Hey guys so this is my first post here on poly count I am pumped to hear from you. I am currently a second year 3d art student and I am very passionate about environmental design. Please tell me what you think comments are very much appreciated.

I think the road texture needs to be varied a bit more. It and the sidewalk looks like its sharing the same texture, and I'd be tempted to chamfer the edge a bit to make it a softer transition.
The angle of the camera looking at the roofs make the texture look blurry and muddled compared to the rest. Here's a good tutorial about how to fix that, and I'd read about making your buildings modular, saves a lot of time.
I think you need more war-torn in your planning stage next time. This looks a bit more like an untouched European slum. =/ Unless there is some critical piece of back story?
IF this is WW1 then the artillery fire was pretty much the norm. You don't storm a trench or a town you flatten it, even if you don't think anyone is there you shell it for 3 days.
What you have done looks pretty good, it just doesn't seem to really fit the description. It does look good tho!
But your progress so far looks good! Keep it up!
please tell me what you think cheers
great work though.
rubble looks awesome.
Just saying that you don't necessarily have to use really gloomy and brownish colours to light up the scene, but that's just my preference.
@dragan good call on the windows will fix that too cheers