I just got back from the ultrasound appointment and I'm having a son! I am so overwhelmed!
Big Update:
My son, Dolan, was born yesterday at 4:06 PM CDT July 12, 2011. I'm so happy I could bust! I could collapse too. My wife's water broke at 1 am as we were getting ready for bed and we had to haul ass to the hospital. I didn't get to bed until 10 pm that day. I was so fatigued that my in-laws had to drive me home so I could go to bed. He's healthy and definitely not a host to any demonic spirits from another world, so we're pretty thrilled! He's our first.

I'll have him posting boobs here in no-time.
now you can teach him to post boobs on polycount)
Be the best dad ever please.)
edit: sorry...forgot I was on the internet. Ahem...U can haz muh gratz?!!?!one
You mean bewbs? He'll be too busy sucking on bewbs to post.
Is this your first?
Congrats, man! Awesome news!!
Nice! +1 internet for you!
May he end up being a kickass 3d modeler and texture artist!
be horrific
congrats Greevar, best wishes for mother and baby too
Congrats, in case it did.
Here he is! He looks just like his mom!
Seriously, my in-laws have the pics right now, but I'll try to get something together soon.
And since you posted that pic up there, a special congrats go to Mr. Bean aka Rowan Atkinson for being such a damn good comedian. I love that lad and always watch him on New Years!