About two weeks ago I wrapped up a revamp of my portfolio, picked up some fresh contract work, and I'm looking to polish it up, make it cooler with everyone's helpful critiques.
I'm looking for more work following the 29th of May, so I'm gonna get as much polish/new stuff in as I can before then. So if you've got words of advice, mean, personal comments, or just want to tell me how cool I seem and that I'd work totally awesome with anybody in their workplace, say so.
Here it is!
I'd love critiques on the work, (particularly if there's a very weak piece that sticks out like a sore thumb and needs to go.) layout, ease of use, browser compatibility, etc etc.
First I'll write down some of my own critiques that I need to address:
-Email address needs to be more prominent, or accessible in an easy 'copy & paste' method at the very least.
-Each subpage should have a 'return to gallery' button at the top and bottom of each gallery, cause it's not made very clear that the header acts as a home button.
-My hastily made resume/CV area needs to be made pretty.
So that's about all I can think of for now, but I'm sure you'll all find much more. Thanks!
Fantastic stuff!
Enjoyed looking through everything - im glad to see COLOR mostly in all your assets and Environments. Really appealing for me.
Yeh i agree with your crit on the spicing up your cv/resume page. Maybe just adding Orange font for the headlines would be enough.
Typing up your resume in Word or PDF format - for download and easy printing,
would be worth adding too.
Only thing i found 'missing' was the little amount of wireframe shots. For me i was interested to see where you spent your polies in the Environment as a whole.
Doubt you can access the older enviros to grab a flat-shaded wireframe shots from?
(ive fallen in the same boat - on alot of my older works too, but now always grab the wires on the whole level from now on)
But hopefully your Latest personal enviro - you could show without the textures with the wireframe showing!
You look like a great artist, all the best in 2011!
Portfolio works really well, nicely organized and well structured. Best of luck with the move.
Wonkey: :] thanks much!
beancube: good tips. I had completely forgot to include download .doc or .pdf buttons. Adding some colour to the resume could help tie it in with the visuals of the rest of the site. I'll format it a bit so it's laid out a little nicer too.
paulsvoboda: thanks a lot! :] big fan of your work as well.
That is all.
I second this notion. Impressive work. You can model, texture, and throw it all into an engine. What is there you cant do?
the specular for the wood handle is truly beautiful too!