Hey Folks,
I have a few Gears3 beta codes to give away to folk who are fans and would play it a bunch for a couple months? I can't give them away to sightseers as the point of the beta is to stress test the game and get some solid statistical info.
Also, one of the things we are testing is the ranked mode and you need more people for that because it works based on skill matching and requires a bigger pool of players.
Generally we test officially each night at 9pm or sometimes 10, especially at the weekends and thats the ranked test time often.
Usually people stick that out for a couple of hours and then go back to playing public mode because its not reliant on skill matching, so not reliant on a larger amount of player and if it can't find enough players it puts some bots in to balance things out until others join in progress.
Anyway, if you are a fan and are willing to sink some time into this for a while, let me know and I'll hook you up with a code and we can kick each others asses on the 360 tonight

First come first served.
edit: gamertag is: 'uly 5'
If you want some detailed feedback we might be able to help you out
I'm super interested! I could use something to do waiting for this call-back to happen..
Anyway enough sob story, if you have any left, yes I Would very much love one :P
EDIT: Aw damn, too slow. That's still a DAMN nice thing to do though
Good luck with the beta! I'll keep looking for a way to get in
I just checked noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
I so want in!
j/k :P No loss then
Just wondering about one thing though ,do you know if the beta has different starting schedules for Europe and NA? I know the Bulletstorm folk start a week early, but I haven't seen it anywhere if maybe Europe starts in May or something :0
Also still waiting to find out what's in the Epic Edition :P
big props to you sir!
If you try it and ( im assuming you are in Canada ) it doesn't work, you can pass on the code to someone in the US and be mr. popular, this much I do know!
Deluxe Walrus
I'd love one if it should become available. Remember all those google wave invites I sent out? You guys owe me!
Kevin any news on what will be included in the gears of war 3 epic edition? cant seem to find anything online I would like to pre-order one just want to know what's in it first.
Oh I didnt know that happened..
that does indeed suck ..but ya gotta do what you gotta do ..
Haven't announced anything about the epic edition yet, just that there will be one!
Super stoked to have people play gears 3, been a labor of live for a while now. can also get beta acess with the Epic edition of bulletstorm on the 18th too, so go buy bulletstorm because it is fun!
I don't think I'll be able to give away any more codes, we each got allocated 5 friends and family codes and i gave mine away already. If something comes up, I'll give folk a shout here again but I think I've had my share already!
FEKKIN YANKS!!! grumble grumble whiskey grumble...
Still, this makes me a sad panda
Or is it only the beta keys given to you by Epic that are US only?
It worked for me the other day (in Canada). Unfortunately I'm not the best and got my ass handed to me by QA Testers.
Ironhawk PC <---- my tag.
How are the folks I gave codes out to getting on? Any feedback?
new vid, Dizzy is in there
everyone else THERES NO MORE CODES TO GIVE OUT... please stop asking me
For serials though, I don't have my xbox up here in Bellevue but I have a friend who played Gears 2 professionally and he would love to get a code. If anyone has an extra one that they don't want for some reason I'd be very happy if you would give it to me to pass along to him.
The one thing that I noticed right off the bat was how nice the lighting looked and how sharp the textures were. I loved the look and feel of the first 2, but this just feels less harsh in a way, and really nice overall.