So I completed my very first art test for a job/career! I'm really excited about this company and I know I did a damn good job, I just hate waitinggggg. I would love to post the art test and show it off but I'm under an NDA so I think it's best not to do that

. I've wanted a job in the industry since I was 13, and i turn 24 this friday. The fact that I've made it this far with a company is a proud moment for me, I just wish I knew how many people I was going up against and when I will find out if I get it or not, baaah
I have 2 other companies that implied they would like to hire me in a few months, but there is no guarantee. I just cannot wait to stop working for pizza hut for $4.25 an hour and get a REAL career doing something I'm super passionate about. All I want to do is make art!

wish me luck

Good luck with the test
good luck though.
When you'll be pumpin' games of the year it won't feel half as good.)
Best of luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya. And be sure to tell us how this truns out!
Oh and don't get complacent! Keep applying, you'd be surprised how much perseverance pays off. You may hear from a company 5 months after you applied. Just keep throwing out applications.
Edit: I should note i've more or less stopped applying elsewhere as i'm taking a gamble on a small indie team.
Good luck!
I didn't know this. It was a friday.
Worst weekend ever. Driving out on my 24th birthday to find an apartment out here a week before I started was pretty awesome, though.
Good luck!
I'm sure you know already, but you can't bank on a swift reply from alot of places, so keep moving and shooting! :P
So the best of luck really! but keep on applying and working towards other options!
Be patient, and keep that resume flowing!
To everyone saying I should keep applying, no worries I'm always looking! last thing I want to do is expect I got the job. I know I'm a great artist, but there is a whole market of artists that are clearly better than me, so im just hoping none of those guys or gals applied
thanks for sharing the stories too btw, it's good to know I'm not the only one stressed with the wait haha.
I was thinking about getting into Brawl, but I have like 2 or 3 characters I *REALLY* need to finish; really good portfolio pieces and something keeps happening to keep me from finishing. Like it being the end of production for my major's senior film, and since my computer is so powerful, I was told we wouldn't make deadlines if they didn't use it for rendering, so I haven't even been able to do anything for 2 weeks
omgggg, so i got word back and was told it was a great submission! Now on to the interview process!
thanks for all the support
At least I don't have to wear pants. Cool.
Just had a phone interview last week and I believe it went fantastic. I recently found out I'm being scheduled for another phone interview
I'm really a bit apprehensive to talk any specifics about anything that's going on, but I hear 2 interviews are normal, so I see this next one as a good thing. I don't know if asking what I should expect is appropriate or even decipherable with no knowledge of what's gone on, but any advice? Any insight as the reasoning for a second interview?
Don't get me wrong, I'm most certainly not complaining about it
and thanks again for all the kind words guys! Maybe I'll see some of you at Evolve CG this weekend if anyone is going
Second interview, if they haven't asked your salary expectations they will likely ask this now, be prepared as they say.
The biggest thing you should know is your work. Be ready to give a coherent and honest account of what you did, including the art test. I should also mention the STAR system, which stands for: Situation-Task-Action-Result. It seems silly, but giving them a primer on the scenario behind your project, what had to be done, what you did to accomplish it, and the end result, is a great delivery method. It keeps you a bit more coherent, and on point.
Also come prepared with questions and try to get into any sort of avenue of conversation about technical stuff.
Other than that, try to relax. Good luck!
And good luck with your interviews.
thanks guys!
can u say which company it is?
This is looking so good it's not even funny. I'm 98% sure I got my very first job in the industry. I can't even begin to express how happy I am. By the end of next week I'll know for sure. I was told to wait for an offer letter and the last step of the process is a test run of the first day on the job. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I'm finally living my dream, omgggg
Oniram, as soon as it's official I can disclose this info, I just want to wait for now
Very exciting thread :P
I'd love to see what worked for you and how it could apply to my work.
posted a few posts above ^_^
Great thread to follow, good luck to you! If at all possible, later could you tell us more about the art test? Would be interesting to hear about, especially a character art test if it was?
Looks like things have changed up a bit from my initial application and that's ok! It's now an internship with a possibility for transition to full-time after completion. I'm now an artist at a brand new company in Sanford, Florida called Sky Parlor Studios! Had my first day today and everyone in the building seems really awesome to work with. My career has begun! And a week after I finished my major no less! lol
Sky Parlor Studios has been AMAZING and is honestly too good to be true. I ended up getting a good friend of mine a job there as a concept artist, and both of us have been really impressing our boss
Our first game was completed and is released for both iPhone and Android! Carnival of Games started out as an Augmented Reality app but due to plugins not working to their full potential was switched to a 3D game 2 and a half weeks prior to completion. For what the game is and the deadlines we had for this project, I'm very proud of this simple app and personally think it's a good time waster
The internship wasn't your typical one; we didn't have an experienced professional to work under in each category. Leads were assigned for art and programming, and we all had to work together to research, do the pre-production work, and conquer our own difficulties with the software and other development from our own intelligence. Because of this, Carnival of Games was designed not to be a big blockbuster, but to test the quality and work ethic of the team and to see how we meshed together. Our Producer is a great guy and an amazing boss and his guidance was and still is key in our projects. He has a lot of crazy but awesome ideas, and I can't wait to see where he takes our studio. But anyway, about 95% of the 3D assets in the game were done by me, as well as about 15% of the texture work, and I did the simple animations like the stuffed animals dancing, rigged the milk power bar meter, and even rigged and hand animated the menu.
If I could do a little shameful promotion, If you have an Android or iOS device, please do a search for "Carnival of Games" in your respective market/app store and download the free version! You have nothing to lose! I would absolutely love to hear what artists think of the game and critique would be appreciated as well! There are tons of things I know we coulda shoulda woulda done, but we are saving those for our next project
We are now already well into the process of working on our next project, and I can't wait for release day; it's going to be awesome!
But anyway, as I said I've been an intern for the full 3 month duration as of this Thursday, and I'm proud to report I'm going to be brought on as actual employee