woo! thanks man, glad you dig it! We need to get some polycount games going!
also note: Cliff, Rod, Mark, and Eric were giving away beta keys like mad this weekend on Twitter, not sure if they still are... But you could always still go get the Epic Edition of Bulletstorm and get in today!
I've been playing later these days, and when I can - working a lot and planning a wedding in 2 weeks (!!!)
During the week I'll be on after 12am, usually for a few games. I try to squeeze some in during the afternoon hours saturday & sunday - but have been super busy with other stuff so its rough!
If you're on when i hop on we can get some games goin!
yea i started playing through the access from bulletstorm last night and am digging the feel of it. feels faster than gears 2, and the re-spawning with a pool of team lives keeps it fun rather than dying and sitting out for 5 mins. love the new recoil system and the shotguns feel awesome! nice work fellas
So... why is GOW3 pre-order beta exclusive to Gamestop? I thought they were ruining the industry? As much as I would love to stroll into Gamestop and meet the too cool for school employee behind the desk to pick up a copy...
[oh ya -- and then if I don't pre-order, he can offer me the $55 version the day after..]
I pre-ordered from a local non-gamestop site and got the beta key the day after by e-mail.
Tried some rounds online in TDM, very fun ! Kind of hard getting used to the "tank" like controls of Gears after spending so much time with Uncharted, but man, good times.
Anyone up for some rounds? Skamberin is my Xbox Live handle
Aw man, I wanted to play as a bloody bunny, but, beta didn't unlock today because I pre-ordered Bulletstorm on PC :P (which got me exactly nothing :P), other than a kickass game ;D
I wonder if this means Gears of War 3 will have hats..
Bump, seems cool. I don't live in the US so I can't get anything other than a "chance" since I've played a match (I own all three gears games, including the PC version,) so hopefully I get, something :P
Ah, the beta's awesome. Never really got into the past Gears games online (love Horde and the campaign though), but I'm really really liking Gears 3 so far. The movement feels much more fluid, I've had literally NO connection issues at all (which is insane), and it all looks so.. awesome/bright/pretty/sexy/you get the idea.
Just hoping the Retro doesn't get nerfed before retail I love that gun!
I can't stand the Retro yet really, its accuracy is all over, and I never get close enough for it to be useful (as I'm usually double barrelled to death :P).
The controls are much better than Gears 1 and 2, but I think I've been spoiled by Uncharted 2 because I find that game to have a control scheme and setup leagues ahead of gears.
The "select grenade, then get trajectory, then throw it" system has annoyed me since gears one, and when I saw how they handled it in UC 2 I wanted it in ALL third person shooters with grenades. Just aim down sight and hit a button to lob the grenade in that direction, distance being determined by trajectory and how long you held the throw button.
also note: Cliff, Rod, Mark, and Eric were giving away beta keys like mad this weekend on Twitter, not sure if they still are... But you could always still go get the Epic Edition of Bulletstorm and get in today!
community portal: http://epicgames.com/community/2011/04/gears-of-war-3-beta-helpful-links/
Beta FAQ: http://forums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=767359
impressions & suggestions: http://forums.epicgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=403
During the week I'll be on after 12am, usually for a few games. I try to squeeze some in during the afternoon hours saturday & sunday - but have been super busy with other stuff so its rough!
If you're on when i hop on we can get some games goin!
[oh ya -- and then if I don't pre-order, he can offer me the $55 version the day after..]
Tried some rounds online in TDM, very fun
Anyone up for some rounds? Skamberin is my Xbox Live handle
my gamertag is moosebot, will be on from time to time if anyone wants to play!
I wonder if this means Gears of War 3 will have hats..
Bump, seems cool. I don't live in the US so I can't get anything other than a "chance" since I've played a match (I own all three gears games, including the PC version,) so hopefully I get, something :P
Just hoping the Retro doesn't get nerfed before retail
The controls are much better than Gears 1 and 2, but I think I've been spoiled by Uncharted 2 because I find that game to have a control scheme and setup leagues ahead of gears.
The "select grenade, then get trajectory, then throw it" system has annoyed me since gears one, and when I saw how they handled it in UC 2 I wanted it in ALL third person shooters with grenades. Just aim down sight and hit a button to lob the grenade in that direction, distance being determined by trajectory and how long you held the throw button.
But still, loving it.