I would be very surprised if it didnt dilate the bake results... If it didnt then having uvs aligned to the edge of pixels would result in filter seams (assuming its using the center of the pixel for sampling). The actual problem is probably more to do with its internal uv packing. Maybe pushing "unrounded" verts outside of usable atlas space causing it to wrap around.
I've had absolutely not problems with pushing edges to the end of the UV space. If you really want to be safe, have a 1px padding to all of your edges. Just be sure to land it on the border between two pixels and not on top of a pixel.
I seriously don't know how to fix this problem with bad tileability in poorly lit areas. Compiling on higher settings helps, but I've found nothing else to be of use. It's not a lack of photons, as you can place dummy lights around the seams and it'll still be the same.
I seriously don't know how to fix this problem with bad tileability in poorly lit areas. Compiling on higher settings helps, but I've found nothing else to be of use. It's not a lack of photons, as you can place dummy lights around the seams and it'll still be the same.