Since the Cain Project is expected to keep me busy for quite a while I decided to open a dedicated Thread instead of spamming the
WAYWO? Thread.
Maybe to share some ideas, suggestions, critics ( everyone's a critic, right? ) or just to stare some thoughts.
For those unfamiliar with Cain aka RoboCain [ame=]HERE[/ame]'s a Video featuring almost all Stop Motion and Lifesize Prop Scenes of him in the 1990 RoboCop 2 Movie.
The entire project was to
recreate a lost model because of a HDD failure and to also get some experience in SubD/HighPoly Modelling.
Like the last time when I did Cain ( around 2000-2003 ) I started below the knee area working my way down to the toes/claws which prooved to be a mindbreaker on how to model them as I was quite a noob to SubD Modelling to that time. "
Experience may change during workprocess"
I'm using 4-5 different screw models on the entire model with them then resized to fit the respective area.
For references I've been using some rare
HighRes Photos of a Stop Motion Puppet taken at
Tippett Studios.
As expected those 2 Parts put me through Hell to model with the many angles they have.
It took me almost an entire week to get them done. Even had to redo the entire Head once after noticing a major error with the transition from the sides to the back. *sigh*
Another problem I'm expecting will be the final rig of the hydraulics.
Already managed to get some answers related to the problem on how to fix it but have only done a test version which looked fine ( after an hour of Binging )
As there are literally no usable Images of his insides I had to take some artistic freedom creating them which I believe will work out quite well.
Left Weapons Platrom Arm:
This one was a little easier to model but rescaling later was an issue since all reference images were taken at hard to measureable angles.
Still working on the Gatling Gun which is probably going to kill me
Here we are so far. Still missing 3 of his 4 arms and the shouldermounted Double Cannon.
Once "finished" I'm going to recheck all parts once more to equalize them in Quality as the experience has grown quite a bit from when I started him.
Thinking about getting him
Laser Sinthered once he's done.
Best of luck to this work, I wanna see more! Keep it going!
Please animate him also, the original need bettering...
RoboCain is the coolest robot ever designed.
Thanks for the support. Glad you like it.
Gatling is coming along. Expecting to finish it tomorrow.
Entire Engine Block is one solid mesh. ( with the exception of the Hydraulic lines )
Sorry for only posting a render of the arm alone but I'm tired and it takes way to much time to render the full model.
Front View:
Side/Back View:
There's some clipping going on here since not everything is actually rigged but that's noting I worry about as it's just BETA for now
For those interested here's a Screengrab of the Wire ( 2372 x 1336 ):
Moving on to the smaller left arm with the Pincer...
( Just 2 more arms and the Shoulder Cannon... Just 2 more... )
Cane's been my TOP1 mechanical monster since I saw the movie for the first time back in the nineties. Awesome times.
Great job, man. Instant fav.
"The entire project was to recreate a lost model because of a HDD failure" So you've done this before? You don't happen to be the same dude behind this one
Don't ban me! ;(
No, the one I lost was THIS one ( and actually everything else I've been modelling for quite a while *doing backups now* ) but I remember that Zoomzoom once asked me for the references I used to that time for creating his own.
Back to that time I only had a shitload of lowres screencaps from RoboCopArchive.
Probably not as I'm currently working towards having him Laser sinthered with closed head.
But maybe I'll change my mind once I finished the visible parts just for the sake of having a complete 3D Version of him.
Glad you like it.
I know someone whoms made recently made a physical replica of this guy.
I dont know if it might help for refs.
Candy was building his model from the exact same HighRes References I'm now using to build the current Cain Model so there's no gain to work of a copy for references.
I could be wrong and maybe it's only related to the camera perspectives/fov/pose but I believe Candy has some scaling errors in comparison to the original models.
There are also some differences on certain design areas like the way the head splits apart, edges, etc...
It's not much but it all sums up so I decided to stay away from his ( no doubt awesome ) Replica.
Probably not going to happen as I have literally no experience in it so I would expect this to take a bitch of time aswell to get it done which, after 5+ weeks working on the exact same model, I'm seriously not in the mood to do.
( Not the modelling itself but the try and error of Baking and everything else that's related to it )
After all the main goal is to get him Laser Sinthered, Textured and Rigged.
( he's gonna be a bitch to rig... )
Cain- and the Michael Jackson Robot from Moon Walker are americas claim to fame in badass mechs creation. :P Sadly I dont think the high poly details are bakeable. I mean you could do it, there's just not enough exaggerated edge beveling going on to read well on a bake.
tis gonna make a SWWWEEET print tho!!!
Not much progress for today as I felt like taking a nap after work and then spent most of the time figuring out how the secondary arms are actually built up to ensure I'll not do one and the same mesh more than once.
There's actually not that much to model for an entire arm as most of the parts are mirrored or slightly altered copies of others but the parts themselves were a wee little complicated.
I guess tomorrow I'll have at least one arm finished and with that the second one should follow close as he seems to consist of the same modules though in different order.
Other than that, really good work all-around.
That "pinching" you're talking about is an eyesore to me aswell from the first time I used the mesh on his calves which was about the 4-5th mesh I did in this project.
Didn't know how to solve the problem or find out what exaclty was causing this back then when I started Cain ( and SubD modelling ) but it's sooo gonna be fixed during the checkup after everything else is done. ( have quite a list at hand what has to be done *sigh* )
I'll have to redo that particular mesh anyway as it's base is entirely flat and sometimes barely touching the mesh it's supposed to be attached to giving me worries that it might cause a problem like falling off when sinthered.
There's probably not much I can do about the edges anymore as I'd have to redo pretty much every edge on a mesh to fix that and It would cause inconsistencies in the overall look of the model if I'd start to fix that now. I guess that's something for the next model to be aware of which leave the option open to then do a LP for Baking aswell.
Seen that thread already and was quite informative to solve another, more annoying, problem I came across during the buildup Process. Thank you nonetheless!
*fuuuuuuuuu* I just noticed they had a "Hardcore Modelling Challenge: SciFi Icon" on CGTalk running which ended on March 15th...
Ah well... Wouldn't have been able to finish it anyway.
Did I mention it sucks to be stuck at work without anything actually to do?
Welcome to my world. Oh, i guess i have something to do. Clean others SHIT up. Maybe that's better :P
Only missing the "Hands" of his secondary Arms.
Working with the modular parts was quite a breeze for creating both arms.
There's quite some error fixing to be done once I'm finished with the Hands. *sigh*
I never understood why he seemed to have a spot welder for a hand though?
He has it for the BIG JOBS!
He's my most favored Robot followed closely by Alexander's Quadlegged Robot ( Insert random "In Soviet Russia..." Jokes ) and of course Johnny 5.[ame=
Neither the Screen or the Brain were done as I don't need them for what I'm planning.
The Screen might be an option at a later time but the Brain will not.
I'd say he's like a Swiss Army Knife. Better safe than sorry for not having a Welder on you
Cain has always been one of my favourite robots, along with the Robot from Lost in Space and ED209. Oh, and not strictly a robot, but the powerlifter from Aliens
That little welder arm can cut. In the battle with robocop he cuts a slash down Murphy's Helmet. Bad ass Kain man. I used to draw this guy and Ed209 in my binder nonstop in 7th grade.
I imagine its one of the many times when I shall have to believe its something else
On to the last one with the pincer and then the Shouldercannon.
( but not tonight... )
Looking great!
I guess only 1 or 2 of the 11 Stop Motion Puppets had it installed and the HighRes Images weren't taken from one of these.
I have to make some good screencaps first and then brighten the shit out of em to see what's going on. *deeply annoyed*
I wonder if I should model the Searchlights from the warehouse scene.
They'd add something "interesting" to look at on the super clean torso.
Finshed left secondary Arm:
"Look Mom! New Hands!"
Gotta rework the left side of his chest armor with the cables which is gonna be a major pain in my ass. *curse those damn ref pics with the arm in front*
The beginning of the Shoulder Cannon:
Still giving me troubles to model it. The quality of the Movie files is too bad. Haven't they heard of HDTV in the 90s!?!
I guess I gonna try and write the Studio if they have some Photos of the model with the cannon.
Kevin Johnstone:
Popular design? Judging a quick Google, Bing and/or DeviantArt Search he can't be THAT popular with the lack of Models, Drawings, Photos related to him.
I'd also say it's not gonna get better with his popularity beeing already 21 years old.
I mean there's like 5-6 different 3D Models I've seen on these search Engines of which 3 are mine, one is from Zoomzoom and another 1 maybe 2 are made in CAD for Rapid Prototyping.
Drawings and Paintings are scare aswell, I can probably count on both hands how many drawings I can find ( that actually resemble him )
And then there are 4 Models/Puppets/Sculpts:
The Argonauts one in 1/12 ( super inaccurate I've been reading )
The Kotobukiya one ( about 3 1/1 times the size of a Quarter Dollar )
A Fan made one in 1/4 using Rapid Prototyping ( just the legs though )
A Fan made one in 1/5 done like the original ones using aluminium and the likes.