw them, we dont want them in power, so we`ll say no to everything and force another election, instead of working together and doing something good for the country.
    That's different than the US the majorities of the parties in the upper and lower houses are set purely by the elections.

    If your party gets enough people elected you can control that house absolutely, if its a slim majority you get people switching parties (rare), dying (cancer, age), being taken out by spin (tax evasion, marital infidelity, Glen Beck) or occasonally by head wounds while speaking.

    slipsius wrote: »
    But most of the advertising the parties do during the election is just them saying everything bad they can think of about the other party, with a small "vote for us" at the end of it. Integrity is not very common. Makes me sad.
    I agree, its the same thing here in the states, maybe worse... I don't want to know what you don't like about the other guy, I want to know what you can do for us. Your commercial is a job interview. In an interview when you're asked "how do you plan to do this job better than anyone else?" You don't say stuff like "THE OTHER GUY STINKS! DON'T HIRE THEM! THEY EAT BABIES!!!!"

    Anyway... you guys can stop ruining my idea that "Canada is great, they're like America without all the messed up stuff".

    Come on world get your politics in order...
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    just illustrating this point with a video :)

  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    adam wrote: »
    Few questions:
    3 - If we all want him out of office, do you agree that our system is fucked in that you'll vote for who you want in but won't get that based on my example in my previous reply?

    Am I even correct in that way? I hate feeling like I can't vote for who I want but rather who I don't want. If I have to vote this way to get rid of Harper, then so be it.

    People in this thread keep mentioning that they should look at who they want to win and vote for that person. I think, if we all do that, Harper will win based on him receiving the highest % of votes amongst the candidates.

    /shrug, coffee.

    Yep, pretty much agree with you fully. I've been pretty torn between voting for who I actually want in, and for who will do the best job of denying Harper a vote. Pretty shitty situation. I really, really wish we'd change our shitty system. Would love to be able to vote by a proportional system or something some day.
  • slipsius
    ah, yes, well, here, you vote for the local guy, and who you vote for could rule in your area, but, another party could have the seat as prime minister. so, alot of people will vote for who they think will do a better job in their area, where others will vote thinking about the PM seat. My area has a universal recycling / compost system in place where every week, you can put out recycling and your "green bin" which is all food products, compost. but garbage only goes out every 2 weeks, and you only get a few bags. So that was put in place by our local leader a while back. But there are alot of places that stilldont have it, and ill go to a friends place in another town, and i find it weird that they dont have it. so the local leaders still can make a difference. but, no matter who the PM is, all bills still need to be voted on by the house of commons. but, as harper has proven, even if you dont get enough votes, you can ignore the house and sign it anyways, which makes everyone really mad.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    slipsius wrote: »


    So, at the very least, vote so you have the right to complain. otherwise, stfu

    No dude. It's your right to vote as much as it is not to. You can complain all you want, it's because you can and you're allowed to.

    With that said, if you complain because you wanted someone to win/lose and you didn't do anything about it, although it's perfectly fine that you didn't vote, and not wrong at all, it's just... lets say bad :). You can complain all you want, but it wont solve anything... now protesting on the other hand. hmmm
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    No dude. It's your right to vote as much as it is not to. You can complain all you want, it's because you can and you're allowed to.

    With that said, if you complain because you wanted someone to win/lose and you didn't do anything about it, although it's perfectly fine that you didn't vote, and not wrong at all, it's just... lets say bad :).

    It's true it's a person's right to vote or not vote.

    Luckily it's also within the rights of those of us who do vote and participate to discount someone's opinion because they haven't voted and tell them just that. :)
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    slipsius wrote: »
    If you dont vote, you have no right to complain. Get out and vote. everyone.

    What if it smells like poo.

    And we get to chose whether we get to smell:

    1) Shit
    2) Crap
    3) Feces
    4) Poo
    5) Manure
    6) Dung

    People who don't vote have every right to complain as much as the next guy. We have some absolutely putrid selection of parties to chose from.

    Think of it this way; If you are at a Gamebuzz, and there are a selection of 8 video games to buy, but you don't like any of those 8 games. I believe it's within your right to NOT buy a game, and complain at the lack of selection.

    Just like we don't have to vote. And we can complain all we want.
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