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Jobs need filling for a Zombie sandbox WIP!

Good day to you, kind sir looking for employment!

I am the project leader of a small band of modelers, programmers, and conceptual artists. Together, we form the Coalition of Inconsiderate Gentleman (C.I.G. for substitution in a conversation), and we need your help!
We, the C.I.G., are working on a zombie sandbox survival game, which doesn't revolve around the whole warped idea of "PEW PEW PEW U DED I SHOTED U WITH A 360 NO-SCOPE LOLZ" and the idea of running and gunning, because frankly, that's just stupid. NO, this game revolves around the idea of survival and realism. you spawn as a regular ordinary bloke in your regular ordinary house/workplace/condo/apartment, during a not-so-regular zombie apocalypse. you have to search your house for a suitable weapon (or not), barricade the hell out of it (or not), and see how long you can survive. You need to keep a supply of food to keep your sorry ass fed, ammo or melee weaponry to keep the undead from gnawing on your head, and a team of online friends(or you can be a lone ranger) to cry yourself to sleep with. You need nails and wood to keep your house barricaded ( can push your furniture in strategic entry spots, or take it apart for its wood)(IE push a wardrobe in front of a door, then rip off the wardrobe's doors to nail on the window entry points), or you can be a scout and raid other houses for necessary supplies.

Also, importantly, the game will not be operating on the idea that "zombies bitchslap you, but its all cool because you have a handy-dandy healthpack". not gonna happen. if you are hit or bit, then you are damn well infected ( being hit might have a lower infection possibility then the 100% chance of being infected by being bit). if you had a chunk of you bitten, you can choose to be honest with your other teammates, or you can be an asshole and keep it secret so you can get some tasty "XxTeH_SnIpAhxX the accountant" before you are put down like a rabid dog by your horrified ex-compadres.
there is a lot more planned, and you will be informed adequately if you are interested!

*Jobs that need filling*
(5) programmers (C++)(being well-versed with UnrealScript is a bonus)
(2) Modelers [weapons, props, buildings, characters] (working with Blender, and Zbrush, but if you have Maya or 3ds Max, then i sure as hell ain't gonna complain)
(2) concept artists
(2) texture artists
(3) animators
(2) musical composers
(4) environmental artists (UDK)

We are working with UDK (Unreal engine).
*estimated starting time*
This Summer
Currently, the whole team is operating on the idea that we will not get a cut of the cash (*might not even get any cash*) until the end and final distribution of the game, so treat this project as extra-curricular and voluntary. I have no money to offer at this moment. All I offer is a chance to help bring to light a product that could be a hit, and give you something to put on your portfolio and be proud of. Right now it is in the conceptual stage, and we hope to get cracking this Summer.

if you are interested, then please, by all means, contact me at: Kylemeininger@yahoo.com

*we are looking (but not exclusively) for people who live in California, somewhere around San Jose*
It is vital that we have face-to-face interaction with those we will be working with for the next year or 2. It is hard to stay in contact with someone you only know through a webcam or mic. We could have a meeting in my tree house if needs be (I'm kidding, take a chill-pill).
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