This series has always indulged the kid in me that loves stomping over nicely made sand castles, it's over the top fun has pushed where last console generation's GTA games left off and the announcement of the third, with some sweet more comic-book style art makes it a must buy for me this fall. Anyone else excited?
I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS GAME. And I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. In my opinion, Saints Row 2 was more fun than GTA IV by far.
So many side-splitting memories and stories from that game, especially playing it through on co-op with my roommate. From the hilarious (and suprisingly in-depth) character creation, to the ridiculous side missions (using a chainsaw on anti-violence protestors, or breaking up a street war between ninjas and pirates) I've had more genuine fun in SR2 than I have in most other games.
So many little features make that game great. If your partner kills you in co-op, you have the option of challenging him to a 5 round mini-deathmatch, the winner of which gets money from the other player. And driving down the freeway while your partner plays the car surfing mini-game on your car is just great.
I just hope they improved the graphics and tweaked the missions alittle. Honestly, the second game was crazy fun as it was, there wasn't much that needed changing.
It's already bloody vexing enough for me that they took out my favorite voice (that high English evil voice, what was the name?) I just hope they didn't touch much else or remove much else.
Also, I swear, if they plan on selling me the posh high English voice as DLC, I'm going to eviscerate someones balls!
sad about the british voice as well
I Remember in the second one, I made a hooker looking female, high heels, hoop earrings, rabbit toothed, etc. But all of the female voices were shit. So I gave her the british guy voice.
best decision ever.
Haha, I wondered about that as well. I concluded that she is, in fact, just THAT badass. Also, hanging around the Saint's, gunfights are a common occurence.
I swear, first thing I'm going to wear in this game is a Tuxedo with a Top hat, and be a Wrestler. Next thing, take off all my clothes and jump stark naked on the jets with a platoon of Xena's strapped to my back.
Now THIS is how you make a game fun. I was laughing my ass off just watching the game play, I can't imagine how much fun it will be to actually play it. Looks really nice too.
I didn't get into any of the Saints Rows but really looking forward to this. I love the multiplayer in the game (fighting while skydiving and trying to get one of the parachutes).
Also, Saints Row 2 had one of the best reviews of all time...
Ok, after not really liking SR2 that much, the trailers for this one have got me very excited. It looks like, as was mentioned earlier, they took all those mindless fun bits of GTA that you used to spend hours doing just messing around, and made a game out of them.
But can someone please explain what on earth is the deal with all the people (are they people?) dressed up as animals? I get that the dude from the video above is some professor guy with his own TV show, but in the character creator thing there's a bunch of 'animal suit' options, and it all looked a bit crap if I'm honest.
Just started playing this today, taking a little break from Skyrim, man this game is fun It also looks very nice and runs very well for how much stuff is going on at any given moment. I also like the story progress more than GTA IV so far, and the music is great as well.
So many side-splitting memories and stories from that game, especially playing it through on co-op with my roommate. From the hilarious (and suprisingly in-depth) character creation, to the ridiculous side missions (using a chainsaw on anti-violence protestors, or breaking up a street war between ninjas and pirates) I've had more genuine fun in SR2 than I have in most other games.
So many little features make that game great. If your partner kills you in co-op, you have the option of challenging him to a 5 round mini-deathmatch, the winner of which gets money from the other player. And driving down the freeway while your partner plays the car surfing mini-game on your car is just great.
So yeah, I'm excited :poly124:
"The force is strong with this one.."
Saints Row has ALWAYS been fun. The humor, the missions all of it.
It's already bloody vexing enough for me that they took out my favorite voice (that high English evil voice, what was the name?) I just hope they didn't touch much else or remove much else.
Also, I swear, if they plan on selling me the posh high English voice as DLC, I'm going to eviscerate someones balls! true
I Remember in the second one, I made a hooker looking female, high heels, hoop earrings, rabbit toothed, etc. But all of the female voices were shit. So I gave her the british guy voice.
best decision ever.
I'm excited, that trailer was sweet. I hear it was Plastic Wax?
The melee attacks are priceless, and the manapult had me lol'n pretty hard.
The city looks way better...much more alive.
Also, Saints Row 2 had one of the best reviews of all time...
Seriously, this is what a video game should be. Action packed, funny as hell, and it acknowledges how ridiculous it is. Fun in it's purest form.
Well... that was surreal.
But can someone please explain what on earth is the deal with all the people (are they people?) dressed up as animals? I get that the dude from the video above is some professor guy with his own TV show, but in the character creator thing there's a bunch of 'animal suit' options, and it all looked a bit crap if I'm honest.
Maybe that's just to preload?
Yeah, I bought on Amazon for that reason. I doubt it will be fully playable, prob just pre-download, but we will see ??
Just watch the spice girls, that should cover ya ;p