Hey guys,
You may remember I posted here before asking for help on an initial survey for my dissertation (
http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1259966#post1259966), well now I'm nearing the finish of the practical element of my project and I'm looking for help again if possible.
So far I've been working on a 3D Game environment with custom gameplay and HUD elements (basically making a simple full game) and it's nearing completion as can be seen in my video;
In order to complete the making of the game I need to test it upon volunteers, who would need to download my game and then fill out a short survey for my dissertation, and that would be an amazingly great help to me.
My game is available here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20422466/DE-WoodsG/DE-WoodsG.rar
My survey is available here: http://www.kwiksurveys.com/online-survey.php?surveyID=IHEKKN_a3fad9f8
The game is about 182mb in size and the survey has about 30 questions, but most are multiple choice so it should only take about 5-10mins to complete in total. If you could download my game, fill in the survey and pass around to anyone at all that would be such a great help to me (especially looking for novice game players).
The game runs mostly at a solid 60fps on my PC which is Win7 64bit, Q6600 stock and ATI HD5700, so my pc isn't great and it runs fine, and it also runs ok enough for me to record it, so hopefully it runs fine for everyone else, but if not just PM me and I'll sort something out.
If you do have any trouble running it then please try closing any unused apps like firefox/chrome/etc and also run at a lower resolution (in the settings menu try 800x600 or 640x480) and this should help in giving more frames per second.
Last thing... all art, features, concepts etc are mine except for the following;
Trendy Entertainment- for use of the horde code/enemy models/AI.
Michael Allar- for use of the Forecourse UI.
Epic Games- for use of the character/weapon models and making a great engine.
Regarding the results of the previous survey- I'm holding on to them for the moment as I'm going to use the results of this batch of testing to compare against the previous survey and I'll post results later (without names/emails/etc!)
So yeah that's it for now. If you could play my game and fill in my survey I would be eternally grateful.
Thanks guys
Also if anyone is experiencing a D3DCOMPILER_.dll error when installing or going to run the game then that means the DirectX needs to be updated for some reason. The solution is to download and install the latest update which is located here; http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=2da43d38-db71-4c1b-bc6a-9b6652cd92a3
Thanks for the feedback so far guys and please keep it coming! I'd really like to get a lot of replies to have as big a set a of results that I possibly can.
I'm trying to analyse all results as scientifically as possible, and I'm noticing some interesting trends across the board- so far there is a very strong correlation of 0.95 (1 is the maximum/perfect) in agreement for losing track of time whilst playing games, so that's great as that's really the basics of what I'm researching for.
In order to have a high accuracy and confidence in my results I'd still very much like more people to take part in this, every little really does help!
Thanks so far, hopefully soon I'll be posting up actual results and comparisons (minus any names/private data as that is purely between you, myself and my supervisor/examiner).