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[FIGHTER] Street Fighter GUILE - seth.

polycounter lvl 14
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seth. polycounter lvl 14
I'm going to be doing Guile as either a WW1 or WW2 fighter pilot, haven't settled on that yet. Good luck everyone and all that :)

most recent update: 06-05-2011

well I can't rig for toffee so rather than make a mess of it I have decided to leave out the pose, so no official submission from me, but I did get the character finished in time at least.

Here's my finals:



thanks for all the kind words and encouragement along the way folks, I feel like i learned a lot to take forward to number five, I already know some stuff that I will do differently in the future, and yet again I need to get my head around rigging......I think I have a lot to learn about texturing still first though :)


  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    ok decided upon world war one aviator then.....heres the first round of reference gathering.

  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    o.k. day one, rough blockout of forms and a few kit bits. I still think that the proportions need work but fresh eyes will help with that tomorrow. I did concept out a few thumbnails, but the less said about those the better :)

  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    sharpening up some of the forms this morning, the legs need much love now that I look at the shots though....oh well....
    *edit* ooooh definate proportion change on the legs up next....they are huge....I am so blind :)

  • ViktorSan
    Great idea... keeping the "pilot" background ^^
  • Daven
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    Daven greentooth
    should I call him Guid-uile now with his haircut? I don't know, but the slick back hair is kind of ruining it for me (the silhouette at least).
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    maybe use the formal vest/jacket, unbuttoned, with the sleeves ripped off?
    the hair flares out too far for my taste, maybe get it a little closer to vertical cropped with a slight flare effect.

    raise up the crotch.
  • circle of friends
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    circle of friends polycounter lvl 10
    I like it so far, you've done a lot very quickly as well. I kind of feel like you could push the concept a bit further, like at the moment he kind of just looks like Guile in an alternate costume. Great start though.
  • DLoud
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    DLoud polycounter lvl 15
    Don't forget to give him a comb :)
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Hey folks ta very much for the feedback:

    ViktorSan: thank you. The pilot thing had to stay.

    suburbbum: It's cool man, the hair is just there till I make his flying cap, couldnt stand looking at his shiney head any more, sorry I should have mentioned that in my last post but I wasn't expecting replies.

    Firebert : agreed on the croch, my next job is going to be scaling the legs a little better, his arse is huge atm too!.....I am thinking old woolen vest for his torso, after that I will have a look at if the brown leather officers coats ( the nicle long ones) will work well on him.

    circle of friends: I do see what you mean....its a bit more dress-up than re-design at the moment....I will have a think

    DLoud: totally....and brylcream too.

    sorry if I come across like I'm reading crits and saying "oh yeah i'm doing that" to look all clever and shit.....2D isn't my strong point so I tend to concept out in 3D and add stuff as I go rather than having a fixed illustration that I work from at the start, because of that I have a lot of stuff still to add thats just in my head....once again thanks for the feedback. Very much apriciated :D
  • Onuris
    I'm glad to hear that that hair is placeholder, but I worry about giving him a flight cap. Can't comb his hair when it's covered up. I'll be interested to see where you take it. I like a lot of what you have going so far though.
  • circle of friends
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    circle of friends polycounter lvl 10
    Could always make his hair in to a cap haha.
  • Onuris
    As in shape the cap like his hair?
  • circle of friends
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    circle of friends polycounter lvl 10
    Could do that, or his hair to look like the cap. I'm only half-serious.
  • Onuris
    As am i. In regards to shaping the cap like his hair that is.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    well, i could be going off on the wrong tangent here so I sketched some stuff out to have a look....The idea:

    Guile was a pilot in the 1st Aero Squadron of the U.S. Army signal corps (pre USAF ) while on a recon flight his plane was shot down by the red Bison, top German air ace of the time. Guile survived but was terribly burnt, his gunner Charlie however was killed on impact. After several surgeries, torn with pain and guilt he discharges himself in order to get back to the front and avenge his crewman.

    now, do I go all spawnesque on Guile and burn him up, making him a sort of Anti-hero?
    I have sketched it out, the "clean "head is very early in, sorry.
    I have also sketched out a couple of hat variants, I wanted the officers hat to echo the shape of his hair, the other is a period flying cap

    Am I wrong in the head, should this be a subject thats left alone or is it a cunning twist to help the character into his setting/backstory?....and hats! Feedback much apriciated.

  • circle of friends
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    circle of friends polycounter lvl 10
    Absolutely love it. I think his hair is quite an iconic shape so I'd perhaps try to keep that silhouette or well I don't know, experiment! Really like the direction you're going with here though!
  • DeltaSquint
    I honestly like #1 because it fits the theme AND keeps the hair shape from the original Guile. Just my opinion.
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    I agree with the comments -#1 is a nice comprimise between the original and your take.
  • AKAperly
    i think echoing his hair silhouette with the officer's cap is pretty slick. leaning towards that one?
  • CelebrenIthil
    I think that the cap's shape could be exaggerated so it's even more like his iconic haircut.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    thanks very much folks, the officers cap it is then, I will get that worked up a bit further and push the silhouette :) still undecided about the face though, burned or not burned, I was thinking about working up both for now and seeing where that gets me.
  • Straw
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    Straw polycounter lvl 10
    nice concept you have man, but I miss his haircut....maybe you should redesign his goggles! But still a great job! Can't wait to see your progress ^^
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    thanks straw, yeah the goggles will be changed, they are just for the blockout....honest :)

    other things to do over the weekend, just getting back onto this now. I know more about ww1 officers belts than I ever wanted to :)


    still got to detail it in zbrush....maybe add a holster too.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    progress has been slower than I wanted just cos of other stuff :), have the boots done now though, brought them into zbrush just for detailing fun, still plenty to do....oh and the crispy guile concept has been dropped, just didn't fit on so many levels the more that I thought about it. Anyway....pictures :)


    EDIT - my better half spotted that he has a shrunken head, so thats been fixed :D
    Offline / Send Message
    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    this is coming out nicely :)
  • Daven
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    Daven greentooth
    I'm so happy about this. I'm glad you kept the silhouette with the hat. Keep it up :D
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Striker: ta very much, I am loving your concept for the brawl btw....

    suburbum: thanks mister :) I think that the hat will probably change shape a bit in the final just so that it echos the hair a bit better.
  • Fango
    Love the way you have used a hat thats the shape of his hair, nice touch. Hes looking great so far, cant wait to see it done.
  • ViktorSan
    I think the hat it's perfect the size it is now... It resembles the shape, but is not big enough to start looking like a top hat
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    fango: thanks very much....I'm rather keen to see it finished too....fingers crossed huh :D

    ViktorSan: thanks man, The shape has stayed the same with the high poly for the hat and goggles done now....I know that most of the noise wont translate in the final maps, but you know when you just fancy doing something cos.....well it was a bit like that.
    Pictures :)


    ta very much for looking
  • ubu
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    ubu polycounter lvl 7
    Loving this Seth. The hat really works. He needs to be mean though, really mean!
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Ta very much Dave, I'm tackling the head tomorrow, my inspiration is this guy :


    Brian stann...angry bastard :)....I think he will fit the bill nicley
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    well face done then, although there is a fair chance that this will get revised as my eyes become more familiar with what I have done :)

  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    w00tness! Coming along great man!
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    ta very much Maph :)
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    nice im loving what i see so far!
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    thanks ae. :)

    so didnt get as much done as i wanted too.....had to spend the morning doing computer things and audio driver stuffs.....headache!

    Going to sort his trouser arse and arms/torso tomorrow I think....fingers crossed the HP will be done by the end of the weekend and I can get onto the tricky bits.


    thanks for looking
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    spot the difference :D

  • Mike Yevin
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    Mike Yevin polycounter lvl 11
    7 minute abs

    nice job man, this is really coming together
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    thanks Mike:D I still have a long way to go but I think that this is shaping up to be my best character piece to date...yay for progress!
  • EtotheRic
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    EtotheRic polycounter lvl 20
    That's looking pretty sweet. I'd suggest breaking up the wrinkle symmetry on the pants. Maybe have some fun with his proportions as well. He's a super burly character design. Like a couple people mentioned, you could also exaggerate the shape of his hat to mimic what would normally be his hair.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks EtotheRic, I totally agree with the pants, have to get some better reference for the arse area too, i'm still at odds with how the wrinkles should occur there, then I will do my best to break the symetry a bit. The hat changes size every 2-3 days at the moment so it may very well end up bigger. I have to be careful though cos too large and it makes the goggles look too small even though they are the right size for his head just cos they associate with the scale of the hat more....if that makes sense?

    thanks very much for the comments though man, much appriciated :)
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    progress....believe it or not I spent nearly three hours on the boots today, you wouldn't know it form these shots though :)....I will have to post sone detail shots of them I guess.


    +edit+ well it looks like i have fallen into the trap of alternate costume instead of re-design doesn't it....meh what the hell, I'm going to finish him anyway....I was thinking about changing tack to a sort of human/mutant shadow sonic from smash brothers brawl...but nope , i'm sticking with Guile....there i said it so it must be true.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    well the high poly is done :)


    silly sized picture downloadable here : http://sethnash.deviantart.com/#/d3d83ce

    I'm sure that I will think of a few extra bits of surface detail that I want to add while I do the low poly.

    I'm going to pull out of the challenge, and just finish him for the sake of making something pretty. I have come to the conclusion that its not a re-design so dont see the point of continuing under the Brawl banner. Also I'm not a fan of these sorts of things really, I take a recent lack of comments/crits to heart when I know that I shouldn't but I would rather drop it than feel sad :( (aren't I a delicate little flower :D)

    thanks for looking and all that.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    whaaaaat?! keep going man! What do you mean it's not a redesign! This seems totally in the spirit of the contest.
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    Boooooooo. I've been quietly following your thread. Sorry I haven't posted, but you're on the right track, and it's definitely enough of a re-design.

    So yeah, *pats butt*. Keep it up!

    Also, I like the hat size the way you've got it. The shape sells it as guile, and making it as large as his hair will look silly based on the rest of the proportions you've got.
  • marq4porsche
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    marq4porsche polycounter lvl 9
    OMG!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! You're redesign is one of the best yet!! Keep going on it! You won't regret it!!
  • Onuris
    Dude, don't let a lack of commenting get you down. There's like over 20 pages of entries, people get commented out. I've been watching your thread in quiet awe; since I commented before you've done nothing that I feel is "off" or "wrong", it's been coming together great. Keep at it; you're doing more of a redesign than a lot of people.
  • onelung
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    onelung polycounter lvl 18
    Sculpting is looking really nice. Would be nice to see a few more things to break up the symmetry; scars, pouches, maybe ya have a dope tat in mind, but as just a sculpt it would add more. You could always incorporate one of those cool coats in the ref, get his metals and patch numbers on there, torn from battling might be nice, just a thought.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    First thanks very much for the comments:)

    I know that I must look like a right drama queen, and I apologise if thats the interpretation that comes across.....the constant rejection cycle of job hunting is getting to me a bit I think so I dont have much confidence in myself or my work at the moment....hence I'm a sulky git :D

    JordanW: thanks :) I just have this huge doubt that I could have pushed him a lot further with regard to concept...lesson learned, explore things further before committing to something i think

    JMYoung: ta much, but there's no need to be sorry at all, if there's not much to say about the piece then theres not much to say, its odd I get that no one is obliged to recieve crit/comments just cos they post an image up but at the same time if you work in isolation too long I think you need that little pick me up....oh and thanks for the but pat coach :)

    marq4porsche: also thanks :)....I'm still working on him, I'm just not keen on the idea of driving myself mental about feeling isolated from the community in the middle of a community challenge, as I mentioned above job hunting has really kicked my confidence in the balls at the moment so I think its best that I just bow out while my head is in a stupid place.

    Onuris: thanks man, I know that you are talking sense but its best for me to just back out and finish this piece for myself rather than expecting to feel part of something and being a sulky bastard about it :D

    Ta very much once again for the kind words :)
    Enough of me rambling though......POLYCOUNT IS NOT MY BLOG :)
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