They released it finally, even though there's some debate going on about some features I think it looks nice. Some complain about it being console bound but it says "multiplatform demo" anyway. So, I think we'll get better graphics on the PC release.
I wonder your impressions on it as I don't have a computer that can handle it(nVidia ION netbook here)
From what people are saying, its pretty consolised, and you only get three graphics options, which will make performance tweaking a royal twat because the config files are protected. Ooops there...
Anyway, MP is pretty muhc like it was on the 360 beta, its COD lite. Weapons dont don enough damage, you run out of power too fast, only now you get the added bonus of what could quite possibly be the worst mouse input I've ever used on a PC. Nice one.
SP demo would have been far more suited.
I'm downloading it from Steam, let's see how it is
Honestly I liked the old multi-player much more. It feels too much like Call of Duty now. Right down to the kill streak rewards and tiny maps. Nice visuals but yeah I don't think I'll be buying it for the multi-player. I really dislike it.
Also add me, I'm Farbkasten
Also, sliding down a stairwell unloading a clip into an enemy is pure awesome-sauce.
Using my old gamespy accounts = Hurp durp, wrong username.
I thought I had a decent computer, but i've been running this at 800 x 600 on "gamer" settings because anything else gives me stuttering/lag
my 9800GT w/ 1 gig vram runs it really well, hm.
Guys what the shit, it's in swedish but the article says Crysis 2 will launch without DX 11
lol what.....really? It looks great so far...
Thats why i'm wondering why there are no options to control specific graphic settings. Balancing perhaps?
WTF!!!!!!!! These are gameplay elements that console and pc gaming are hugely different abt. The least they can do is give you options on whether or not you want them enabled.
Actual graphical settings (or maybe that's too advanced for a hardcore gamer such as myself)
More control customization (Sprint+crouch is the ONLY thing for slide? really?)
Sandbox 3 editor
DX 10/DX 11 mode
and proper multiplayer menu view (Seriously, Lobby is bad for PC for a reason
So.. I guess a patch is coming? or something?
Honestly this is blurbs from around different sites and forums on the web, not seen an official statement refuting it yet so very hesitant about a pre-order or even a purchase now :S
Also this made me lol :P
The gun feedback seems worse, too
(not saying I am advocating this, obviously)
The lack of actual graphical settings and keyboard layout settings is based on the demo (seriously, I'd understand if they'd want to keep the best visuals for the full game, but why remove the ability to fully customize your controllers :S) and what people said were available in the leak (why would a dev build not have graphical settings? I thought that was one of the first thing you'd implement :S)
It just rubs me the wrong way, of course I hope that the demo is as unfinished as the leak in some aspects and that the full game ships with all the bells and whistles but I'd rather not bet 60 euros on it until I'm sure :P
If these rumours (I know they're nothing but, except for what you find in the demo) are true then well, a patch down the road to remedy all of it would still make me buy it, just not pre-order :P
As for the "lack of DX11", I just don't get it. What's wrong with pulling out great graphics with an older DX? is that ... bad ? Again their engine seems strongly unified - it can only be a great thing I think. I dont think any DX has a specific feature that makes any game instantly better looking. Hope I'm not sounding defensive here, I just sincerely don't understand that point.
#1) Start Screen - Press to Start....
#2) Graphic Settings - Gamer/Advanced/Hardcore... I mean... Really? I can't even adjust AA/AF/Bloom etc.
#3) Mouse options - Yay for hardcoded mouse smoothing! No way to turn it off.
#4) The multiplayer demo was great, but holy crap it should be called Call of Crysis 2. The nanosuit is literally dumbed down making powerslam and shields useless.
#5) The unfair advantage is back - with unlocks to faster reload, accuracy, etc as well as kill streak bonuses like calling in a giant lazer strike, it feels just like COD.
I think the gameplay has back tracked from Crysis, so long to the large open environments and vehicles, hello Spawn and Shoot maps!
No problem with using older DX, but newer DX versions can do more, such as DX 11 with its Tesselation, something I would really like to see in this game to be honest.
Crysis 1 was after all a graphical juggernaut with tons of great looking tech running in it, Crysis 2 just.. doesn't look like it's doing anything Crysis 1 already did.
There were talks and tech demoes about more advanced physics and realtime GI but none of that seems prevalent in the demo, heck, most of the obvious physic props are static
Crytek has (to me) been a company that are as much about making good games as it is about pushing the graphical envelope of videogames in general, I guess I'm just disappointed that I expected them to at least use the newest DX and it's tesselation for more detailed model geometry, alongside other bells and whistles. But I guess the mantle is going over to DICE for that.
I mean if you just "turn on" tessellation on everything without specifically making assets tailored for the tech you just end up with spaghetti limbs and disney-like fire hydrants. It looks great in bumpy tech demos, but I don't think it has such a big places in actual games.
And assets like FPS guns occupying 25% of the screen simply look better with more density right from the start, so no need to subdivide any further really.
Again I am not saying that tessellation sucks - just saying that if this is the big point supporting the DX11 argument, then in the case of Crysis2 it simply is irrelevant!
My argument for DX 11 is pure eyecandy, of course. It's a lot of extra work but, who knows, it may make more people buy it, for the workout it may give a computer alone, I mean it's a big reason why Crysis sold much in the first place right?
I would also like to see something like in the DX 11 tech demo, where they morph between different heightmaps to simulate realtime deformation and regular damage.
Also there are constant disconnect from servers. I know its just not me since me and my friend disconnect at the exact same time. But this is expected from 'Betas', no big deal.
Bugs and connection issues aside it pretty much feels like 'Crysis of Duty' haha.
I actually got a higher K/D ratio going controller vs keyboard/mouse on PC at 1.69, than straight controller battle on the 360 at 1.37. Both are level 8 or 9 right now.
Finally got a chance to experiment this having been wondering about it for a long time, and I don't know, it somehow feels there's less resistance and less intensity in the PC matches.
And no editor?!
The gameplay systems are gimmicky, I feel like if i win or lose a firefight it was because the other guy was a dick or because i was "cheesing". Stealth and armor abilities just add a complicated layer to the game that remove so much from the rest of the game.
Teams are too similar, simple color differences make the game confusing, not enough distinctino between the factions.
Overall just completely underwhelmed, it's simply COD with some unnecessary gameplay additions.
Running and jumping draws from your suit energy? Yeah lets make the game even less fun to play.
Engine is solid, graphics are great, gameplay sucks my nuts.
The dynamic global illumination solution they use involves rendering to a volume texture. With DX 9 you have to render to each slice whereas DX10/11 allows for rendering straight to the volume texture without having to change the render target to each slice.
One DX11 feature I am interested in trying out at some point is the read/write texture ability which I could see improving the memory imprint and performance of their dynamic GI solution. There are other improvements that I can't think of at the moment as I havn't delved too deeply into DX11 coding as of yet.
Downloading demo now, taking forever though
And the fun part here is, it's the graphics-cards in the consoles that has some more features over dx9.