please don't take this post as majorly inflamatory or anything, and honestly if i'm wrong then tell me (politely).
but isn't the studio who made this (infinity ward), the same one who had most of it's lead guys let go, and then had a large portion of underlings leave to join them at the new studio they formed?
if so, that would certainly explain why this game "fails to deliver" to the general fanbase, who were probably expecting more without knowing what actually went on behind the scenes.
i had sort of suspected that this time around it would sell well for that exact reason: the general population didn't understand that it's almost an entirely different team who made it. but now that they've played it and know "something's up" it could potentially spell death to the next iteration of the game.
pretty much Activision shooting themselves in the foot.
because i enjoyed the previous installments albeit less and less each time, and it's also like watching a car crash - morbidly fascinating to see when they decide to pull the plug. judging by sales, it won't be soon.
don't forget it wasn't just Infinity Ward but Sledgehammer, Treyarch and Raven Software also assisted with development. Hard to keep 4 studios all on the same page with a project like this.
don't forget it wasn't just Infinity Ward but Sledgehammer, Treyarch and Raven Software also assisted with development. Hard to keep 4 studios all on the same page with a project like this.
don't forget it wasn't just Infinity Ward but Sledgehammer, Treyarch and Raven Software also assisted with development. Hard to keep 4 studios all on the same page with a project like this.
totally. that's activision's bed and they will lie in it. albeit a bed made of money. when the crash eventually comes i wonder how many studios will go down with cod?
This kinda reminds me of when my friends and I first discovered Pearl Jam "back in the day" around 20 years ago. (fuck!) We loved them, they were our band. Then they became the biggest band in the world and our own mothers had heard of them and thought they were cool and those guys we really hated at college started wearing a Pearl Jam T-Shirts. So we were all like, "Fuck you Pearl Jam!!"
COD used to be cool. The slap in the face to Medal of Honour. Now COD is the biggest franchise in the world and people want to see it fail because that's what people do.
I'm starting to get really annoyed by these criticisms of minor texture modelling, or collision issues, unless it really takes away from the game.
Can you imagine if reviewers downgraded 'Shindlers List', because someone once saw the edge of a boomstick in a scene?
Or if 90% of your opinion of the Godfather was based on its shorblocking errors, such as a prop shifting 5 inches in the background, or a minor change in actors hair from one camera shot to another?
As for Modern Warfare, it was brilliant, but criminally short. I'm not a big CoD MP fan, So I just spent $60 on 5 hours.
This kinda reminds me of when my friends and I first discovered Pearl Jam "back in the day" around 20 years ago. (fuck!) We loved them, they were our band. Then they became the biggest band in the world and our own mothers had heard of them and thought they were cool and those guys we really hated at college started wearing a Pearl Jam T-Shirts. So we were all like, "Fuck you Pearl Jam!!"
COD used to be cool. The slap in the face to Medal of Honour. Now COD is the biggest franchise in the world and people want to see it fail because that's what people do.
i can't speak for anyone else, but i don't hate cod because it;s cool, i don't even hate cod, i just find it a pretty boring game, and i find it interesting to speculate on where it will go next. this is the first game that has truly dominated for a long time, perhaps the only game to ever have such a huge impact? surely it's acceptable for people to comment.
My experiences so far with both MW 3 and BF 3:
BF 3:
Singleplayer: Holy SHIT this is fucking boring, everything feels forced and the strings puppetering my allies through the scripted events are so painfully visible I'm cringing, I can't finish this.
Multiplayer: Oh hey this is pretty fun overall, shame the movement system has my character stop on 1 inch tall rocks on the ground, constantly.
(and it actually does look good, at a distance. Also the sound is sex)
Singleplayer: Oh fuck yeah this singleplayer experience is awesome like the last two, just silly well scripted Michael Bay fun with responsive controls and overall smooth gameplay.
Multiplayer: Oh hey this is pretty fun, just like I like my cod, but with new weapons and maps, all smooth and nice mhm. Shame about the hackers and the shitty IWnet system handling ranked matches.
Visuals: HEY GUYS LETS- etc most of the things mentioned in this thread bla bla bla.
I thought kitbashing and reusing assets were pretty standard fare in the industry to save time, I don't get why that's such a big deal. Rather they re-use older well made assets than make shitty new ones (looking at some of your Prop work BF 3)
Anyway, both are good games, I prefer CoD because it doesn't come with that horrible monstrosity called Battlelog or Origin.
i can't speak for anyone else, but i don't hate cod because it;s cool, i don't even hate cod, i just find it a pretty boring game, and i find it interesting to speculate on where it will go next. this is the first game that has truly dominated for a long time, perhaps the only game to ever have such a huge impact? surely it's acceptable for people to comment.
Does anybody remember how new and wonderful and tight and awesome MW1's multiplayer beta was?
yeah, screw you guys who say that the level up system or general pace of the game was a step backwards. It was an amazing idea executed perfectly, it's just that it's been imitated (poorly) by a lot of other games.
I'm not buying mw3 because I don't really care for the direction the SP campaigns have gone, and whether this is weird or not, I've always bought cod games for the singleplayer -- but MW was a landmark game in pretty much every way, I can't think of a better designed fps since, and it deserved to 'go mainstream' and create this fantastically successful franchise.
I honestly just miss the simplicity and variety of COD4, they didn't have a target demographic really, they just had fun with multiplayer. But slowly they decided to go the super fast paced arcade style race track gameplay and its just boring and repetitive now . I miss maps like overgrown and crossfire.
Pedro with your new job you should think about jumping on the Crysis Bandwagon just saying . Let us try to keep that job! I keeeed I keeed I tell a little joke.
cod i like you very much and imma let you finish but
was one of the best sp experience ever
Actually I can agree with you there. I played through this on PS3 and it was a fun SP experience. Sadly I don't think it performed nearly as well. Also because of the whole fanboy false loyalties gamers/consumers devote to products. Happens to way too many titles.
I love COD for what it is. My Micheal Bay over the top hero war fuck flick of a game. Money shots everywhere!
I also love my BF3 because well I think it's more about team work and vehicles and strategy then just let's run on these bithces.
Didn't play Medal of Honor mp so can't say anything but I really enjoyed the SP.
Wish more people would give a variety of games a chance. Reviews sometimes aren't the best thing to base a game off. I can say that first hand having played many games and watched many movies that weren't reviewed high but were a fun ride.
Pedro with your new job you should think about jumping on the Crysis Bandwagon just saying . Let us try to keep that job! I keeeed I keeed I tell a little joke.
I'm actually being honest about this game.
I tought it had very emotional parts, that associated with a great score made for an awesome game.
Plus, it had missions where it didn't involve me shooting bad guys at x50 speed.
What i mean, is: it was well balanced with action parts and more calm parts.
Now, multiplayer... I haven't played multiplayer in CoD much since MW1, and I'm not very good but I've got an issue with gun damage in MW3 and it appears broken but it's clearly working as intended;
Why does it sometimes take me seemingly a whole clip to down someone, yet if I watch a killcam with someone using the same gun as me, they can drop a guy with what looks like a couple of shots?
My connection seems stable, but there seems to be a real disparity in how much it takes to kill someone in this.
Now, multiplayer... I haven't played multiplayer in CoD much since MW1, and I'm not very good but I've got an issue with gun damage in MW3 and it appears broken but it's clearly working as intended;
Why does it sometimes take me seemingly a whole clip to down someone, yet if I watch a killcam with someone using the same gun as me, they can drop a guy with what looks like a couple of shots?
My connection seems stable, but there seems to be a real disparity in how much it takes to kill someone in this.
Same in MW2. Some days i run round downing everyone in 5 bullets other times takes a full clip. Same gun same perks. Not like theres juggernaut to make a difference either :poly142:
Same in MW2. Some days i run round downing everyone in 5 bullets other times takes a full clip. Same gun same perks. Not like theres juggernaut to make a difference either :poly142:
Ah so it's not just me then.
Yeah I noticed there's no stopping power or juggernaut which seemed to make a pretty noticeable difference back in the day.
I heard there might be some kind of lag compensation system in place linked to the replay theatre thing, which may or may not mess with the seemingly random amount of health a player has.
Finished the singleplayer campaign. It was alright. Having recently finished BF3 campaign, they felt pretty similiar. I'd give the MW3 a slight edge in gameplay, but BF3 was so gorgeous to look at.
I'm actually being honest about this game.
I tought it had very emotional parts, that associated with a great score made for an awesome game.
Plus, it had missions where it didn't involve me shooting bad guys at x50 speed.
What i mean, is: it was well balanced with action parts and more calm parts.
Most memorable part for me in that game was holding out with your squad in the afghan hills and the taliban swarming down the hill and overwhelming you as you run out of bullets. When you shot your last bullet, it was just such a "oh fuck, we're gonna die" moment.
Most memorable part for me in that game was holding out with your squad in the afghan hills and the taliban swarming down the hill and overwhelming you as you run out of bullets. When you shot your last bullet, it was just such a "oh fuck, we're gonna die" moment.
Exactly! When I was writing that post I was thinking of that exact same part!
Just finished the SP, enjoyed it. It was a good length, but that percentage counter taking difficulty levels into account is RETARDED and made me think there was still lots left to the SP. Ah well, now for a year of fun in MP!
Same in MW2. Some days i run round downing everyone in 5 bullets other times takes a full clip. Same gun same perks. Not like theres juggernaut to make a difference either :poly142:
The user scores... so fanboyish and stupid.
but isn't the studio who made this (infinity ward), the same one who had most of it's lead guys let go, and then had a large portion of underlings leave to join them at the new studio they formed?
if so, that would certainly explain why this game "fails to deliver" to the general fanbase, who were probably expecting more without knowing what actually went on behind the scenes.
i had sort of suspected that this time around it would sell well for that exact reason: the general population didn't understand that it's almost an entirely different team who made it. but now that they've played it and know "something's up" it could potentially spell death to the next iteration of the game.
pretty much Activision shooting themselves in the foot.
you forgot Neversoft :P
totally. that's activision's bed and they will lie in it. albeit a bed made of money. when the crash eventually comes i wonder how many studios will go down with cod?
COD used to be cool. The slap in the face to Medal of Honour. Now COD is the biggest franchise in the world and people want to see it fail because that's what people do.
Can you imagine if reviewers downgraded 'Shindlers List', because someone once saw the edge of a boomstick in a scene?
Or if 90% of your opinion of the Godfather was based on its shorblocking errors, such as a prop shifting 5 inches in the background, or a minor change in actors hair from one camera shot to another?
As for Modern Warfare, it was brilliant, but criminally short. I'm not a big CoD MP fan, So I just spent $60 on 5 hours.
God, it's exactly that. It's cool to hate now.
it's been cool to hate since AT LEAST 1996 man.
BF 3:
Singleplayer: Holy SHIT this is fucking boring, everything feels forced and the strings puppetering my allies through the scripted events are so painfully visible I'm cringing, I can't finish this.
Multiplayer: Oh hey this is pretty fun overall, shame the movement system has my character stop on 1 inch tall rocks on the ground, constantly.
(and it actually does look good, at a distance. Also the sound is sex)
Singleplayer: Oh fuck yeah this singleplayer experience is awesome like the last two, just silly well scripted Michael Bay fun with responsive controls and overall smooth gameplay.
Multiplayer: Oh hey this is pretty fun, just like I like my cod, but with new weapons and maps, all smooth and nice mhm. Shame about the hackers and the shitty IWnet system handling ranked matches.
Visuals: HEY GUYS LETS- etc most of the things mentioned in this thread bla bla bla.
I thought kitbashing and reusing assets were pretty standard fare in the industry to save time, I don't get why that's such a big deal. Rather they re-use older well made assets than make shitty new ones (looking at some of your Prop work BF 3)
Anyway, both are good games, I prefer CoD because it doesn't come with that horrible monstrosity called Battlelog or Origin.
Fucking right
yeah, screw you guys who say that the level up system or general pace of the game was a step backwards. It was an amazing idea executed perfectly, it's just that it's been imitated (poorly) by a lot of other games.
I'm not buying mw3 because I don't really care for the direction the SP campaigns have gone, and whether this is weird or not, I've always bought cod games for the singleplayer -- but MW was a landmark game in pretty much every way, I can't think of a better designed fps since, and it deserved to 'go mainstream' and create this fantastically successful franchise.
was one of the best sp experience ever
Actually I can agree with you there. I played through this on PS3 and it was a fun SP experience. Sadly I don't think it performed nearly as well. Also because of the whole fanboy false loyalties gamers/consumers devote to products. Happens to way too many titles.
I love COD for what it is. My Micheal Bay over the top hero war fuck flick of a game. Money shots everywhere!
I also love my BF3 because well I think it's more about team work and vehicles and strategy then just let's run on these bithces.
Didn't play Medal of Honor mp so can't say anything but I really enjoyed the SP.
Wish more people would give a variety of games a chance. Reviews sometimes aren't the best thing to base a game off. I can say that first hand having played many games and watched many movies that weren't reviewed high but were a fun ride.
What the hell are people doing these days...
I'm actually being honest about this game.
I tought it had very emotional parts, that associated with a great score made for an awesome game.
Plus, it had missions where it didn't involve me shooting bad guys at x50 speed.
What i mean, is: it was well balanced with action parts and more calm parts.
Now, multiplayer... I haven't played multiplayer in CoD much since MW1, and I'm not very good but I've got an issue with gun damage in MW3 and it appears broken but it's clearly working as intended;
Why does it sometimes take me seemingly a whole clip to down someone, yet if I watch a killcam with someone using the same gun as me, they can drop a guy with what looks like a couple of shots?
My connection seems stable, but there seems to be a real disparity in how much it takes to kill someone in this.
Same in MW2. Some days i run round downing everyone in 5 bullets other times takes a full clip. Same gun same perks. Not like theres juggernaut to make a difference either :poly142:
Ah so it's not just me then.
Yeah I noticed there's no stopping power or juggernaut which seemed to make a pretty noticeable difference back in the day.
I heard there might be some kind of lag compensation system in place linked to the replay theatre thing, which may or may not mess with the seemingly random amount of health a player has.
Most memorable part for me in that game was holding out with your squad in the afghan hills and the taliban swarming down the hill and overwhelming you as you run out of bullets. When you shot your last bullet, it was just such a "oh fuck, we're gonna die" moment.
Exactly! When I was writing that post I was thinking of that exact same part!
Same on BF3
I don't know why they put normal in there, its like Halo.