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Handpainted Scene WIP "Madmans Lair"

Hey everyone,

This is my first post here and I'm really excited to get started with the critiques. It's great to meet you all :] I'm currently working on a small scene titled "Madmans Environment." I have a passion for handpainted textures so this environment will be entirely hand painted, however I am pretty new to it. I've been looking up some awesome threads here as well as tutorials elsewhere on handpainting and they have all served me really well. Now it's just applying the material :]

I am modeling in Maya, exporting to Max for optimization and unwrapping and then importing into UDK 2/2011 build for final render and lighting.

Majority of the textures are first pass, I am working on getting grunge into corners and adding more value to get a better color harmony but am having some difficulties. UDK is not rendering shadows but I have found a couple tutorials that I want to try to see if I can fix it. I need some more "bend" in my geometry in order to pull of the whimsical style I'm going for [referencing Riot].

I think I covered everything, here is a current WIP, this is about the 2 week mark, please let me know what you think! Critique is greatly appreciated and valued!

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