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Anyone else asking WHATS GOING ON WITH DW5??

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Ok so that website has been stuck on main challenge starting soon for 3 days! Does anyone have any inside to this? :poly121:


  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    ~ Nobody has any information here

    k, thnx bye.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    Heh, yeah I've also been wondering why there hasn't been anything mentioned recently, then the countdown reached zero and a 'final delay' gets added. That reached zero, and now there's another delay of some sort. Is it just completely dead, but they keep denying it?


    I already have an idea for a character and rough concept in the works, heh. :)
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    What's sad is this Competition is tied to actual school curriculum at this point, so prudence is of the utmost importance.

    It seems recklessly irresponsible to delay at this point, or to think this was a good idea from the get go.

    Part of me is completely over even discussing this contest at this point, but somehow they were able to make these delays even more inexcusable.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Apparently its going to start Friday night...ish, EST (i think*).....

    It has been delayed again because Fred couldn't get online or something. Theres a thread over a GA with more info.

    (*read: I doubt)
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Thread is here:


    Gotta note, there's no sense in putting in a descendant opinion, it's just going to be met with a lot of hostility.

    Fred himself hasn't posted anything yet, but the mods over there are aware of the delay.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    ~ Basically. To reiterate. Nobody knows anything and nobody has answers. This thread should probably be locked before it turns into a mess
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    You're asking the wrong question... the right question is, when will PC take over the big character and environment comps so that they can actually be run properly :P
  • Crash
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    Crash polycounter lvl 18
    At this point... who cares? Let the corpse rot and turn to dirt.
  • System
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    Well Dreamer i think that as long as people are mature and thus far so far have been the thread i not a problem. The point of a discussion like this is to say what everyone is thinking and wondering is it just me , did i miss something? I feel better that i hadn't missed anything and more so the link provided. If you don't care then don't post but you do care so then why post like your just annoyed. This thread was about getting info ,not starting a i hate DM and they are stupid type deal but more of the opposite, and hope i didn't miss the memo, which now i know i didn't . Thanks everyone for the POSITIVE info and good luck.
  • Gav
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    This thread was inevitable, and i'm surprised we went this far without any mention of it. It's great things haven't gotten out of hand with mudslinging. One of the things GA gets off on is to decry how spiteful and ungrateful PC is for bashing this competition, probably best to just be civil and not take anything too far.
  • System
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    And it doesn't have to. So Updates on DW 5 for this thread is great anything else negative why bother posting, go do something else. Thanks for the updates
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    This thread was inevitable, and i'm surprised we went this far without any mention of it. It's great things haven't gotten out of hand with mudslinging.

    Thats page 2.
    One of the things GA gets off on is to decry how spiteful and ungrateful PC is for bashing this competition, probably best to just be civil and not take anything too far.

    Yeah I saw that, was pretty annoyed.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    Well Dreamer i think that as long as people are mature and thus far so far have been the thread i not a problem. The point of a discussion like this is to say what everyone is thinking and wondering is it just me , did i miss something? I feel better that i hadn't missed anything and more so the link provided. If you don't care then don't post but you do care so then why post like your just annoyed. This thread was about getting info ,not starting a i hate DM and they are stupid type deal but more of the opposite, and hope i didn't miss the memo, which now i know i didn't . Thanks everyone for the POSITIVE info and good luck.

    ~ Your missing the point.

    1. If there's no admins updating on the site thats running the competition then there won't be any here.

    2. If people are left in the dark they get pissed off.

    So ulimately I'm saying; close the thread because nothing positive will come out of it. I have no hate towards a competition I'm not going to enter. I just don't want to see another pointless thread about this topic.
  • Parnell
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    Parnell polycounter lvl 18
    Gav wrote: »

    Breaking DW5 news? More like DW4.
  • System
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    Dreamer wrote: »
    ~ Your missing the point.

    1. If there's no admins updating on the site thats running the competition then there won't be any here.

    2. If people are left in the dark they get pissed off.

    So ulimately I'm saying; close the thread because nothing positive will come out of it. I have no hate towards a competition I'm not going to enter. I just don't want to see another pointless thread about this topic.

    What do u mean no good will come of it, some have just said late friday night , and given thread info. I got your point, but my point is we ALL don't have to be kids on here, so if one jackass makes a negative post then ignore it. I understand your point, but if we can't ask a simple question and then have someone come on 1 post later saying nobody knows anything stop asking then whats the point of asking anything?
  • System
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    Hey anyone eating Chicken burgers at lunch?
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    What do u mean no good will come of it, some have just said late friday night , and given thread info. I got your point, but my point is we ALL don't have to be kids on here, so if one jackass makes a negative post then ignore it. I understand your point, but if we can't ask a simple question and then have someone come on 1 post later saying nobody knows anything stop asking then whats the point of asking anything?

    ~ Why not just ask the question on the forum that's running the competition.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Parnell: Wakka wakka wakka.

    Side note, still annoys the shit out of me that the opposing of DW is seen as childish. I get not wanting to have rain dumped on your parade, but don't call me childish for having a perfectly good reason to dislike the whole idea. Forcibly, GA is the hub for all things DW related - had you of done some research - you would have seen that PC begrudgingly supports it for our valued members, following Fred's lead...or lack there of. So anything "we" know, you could easily know from news updates at the mother brain that is GA.
  • System
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    You know what Dreamer yoru absolutely right i do apologize for that, but i do feel that the forum community i am a part of woudl be able to answer without being annoyed. Its kinda like complaining about a tv show, where the basic solution is if you don't like it change the chanel, in this instance you don't open this thread. Again though i do agree the topic does interfere with the rest of the forum, but i figured that if you wern't intersted in the DW you wouldn't be reading the posts.
  • System
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    Gav wrote: »
    Parnell: Wakka wakka wakka.

    Side note, still annoys the shit out of me that the opposing of DW is seen as childish. I get not wanting to have rain dumped on your parade, but don't call me childish for having a perfectly good reason to dislike the whole idea. Forcibly, GA is the hub for all things DW related - had you of done some research - you would have seen that PC begrudgingly supports it for our valued members, following Fred's lead...or lack there of. So anything "we" know, you could easily know from news updates at the mother brain that is GA.

    Haha ya GA is totally wrong with all the rumours what a great community for asking all questions a like lol. You do know that when there is a post thatif you don't read it or comment your membership won't be revoked lol.

    Also side note, i have no problem with you not wanting to join DW its just a fun art comp that some people do take WAaaaay to serious! It was just a simple question guys, i'd hate to see what happends if people ask for directions on that street. Instant punch in the face and kick in the balls!
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15

    Really though, like, who cares?
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Thing is..Up until about last week the GA community were getting their DW info from here. Then PC stopped posting any updates. Probably for fear of being seen as an attack on the umpteen delays we've had.

    I think its completely valid to have a thread here to discuss DW. Whether your a fan or not. Polycount is still taking part.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    You know what Dreamer yoru absolutely right i do apologize for that, but i do feel that the forum community i am a part of woudl be able to answer without being annoyed. Its kinda like complaining about a tv show, where the basic solution is if you don't like it change the chanel, in this instance you don't open this thread. Again though i do agree the topic does interfere with the rest of the forum, but i figured that if you wern't intersted in the DW you wouldn't be reading the posts.

    the forum community you are a part of since.. march 2011?

    take a look at the previous dom war threads and observe how each one has turned to shit, then come back and see if you understand the replies
  • Gav
  • System
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    rooster wrote: »
    the forum community you are a part of since.. march 2011?

    take a look at the previous dom war threads and observe how each one has turned to shit, then come back and see if you understand the replies

    My Point exactly!
  • System
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    rooster wrote: »
    the forum community you are a part of since.. march 2011?

    take a look at the previous dom war threads and observe how each one has turned to shit, then come back and see if you understand the replies

    My point exactly, every thread turns to shit?? lol And thats not a problem right.:)
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I really don't think we're making the same point.
  • System
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    Chicken and soup don't make you better.
  • System
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    No we really are, your saying all he other threads turn to shit after a certain point and especially ones related to DW, i'm saying other sites don't act the same way, and people need to grow up. Again if u don't like the topic why respond or even read?
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    You have 13 Post on this forum Clinton Middle.

    12 of them are in this thread.


  • System
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    System admin
    Hha ya no shit becasue i posted the thread and just started it lol ya nob. My day off work! Post post post. I guess it was a good topic if all you bloaks came in.

    Well i got the answer i needed though..lol thanks to all for the info , and the rest thanks for the entertainment lol keep sucking at life.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    Yeah, DW is endlessly shady. Honestly, I didn't even know that Fred was still involved and such. Perhaps I should keep up with the news.

    P.S. Clinton Middle- I don't see exactly what you are doing. But it's a bad idea, whatever it is.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Hha ya no shit becasue i posted the thread and just started it lol ya nob. My day off work! Post post post. I guess it was a good topic if all you bloaks came in.

    Well i got the answer i needed though..lol thanks to all for the info , and the rest thanks for the entertainment lol keep sucking at life.

    Keep sucking at life? For disagreeing with you and having experience with how threads like these turn out?

  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter

    I have to say. I find it quite ridiculous that we cant discuss Dom War like adults. It should be discussed and there should be a place on this forum for people talk about it without being attack for talking about it. If people troll, argue. attack other communities then those people should be banned or blocked for a period of time if thats possible. The thread shouldn't be closed.

    If you dont give a shit about a subject don't comment on it.
  • System
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    Skamberin wrote: »
    Keep sucking at life? For disagreeing with you and having experience with how threads like these turn out?


    Hahah hilarious pic, and no not for having experience, but for supporting being childish and not answering a simple question and leaving it at that. Thats all it was about me asking whats happening with DW and any news and then daycare let out and people start pissing their diappears. I'm not trying to do anying cept say whats wrong with asking a question thats in line and not rediculous and getting feed back. Your answer, becasue people will start acting like morons, umn ya ok if thats the way it is, can you not see why i think its stupid. Did i say how muh i love that pic haahaha !!

    I think Stinger88 is the only responsible person who knows what i'mtalking about. IT WAS JUST A QUESTION ABOUT A CONTEST. I didn't ask if you guys think abortion should be legal! I'm posting not to troll but trying to wrap my head around it, i just want a positive community and that i can ask a question without having people who aren't fans of the topic come in on the conversation anyway and comment and be negative and say why are you asking that blah blah i hate this and this is going bad places stop it before you get all of the angry people even angrier!:poly118:
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I don't like this clinton person.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Maybe i'm looking too far into this, but it just seems like a deliberate post to try to get someone here to act up and make PC look bad. You don't just start an account here and start talking so much nonsense about dominance war without an agenda.

    Are you a tangible human being Clinton or is this just a troll on the forums?
  • slipgatecentral
  • System
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    Wait, this is generally a legit question i joined polycount becasue of the art and becasue it a connectioon with DW, does PC HATE DM am i missing something. I joined thinking that hey ya these guys seem great, and had a question about the competition, now it appears that PC hates the shit out of DW and any speak of it should be black listed. I generally wanted to get an answer, and was already on the site, instead of me leaving the site i said hey i'll just ask around and see if anyone knows more info...lolwithout knowing that its taboo to even mention this competitin here. Its like the twilight zone where i wake up and everyone has pig masks on and they are looking at me like i'm the crazy one lol. n So yup crazyfingers i'm a tangible human being who loves art, i just had a simple question and someone took a dump on my shoe so i threw it at them . Now i'm the werid one lol. Soooo this isn't the place to ask anything DW related i'm gathering , sorry never knew that. Problem with reading that whole paragraph is it seems sarcastic but its not, the sorry isn't sarcastic its really sorry didn't know but i thought it was just a simple question, that would get a couple posts of no idea, or here alink, or hey heard its starting up friday at midnight booom done.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    if you only joined the forum to ask about DW, then why didn't you ask on GA? That's the main DW forum.

    I think he's a troll.
  • System
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    aesir wrote: »
    if you only joined the forum to ask about DW, then why didn't you ask on GA? That's the main DW forum.

    I think he's a troll.

    If u read i said i joined for the art forum AND that its part of DW. I'm not a troll. Can I not ask about DW on here? Do u have an answer for that.
  • AshandRuin
    it appears that PC hates the shit out of DW and any speak of it should be black listed.

    No dude, you're totally missing the point.
  • System
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    AshandRuin wrote: »
    No dude, you're totally missing the point.

    LOL THATS WHAT I'M TRYING TO GET !! What's the point what did i post wrong lol? Everyone has something to say but not an explanation. Your missing the point?? Whats that even mean?
  • binopittan
    that means

    Dreamer wrote: »
    ~ Nobody has any information here

    k, thnx bye.
  • System
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    binopittan wrote: »
    that means
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Lol...Stop hassling the poor guy. There was nothing wrong with his original question. Its something a few of us have probably be wondering.

    Also, it really doesn't matter how many posts he has.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Haha, this is all an elaborate hazing. Welcome to Polycount Clinton ;)
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
  • System
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    Haha, this is all an elaborate hazing. Welcome to Polycount Clinton ;)

    Hahaha Jesus ya bastards lol cheers to that and thanks......So what does everyone think about DW .?...Haha soooo JK

    I won't ask anymore questions about that again haha, and i'll just watch replies for a while.

    Ugh i don't know if you guys are joking i'm to tired lol but goodtimes WINNING!
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