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Tortuga Docks - UDK

polycounter lvl 11
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Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
This is a new scene I've been working on from the cancelled Pirates of the Caribbean game. I'm still trying to block things in and get a feeling for how I want things laid out. The concept is rather vague when it comes to layout, but I'm doing what I can to make things cohesive. Let me know what you guys think so far! All comments and critiques are welcome! Thanks guys.piratesofthecaribbeanar.jpgtortuga1.jpgtortuga2h.jpg


  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    youve got a really nice start
  • yodude87
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    yodude87 polycounter lvl 5
    looking nice

    keep us posted :D
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    OoOoOo! this is gonna be interesting!
  • Ryper
    looking good, I don't think you have captured the depth the original concept has though, compare the houses on the left, and things like the distance from the pier to the tree/stairs.

    Very nice start though :) keep it up
  • Cordell Felix
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    Cordell Felix polycounter lvl 9
    Nice dude, how do you plan about doing the tree?
    You gonna make your own or just use unreals?
  • Darkmaster
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    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the comments guys! I will post more updates as they come for sure!

    @Cordell: Ya the unreal tree is placeholder for right now, I will be tackling my first tree for this project! Gonna be an adventure for sure!

    @Ryper: Ya the placement and of the various buildings is proving to be very difficult so far. The concept looks like it does an okay job of laying things out, but in the third dimension things get a little weird! I will keep trying to refine that for sure, thanks man

    Thanks for the input guys, more to come!
  • ayoub44
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    ayoub44 polycounter lvl 10
    amazing environment .. , when you will start texturing ? :) ... keep it up
  • Cordell Felix
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    Cordell Felix polycounter lvl 9
    tackle your tree with this.

    look at all the posts..will give you an idea on how to make a correct tree..cause trees aint easy lol
  • duxun
    start texturing !!
  • Mike Porter
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    Mike Porter polycounter lvl 18
    I would recommend taking a look at the actual vegetation of Tortuga which is an island off the northern coast of Haiti.

    I would suspect it's mostly tropical trees with very few that look like the one in the concept. I could be wrong about that... Just did a cursory search, but the concept really doesn't feel tropical.

    Otherwise everything is looking very good.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    What wild vegetation would look like, and what vegetation would be in a colonial port town are very different things. Tropical need not be all palms.

    Here are a few not so typical "tropical" trees.

    Divi Divi Tree

    Mango Tree (Dying)

    Seagrape Tree

    Breadfruit Tree
  • Darkmaster
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    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    Hey guys thank you so much for all the feedback so far! The scene is coming along i've just really been trying to make sure that all the spacial relationships are working. Like Ryper said there were just a couple things that didn't line up with the concept, so now I am going in and figuring that all out. I am breaking buildings down to modular pieces, and have begun texturing a few of the assets, but only a few. And here is the update. More to come!

  • Ryper
    nice job dude, already looking much better on the layout side of things. If i was to nitpick though i would think about moving the middle building/tree/stairs more to the right, that way you would see more of the buildings on the far left like the concept, and also the stairs would be closer to the right building as you currently have a large gap between them which the concept doesn't have.

    Another thing would be that your pier seems fairly wide at the moment.

    But keep it up, this could look sweet when its done :)
  • Darkmaster
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    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    Here's an update guys, I know it's been awhile! Lighting is still really rough, but here's where I'm at so far. All comments and critiques are welcome!


  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Lightning and texturing looks really great! Keep it up!
  • Guy123
    Looks good, layout is nice, I agree about moving the middle building to the right though.

    Colours are too saturated. Though I'm sure you'll be adding some height fog which tends to wash out a bit of the saturation. However It'll probably need a bit of desaturation, only slightly.

    Very nice though, looking forward to seeing it develop!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    looking cool man. I did a quick lighting paintover for you that might help sell it as night a bit more. the main thing I did was tone down the overall radius of the lights and put a but more cooler hues in the shadows/ambient. right now its too overpowering orange I think. hope this helps a bit.

  • Tokoya
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    Tokoya polycounter lvl 7
    You're off to a great start with the texturing and the architectural style of the buildings is spot on.
  • Darkmaster
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    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    Here's another update guys! I'm not really liking the feel of everything right now... I really need to some help, I've kinda hit a wall. Any thoughts or comments are more than welcome! Thanks guys!51885674.jpg64362358.jpg
  • shawnell3d
    im not sure if its the style of brick tile youre going for but the bricks on the wall dont bump out enough to me they kinda seem inverted
  • nordahl154
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    nordahl154 polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah, the normals on the bricks look inverted. xD
    Also, what are the cannons on top of? Looks a little unsettling to me and a bit unnatural.
    Other than that it looks pretty good!
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Hey man just my 2 cents. it is looking good thus far except the lighting for me. I think Pixel was close to a lighting scheme for the scene. Having every window lit up and lights all over the place makes this place seem very inviting and warm. I would place my lights in areas that lead the viewers sight. Point them where you want them to look first second etc. Right now it feels like a circus type of environment where they want you to see everything and have your eyes and head constantly whipping back and forth taking it all in. I would have some lights broken out and unlit especially in the house in the background. The facade looks like it is on fire. Tone down the overall lighting and pool it, make it more cool int he shadows with your points of interest lit up. Just my 2 cents...
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    It also looks like you are not using your whole value range on this.

    I also dont mean to brighten it up so much, but there should be sections that have much more brightness, to draw the eyes, and some darker areas to let them rest. Atm, your scene is a bit washed out and lingering in a gray area.

    nice scene otherwise :)
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    shrew makes a good point, I do notice your levels seem really low and you're not utilizing your entire range.

    I would also check your monitor settings and run some gamma/brightness/contrast and color tests.

  • Darkmaster
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    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    Here's another update guys! Thanks for all the involvement this far on my thread I really appreciate it. Here is where I am at now. Just tweaking still and adding more assets. All thoughts and comments are welcome!94479906.jpg
  • PatrickL
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    PatrickL polycounter lvl 9
    Two things pop out to me right away. First, the ivy seems very uniformly dense. It should be more dense closer to it's origin. Second, your paving stones in the bottom left of your second picture have a very harsh transition from dirt road to stone. It looks like you have some covered by the dirt, which is great, and exactly what you need, but it's barely noticeable at the moment. Push that texture to blend them a little better into the dirt.

    Looking great though, keep it up.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Looking great!

    One crit though is for the the paving stones... the alpha mapped look is very noticeable. You could have 2 or 3 modular pieces made out of actual modeled stones instead.
  • polygonfreak
    I just found this today, I really love your scene. Good job. I do see two things that look out of place. In the first image the light on the dock pile... its either the wood is too big or the lantern is too small.
    The other one is in the second image its the placement of the street light right of the canon. Actually its all the street lights on that line that are placed on four stones. I think it would look better if they were on one stone. or bring the four stones together at least.
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