I am trying to model a couch as the book I am reading recommends this as good practice with NURBS. Ref picture I picked
Here is my issue I currently have the basic shape of my couch except I can not get a surface for the front/back.
I would imagine I would just do a planar surface but it does not work, maya gives me a warning and just saying cannot do that. I really have no clue how to about doing this since the book did not go into super fine detail about patching in more complicated surfaces.
If you think I am approaching this all wrong please give me a hint on the right way to start a NURBS model like this.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
I am not a fan of NURBS at all but the book suggests to model it using NURBS for practice. I think I could do a decent polygon model of the couch and use SubD's to create the roundness of the couch.