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Any cooks / bakers out there?!

polycounter lvl 13
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TDub polycounter lvl 13
Besides doing game art, I really enjoy cooking and baking.. HARDCORE. I am just getting done making some croissants after 2 days :poly121:

Anyone out there like to do this in their spare time? What are your favorite recipes and things to make?


  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I do a bit of cooking and baking but nothing super advanced. I don't have a kitchen to cook in up here in Bellevue but back in California I cooked quite a bit. I mostly did Breakfast Foods or Italian-American dishes I guess. The breakfast foods I cooked most were Sourdough French Toast with Maple Breakfast Sausage or Over Easy Eggs with Maple Bacon and Toast. My favorite lunch dish was Red Pepper Tomato Soup that I mixed a bit of Cream Cheese in with a Sourdough Swiss Grilled Cheese. I usually cooked pasta at least 5 times a week too.

    On the baking side, the thing I baked most were probably Soft Pumpkin Cookies with a simple vanilla glaze on top. Those were nice at Halloween or for Thanksgiving dessert.
  • BadgerBaiter
    Not yet, but when I move house I desperately want to start baking my own bread. I love it, but there is so much rubbish out there :(
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    Ive cooked quite a bit, managed a 4 course meal for 7 which wasnt half bad ;]

    Peoples favourite would be the Rainbow coloured brownies i made for a laugh ;D *Reminds me i need to match a few batchs for uni peeps ;o *

    I enjoy cooking pasta and rice dishes, Its not a cop-out you can do a hell of alot with both ;) Plus im a poor uni student in england and there both stpuidly cheap ;D

    Ill have to dig out my recipe scrap book
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    My girl's vegan and I'm a pretty convinced vegetarian, so I cook, a lot! As we don't have many options in the stores around here. Making bread, pizza dough, homemade seitan etc... Love doing it all! Breads are an arcane art if you ask me, and I can totally recommend Peter Reinhart's books for that (Bread Baker's Apprentice kicks ass).

    Other then that, most of the stuff I make is generally hot and very spicey stuff. Lurv making veganised Mexican, Thai and Italian food.
  • BadgerBaiter
    Will keep my eye for that book Maph, thanks ;)

    Hot and spicy food is the way forward :D
  • Adam Curtis
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    Adam Curtis polycounter lvl 17
  • TDub
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    TDub polycounter lvl 13
    damn i thought that was a thread about modeling. somebody made one with a very similar name.. oh well, can never have too much foood!
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    Maph wrote: »
    Breads are an arcane art if you ask me, and I can totally recommend Peter Reinhart's books for that (Bread Baker's Apprentice kicks ass).

    seconded. pain a l'ancienne has to be my favorite.

    im not a fan of most highly processed food (most, not all) and thus like to cook properly - even if its just to throw a few vegetables and protein into a pan and see what i end up with.

    i also like to cook fairly fancy stuff.
    tomorrow its time for a mieral duck (which im very excited about) with turnips, shiitake, panch phoron and a pomegranate sauce.
    i just hope i dont screw up the duck :X
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    I enjoy cooking sweet stuff.. Cakes, Slices, Biscuits etc:- I don't enjoy cooking savoury food as much.. Which is a little annoying since cooking dinner is a daily event. :(

    I enjoy cooking curries though, I've got a lamb curry slow cooking away as I speak. mmm.. :)
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Making fish burgers right now, nom.


    I'm such a bear!

    I cooked a good ammount when I lived by myself, I still do... sometimes. When I'm feeling like impressing people, since I cook like a Boss.

    Mostly eat vege stuff because it tastes amazing, only thing is the prices just keep going up for organic foods... it's ridiculous mans! Might have to start my own hydro garden one day, or a little one in the backyard, if I have a house with a backyard in the future. Maybe some lentils and tomatoes, potatoes... some greens...
    *salivating all over my face.
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    I like to cook every now and then; Chicken fried rice, fajitas, tacos, nachos, lol.

    What I really enjoy is BBQ-ing! So much fun.

    Now I'm just waiting for Mr. Stubbles and/or Mr. Mathis to come post about all the wondrous meals they make :P
  • Sean VanGorder
    I love cooking. I was a line cook all 4 years in high school, and almost switched to the culinary major here during my first quarter of game art. I wish I had more time to cook, it's hard with my current schedule.
  • alisci01
    I've gotten into cooking more, and read a pretty good book on it that was just made for nerds (Cooking for Geeks, by Jeff Potter). It helped me a lot especially since all I do is code all day.
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