Hi guys! This is my first thread here so I'm very nervous heheh :poly124:
This is my latest work with UDK, it's based on a concept from Wolfenstein and it's supposed to be a nursery house inside the castle, I used a unique 2048x2048 texture and I modeled it in 3DsMax and textured in Photoshop, It took me a couple of weeks and I'm really proud of the result but any critic and comment is very welcome.
Concept art:

Screenshot 01:

Screenshot 02:

Textures: ( real size is 2048x2048 )

This is the Last video:
The only critique I can add is that it seems that your scene is missing some shadow information. Is your ambient occlusion checked on? The part you can really tell is underneath your wheelchairs.
Good job overall nonetheless !
Thanks mate!
Thanks for the comments guys.
*The wood in your scene (around the pillars, help desk and wall panels) looks really dark and causes it to lose a lot of detail. They are now just huge black panels which my eyes tend to skip past when looking at the images, which is a shame.
*The big red flag is a completely different story, I feel like it's being lit to much and screams for attention. It was the second things I noticed in the scene while you'd expect it to be a detail(first thing was the little sign saying Pflegeheim.
Also, I'm not sure if the white highlights work for a red fabric? It gives it a plastic look.
*You used a more white/yellow lighting while the concept art uses a more greenish lighting. This might be a personal preference of course, but I feel like the greenish light does give a more sinister look to the overall picture.
Other than that I really like your scene, it has a nice sense of scale to it. I'd say a really nice first thread
Keep it up!
Thanks for your critics guys, I've been working with the textures, postprocess and with the lights and the result it's up there now.
Thanks Cholden! I will look into a video capturing program to make a short video, I tried long time ago Camtasia but I don't know why but it always bring me some kind slow motion videos hahah
Lighting is very soft, everything feels mushy, would be nice to see brighter spots around lightsources and some more defined shadows.
Your lightmap res looks too low, I see lightmap pixes everywhere.
You should put some fog sheets and add subtle heightfog to the level to give a sense of depth and color shift over distance.
1 2048 for the whole scene is rather low, you're going to end up with pretty low pixel res with that.
Some of the columns look like they just have 4 sides, and they alias, it would be better to have a chamfer there or even process a highpoly mesh.
Hey, thanks dude!
Yeah... you're right with the lightmap resolution but when I started the scene I didn't know that I will make it that bigger but I'm very happy with the result.
The colums have a chamfer and they're all with the same smoothing group so the problem can't be that.
And I agree with the fog, could be pretty cool, I'll try it.
It's a fake reflection, it's just a cube map based on the scene.
I added the height fog and I change the cubemap of the floor, now it looks much better also I'm adding some decals to make little less monotone the scene and adding new meshes like curtains, beds and plants.
I hope tonight I can fix everything and make a nice video.
Thanks a lot guys!
You rock!!
Thank you again guys!
Now... I have to think about my next environment.
I'd say to get a bit more of the hospital feel, I would try and get more greens into your overall scene, and if you really wanted to, maybe add a couple more "filler" props like scattered magazine on the floor etc.
I know you're probbably calling this one done for now, no worries
Great job man
And just to let you know CGTALK (I paid the premium account) declined my environment (at first I really was sad but now I'm very happy to see the support of you guys), they told me this:
We are sorry, but your recent art submission to the CGTalk Gallery has been declined.
Your image is still hosted on your CGPortfolio.
("Pflegeheim Wolfenstein, Victor Santos (3D)")
We at CGSociety.org would like to offer encouragement for your next submission.
Your submission has been declined for the following reason(s):
* We're very sorry to let you know that this work does not yet meet our standards as a completed piece for the Showcase Gallery. We'd like to encourage you to post your work in the WIP forum to develop it further before submitting it again.
The CGSociety Crew
Great huh? heheh
lets add some more props and it will be superb.
crates, oxygen canisters, gas masks, bottles with alcohol/medicine, bandages, surgery tools, scalpels, saline solutions (serum), buckets, camber pots...
lots of stuff that would make it more alive.
...and some particles like floating dust would be awesome.
If you want to give me some ideas for more props just tell me!
I hope you like it!
only thing i can say is about the lighting, as someone pointed out. why dont you make another version, with a greener one? and put both side by side, to see which one stands better.
other than that, i have nothing to say. trully inspiring work
Thanks for the kind words buddy! I appreciate it
Kind regards!
you have the blood splats and everything. You make the Wolf universe proud.
It's a great honor to be commented like that from a guy that worked on Wolfenstein, thanks dude!
If you know the name of the guy who make the concept just tell me, I don't know his name to put it on the post as my main reference.
Thanks a lot! I'll make you proud
I'm still making a few more props and working with the lights.
I'd love to see a video with matinee
I added some more props and details to the scenario and I changed the lighting of the "beds zone".
So this is it:
Thank you all for the support and the comments.
The green lights became a big part of the environment, really makes a nice contrast with the rest of the scene and gives a lot of "Hospital atmosphere", thanks dude!
I found this artwork on internet but I don't know where it came from.
And these are the final shots of the scenario with the balaustrade of the second floor, the bookstands and all the new props:
Any critic or comment is very welcome!
if you make them a bit thicker i think they would look nicer
I' like to be able to go to the top floor, maybe you can add a staircase to go upstairs
edit: okay now that i look i dont think it's bsp. dumb of the year for me xD
And yes, they're not BSPs but it can be made with them so It's another solution to the problem.
I love the idea of the stairs but I don't know where I can put it because I like the corner with the wooden crates but maybe I can make it in the middle (where the clock is), I have to study the space to see if it's possible.
Thanks people!! I'm having a lot of fun with this enviro.
Otherwise looks fantastic, a little low poly in some spots, but otherwise good.
I'm glad you like it, Thanks Odium!
It's been a busy weekend but I was thinking about the space for the stairs and I'm afraid I can't place it unless I figure something out...
I'll keep you posted.
What do you think?
I'll make a few tweaks with the lights of the environment to make it lil' bit greener than now.
Hi PogoP! Well... from the beginning I calculate the space I need and divide it in 32/64 squares on grid I made a picture of what we need (in terms of space in the texture sheet)in a piece of paper and I made a list of objects and modular pieces of the scenario.
I'm not using any BSPs but maybe It could a nice idea for the floor, walls, etc. but I'm pretty happy with the result of the modular pieces.
This is the texture sheet, including the cubemap for the reflections:
I'll try to make some screenshots of the modular pieces and props.
I Hope you like it!
Next time in all seriousness you don't need the water mark especially since your not uploading the original texture files, besides that no one can really used your textures they would have to replicate everything you did, which could be next to impossible.
What you did on the first post is fine to show off your maps, just saying, good work.