EDIT: Erased original question because it was convoluted and basically not describing my problem.
The Problem: Mirrored objects are behaving strangely with applied normal maps. No amount of freezing, reversing normals, changing render stats is getting them to display correctly. Not sure what going on.
And if I recombine them, the visual issue with the normals goes away? So is this an actual problem, or just a rendering issue within maya that leads me to endlessly flipping normals in an attempt to remedy it?
If I can, I place it so I can mirror it directly over the axis but with an offset, so that when I put the mirroring pivot at zero, the object will be seperated (visually - they're still a combined mesh though)..
Also I find that it works better to select all faces of the mirror and use "Mesh-> extract" to seperate them from the original mesh...
I'm not sure if this is exactly what your asking, but I have never had any normal problems using this mathod! In regards to why that happens with your method, I really don't know!.. All I could guess is that the mirrored object may loose normal information when you seperate them... maybe.. don't hold me up on it though..!
good luck with it!..
I prefer to use inverse scale on an instance duplicate because it means I can preview the mirrored result and have it update while I work on one half.
If this is your issue then it's purely a maya viewport issue regarding the way it calculates tangent space. You can find more info about this issue here: http://autodesk.com/us/maya/2011help/index.html?url=./files/Polygons_nodes_Tangent_Space.htm,topicNumber=d0e239582
To fix, try going into the attribues for the shape node of the object which has the visual issues. Under the "Tangent Space" rollout change "Coordinate Space" to left handed. In some cases having the "UV winding order" option set to "Detect" is enough to fix this (but not always) so it's worth making sure this is selected too.
Edit: Funnily enough with this issue if you leave your normals pointing the wrong way (inward toward the center of the gear), assuming you have it rendering double sided, then the normal map should look correct :P. Obviously this is not a fix because when you export to the engine your object will be inside out but it's an interesting test to work out how it works. I wish they'd fix this issue in Maya, it's been like this for ages.
Edit again: To check which direction Maya thinks your UVs are "facing" turn on "shaded UV display". Blue means it thinks they're facing up, and red, down (opposite to your vertex normals).
I'd be pissed is a similar system doesn't exist in Maya, raise holy hell if it doesn't you really need it.
Googling this turns up an old thread here on polycount discussing this same issue, ha, if only I would have known the key words:)
Glad you got it working
Props to ENODMI for having this problem, and the people who solved it! :P