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3Ds Max 2012 sneak peek



  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    pior wrote: »
    I guess I should compile a list of the (free) scripts I use in 2009. There really is no need for Polyboost or Graphite once you install MaxRetopo ; this, plus a few good solid scripts and voila, you got the most competitive polygon modeling application out there.

    I am no scripter hence cannot write my own tools, but once you identify the bottlenecks of your workflow and start hunting/asking for solutions, there is always someone willing to help. And then there is also a few unexpected tricks you can stumble on while browsing scriptspot.

    All I use is this, plus a few shortcuts and a custom quad menu.

    Obviously it took a little while to setup (a few days) but thats the kid of time I would expect any modeler to be willing to invest...

    Here's how to built a custom interface in Visual Maxscript :

    NICE! This will certainly help with my poor hands! I love you mate!

    I don't know why, but I decided to try this now: http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/viewport-maxscript-editor

    It says Max 2011+, but, it works in 2009 also. I have no idea how to use it other then the Demo Video her posted up, and it only shows the basic. Is this Script smiliar as to the video you posted?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well, as far as I can tell his script makes the process of building up a custom layout easier. But personally I am totally fine with the existing Visual Maxscript editor - placing buttons and rollouts is the easy part, finding the useful scripts to put in there is what takes time :)
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Using nearly every ounce my mental capacity I've deduced that Max 2013 will be an acceptable and stable release. Mostly dictated by this pattern:

    3D Max v6 - Pretty solid release
    3D Max v7 - lots of broken new render to texture/normal mapping features
    3D Max v8 - Again pretty solid
    3D Max v9 - lots of broken new features, but with all service packs, especially the subscription advantage pack, it was a good
    3D Max v2008 - lots of broken new features, including view port rendering, confused lay persons by having an 8 in the release version number.
    3D Max v2009 - Solid
    3D Max v2010 - Unusable, until the first service pack
    3D Max v2011 - Pretty solid, used 2010 plugins that made things easier.
    3D Max v2012 - Lots of broken old features
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    just saw that the student version is available now. :D
  • Mark Dygert
    pior, max retopo really? I'm surprised you're not using WrapIt, that's some awesome stuff.

    I prefer 2011 to 2009 and once they sort out the bugs in 2012 I'll prefer it also. I like the new simplified curve editor and I really like having CAT in max out of the box, I just hope they keep improving CAT portability because its horrible trying to get a CAT rig in and out of Motion Builder, well after being spoiled by Biped.

    I also can't have 2012 installed right now, its made 2011 really buggy which we're still using at work and won't switch over to 2012 until after the first service pack rolls out. I had to uninstall all versions of 3dsmax then I installed 2011 and now its back to its old, stable reliable self.

    What is really bazaar is that I beta tested on the same machine and it never effected 2011 until I installed the full retail version.
  • Sean VanGorder
    Oniram wrote: »
    just saw that the student version is available now. :D

    About time. And if you already have the regular trial downloaded, you can just activate it using the student serial number instead of downloading it again.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    pior, max retopo really? I'm surprised you're not using WrapIt, that's some awesome stuff.

    I prefer 2011 to 2009 and once they sort out the bugs in 2012 I'll prefer it also. I like the new simplified curve editor and I really like having CAT in max out of the box, I just hope they keep improving CAT portability because its horrible trying to get a CAT rig in and out of Motion Builder, well after being spoiled by Biped.

    I also can't have 2012 installed right now, its made 2011 really buggy which we're still using at work and won't switch over to 2012 until after the first service pack rolls out. I had to uninstall all versions of 3dsmax then I installed 2011 and now its back to its old, stable reliable self.

    What is really bazaar is that I beta tested on the same machine and it never effected 2011 until I installed the full retail version.

    Wrapit is fantastic, no question about this, however, for those who want a free solution, MaxRetopo is the answer (or PB, whichever one comes first), also the update to roll out soon enough is here:

  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Hmmm, max 2012 up and running just fine.

    2Quad Q8200 2.34 GHz
    RAM 4GB
    win 7 pro 64bit
    nvidia GTS 250

    Strange, I always have a legacy copy on my machine just in case and never had problems with functionality.

    I had GoZ working in 2011 so all I had to do for 2012 was:
    open ZB
    Preferences/ GoZ
    Click 'path to 3D Studio Max
    Shutdown Max
    In Zbrush click install
    Click GoZ button in Zbrush with a tool in the viewport
    Tool opened in 3ds 2012 at the correct size.

    My thoughts on updates are that the changeover blues are well worth it. This version of max starts quite quickly. Viewport response seems improved. I haven't had a chance to check out all the new tools but I am looking forward to it. With version 2010 I was forced to update my hardware and was shocked to find that the power had gone up and the price had plummeted. My new cheap quad with the minimum video card and then beta version of win 7 amazed me. Even with the little change over problems everything flew.

    Right now, this release is looking pretty darn good.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Haven't read through all of this, but I have found something annoying in 2012. Normally in editable poly you can go into edge mode and select "turn" to turn edges on your quads. The hidden edges show up as dotted lines that you can click on. In 2012 for whatever reason, you can't see ANY lines for the hidden edges. Am I missing something here? I went through the options and couldn't see anything about hidden edges, but I dunno =\
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    New UV tools rocks (except lagging). Sometimes when I open file I'm working on max can totally destroy one element which I have to redo...that sucks monkey balls. Really annoying. When I use mirror the new element is being weirdly rendered in viewport. Some edges shows up some don't. Really bugged max. I like what they added... shame they have done it so shity. If they will work ONLY on repairing and improving this version (for me they can add no new feature). It can be THE 3d package. Sometimes I hate myself for not being patient enough to create my own hot keys for modo and learning it...
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey Mark, I actually have Wrapit too but after using both (at quite a big time interval, I must admit) I settled for MaxRetopo. But I might be missing something - could you elaborate on the features that makes you prefer Wrapit ?

    Also, I keep hearing about the new UV tools in 2012, but do they come any close to this ?

    Been playing with the demo, it's basically Roadkill but much a much better integration, especially since it uses the native point-to-point engine for seam selection. Good stuff!

  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    The raylight stuff is just LCSM and some packing isn't it?

    What Max has is basically the same as Roadkill's LCSM. Although it's much easier to use, as it handles pinning a thousand times better.

    The only thing it's missing is being able to paint a density map. I forget which unwrapping package had those, but I saw a video for it and thought it was really awesome.

    It was Unfold3D
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    Interesting stuff. i'll have to keep an eye on this thread. I have 2012 at work now and so far I am not impressed besides a few things that i guess a few people at work already had as plugins anyways.

    Its funny cause i'm assessing 2012. I can come on here and give my oppinion and findings soon enough....

    But... i'm thinking of going back to 2009. Very seriously. I mean i'd like to never use Autodesk anything ever again if i could. 2010 Has been hellish to say the least. I did not dare touch 2011. 2012 seemed promising. Time will tell on that. Right now i'm already running into odd visual garphic bugs and wacky crap. No real viewport speeds that I can tell of, not at any sort of decent polycount. It seemed to "break"
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    BigJohn : RK is actually not using LSCM by default, but its own specific algorithm. Just thought I'd mention it :D
  • MattLichy
    I'd say the new Unwrap tools are better than the raylight stuff for sure. But Unfold 3D is pretty sweet. But now Max 2012 has some of those features.

    I agree with alot of the comments on here. Hopefully they have a SP1 or hotfix soon to fix the UV lag and some other issues.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Bleh, I hope so too. Although I have to say, I would rather they fixed the 'broken' tools, such as the Skin for one, and then see whats up with DX/FX/SFX shaders in the Viewport.

    And while at it, I would like cheap heating, affordable housing, and peace across the world while at it.
  • Mark Dygert
    pior wrote: »
    Hey Mark, I actually have Wrapit too but after using both (at quite a big time interval, I must admit) I settled for MaxRetopo. But I might be missing something - could you elaborate on the features that makes you prefer Wrapit ?
    I like the branch feature quite a bit. The live surface snapping seems to fall inside quite a bit on the version of max retopo I was using. But the version I was using was nothing like what was shown in on the last page, that could be really cool. The version I used had live snap... that was it.

    WrapIt has 3 things I love about it.

    The quick quad mesh which is great for making a fast base mesh based on whatever you want without worrying about evenly spaced quads. No more of that "I have to worry about quad edge flow and keeping the polys evenly sized and spaced". Just block in the overall shape pay attention to the silhouette, run quadmesh and go sculpt, going to retopo after sculpting anyway?

    With this freedom you can create something that more closely resembles your final low poly, then you take this mesh, push it out over your final sculpt and shrink/relax it and you're off to a good start on your re-topo. Or you can go the traditional route of just retopo the high from scratch.

    The branch feature is great at retopo'ing legs, arms and fingers, click click click done.

    The live drag seems more precise.

    pior wrote: »
    Also, I keep hearing about the new UV tools in 2012, but do they come any close to this ?

    Been playing with the demo, it's basically Roadkill but much a much better integration, especially since it uses the native point-to-point engine for seam selection. Good stuff!
    That's some cool stuff, I'll have to check it out! The new UV tools in 2012 are more of a reskin there still are a lot of workflow issues that haven't been addressed and they really need to get cracking on that, hopefully this interface overhaul allows them to address those issues... I hope... But it wouldn't surprise me if they left it as is for the next 3-4 releases.

    Ace-Angel, Whats wrong with skin?
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I like the branch feature quite a bit. The live surface snapping seems to fall inside quite a bit on the version of max retopo I was using. But the version I was using was nothing like what was shown in on the last page, that could be really cool. The version I used had live snap... that was it.

    WrapIt has 3 things I love about it.

    The quick quad mesh which is great for making a fast base mesh based on whatever you want without worrying about evenly spaced quads. No more of that "I have to worry about quad edge flow and keeping the polys evenly sized and spaced". Just block in the overall shape pay attention to the silhouette, run quadmesh and go sculpt, going to retopo after sculpting anyway?

    With this freedom you can create something that more closely resembles your final low poly, then you take this mesh, push it out over your final sculpt and shrink/relax it and you're off to a good start on your re-topo. Or you can go the traditional route of just retopo the high from scratch.

    The branch feature is great at retopo'ing legs, arms and fingers, click click click done.

    The live drag seems more precise.
    I think you're forgetting one great thing about that Wrapit, and that is that you have access to all the BASIC and QUICK tools which Max has and can be used in harmony with Wrapit ontop of the already amazing set of tools it has in it's repertoire.

    I'm the kind of guys who likes a more 'natural' way of doing my topology, so drawing my polygons, having it snap automatically, drawing the correct tubes on the body parts I need to encase my high-poly in and having the ability to use the basic tools (which for some bloody reason, ALL the other retopology software lack) such as inset, loop regularize, etc are readily available so I can how the changes will work.

    Throw in a quick Rig to Skin my characters to see how things will work, and go back to fixing the stuff without leaving your one package.

    So yeah, Wrapit is like a Bacon wrapped in Bacon, thrown in a Black Hole, divided by Zero and wrapped in Bacon again...

    That's some cool stuff, I'll have to check it out! The new UV tools in 2012 are more of a reskin there still are a lot of workflow issues that haven't been addressed and they really need to get cracking on that, hopefully this interface overhaul allows them to address those issues... I hope... But it wouldn't surprise me if they left it as is for the next 3-4 releases.

    The Xray Plugin is pretty much the plugin version of what Max 2012 has for the older version of Max. I didn't try it, but many people are reporting conflicting opinions on the plugin. Some say that half of the 'realtime' tools don't work, and other say it will corrupt your UV's after a save, but at the same time, many say that all you need is XRay and TexTools, and bam, you're set for life, so take it with a pinch of salt.
    Ace-Angel, Whats wrong with skin?

    My Max 2012 Skin doesn't work, only the Painting Vertex weight works, and last I checked MANY people apparently were having this problem. I fired an email to Autodesk about the issue, and they told me it will be addressed in the coming Hotfix/Update. Why? Does your skin work?

    By the way, I rigged it with CAT, in Max 2011, and when imported it in 2012, I couldn't access the vertices or anything, so maybe that was the issue, who knows?
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