Absolutly stunning paintings, I think I've followed your work on Crasher before so I was famillair with the name, but I love the speed paintings more...
Out of curiosity, do you start with a blank canvas and just go for it? Or do you find a good starting refrence and paint over that base first? (Im not a painter but starting to dabble more with 2d as a personal goal so just digging for information )
Trage: I work from a blank page and quickly I put a background color gradient, which is used to ask me directly atmosphere color. And then a perspective grid if the scene is a bit complex. I see references to other architectures or books next to me also often. I prepare a DVD for www.tokkunacademy.com (Tokkun Academy).
Out of curiosity, do you start with a blank canvas and just go for it? Or do you find a good starting refrence and paint over that base first? (Im not a painter but starting to dabble more with 2d as a personal goal so just digging for information
Thanks Tom
Trage: I work from a blank page and quickly I put a background color gradient, which is used to ask me directly atmosphere color. And then a perspective grid if the scene is a bit complex. I see references to other architectures or books next to me also often. I prepare a DVD for www.tokkunacademy.com (Tokkun Academy).
Yet another picture