Hey pedro, that part of your website we talked about where we go around recording girls and show them "how to" and upload that to your tutorial section Is still on right?
Hey pedro, that part of your website we talked about where we go around recording girls and show them "how to" and upload that to your tutorial section Is still on right?
Discussions about proper grammar is ridiculous. The point of human language,(this should be a semi colon) unlike computer language, is to convey meaning,(why have you put a comma here?) not instructions.
That's why, at times, we may be able to read a sentance(learn to spell sentence correctly) with words that have almost all of the letters in the wrong place, and still understand everything.
~ Your spelling and grammar needs work. See Me after the lesson.
Jokes aside, nobody spells practice right anyway... The number of times Ive seen it spelled practise.
Hey, once I didn't get hired because I wasen't white, it happens.
but i mean. ok... this is an awkward thread.. here you go. have some cats.
Aren't you the dude who make the bolts?
Now you see why I couldn't send a private message.
Practise, Its called English.
and its Spelt not Spelled. (only joking its both....but spelt is more correct, as we invented language in 805AD....fact)
Yeah..but we've got a thing called grammar over here.
well, we are twins so, it was bound to happen
The way it is used on Pedros site, it should be a C.
Too many people get it wrong though, which is easily done I suppose but practice = noun, practise = verb.
Mustache > spelling skills
I'd hire him
Well if the S version is the verb, then it should be that, right?
"Pedro started a private practice, to practise his gyno skillz"
I think some guys here might benefit from it
I hope "how to" is not his cat...
pffff. i kid, sure I do )
Yikes run, its the Pedro Bear!!
~ Your spelling and grammar needs work. See Me after the lesson.
Hope you're joking.