anyone ever had any SAVING issues in Max 2010 64bit, win7
For some reason this morning everytime i save it takes 5mins to acctualy do it... On all my previous files aswell.. It doesnt seem to be my HD, since i have no issues with Ps, maya or deepaint file saving
Hell i Can even export to 3ds , or ob and no issues. but saving i have to wait 4ever.
Someone fix that shit, before i switch to maya.
You're files could have a corrupt biped. Try deleting the copy/paste collections in the biped rollout.
Also, try merging the objects into a new scene and look for objects that don't really exist; such as, ParticleView001, Container001, ect.
Also, if your models are > than 100K triangles, they'll just take a long time to load or save.
Hell, if it was only 1 scene, i wouldnt even post. but now its every single file.. Just out of the blue..
You could try to move your saved files somewhere else and try to save again.I had a problem with google chrome once, because there where to many files or something, after i moved them from the default folder it was all good, maybe that helps here to.
I was just stepping through my recent, "My max files take forever to save/load" problem.
Glad it's fixed.