I found this problem today when i installed Windows 7x64 for the first time(Been using Vista x64 before)
I was about to check the statistics which i usually check in the viewport menu but now i cant use rightclick there for some reason i dont know?
This is the first time i see this and i suppose it has to do with WINDOWS 7!But what can it be?

Uploaded with
Windows 7 x64 ultimate
Wacom Intous 4 medium
3DS Max 2011 x64
Gigabyte GTX580
12gb Corsair DDS3 1600mhz
Intel CoreI7 920
Intel X25MG2 160Gb
Corsair HX850W
Sorry I can't help never saw/had that happen before.
Well i usually always turn UAC off since Vista.Just a bad habit i guess .
Also, those viewport dropdowns are left-clickable.
C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2011 - 64bit\enu
C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2011 - 64bit\trash_enu