Eurogamer is reporting that it's been canceled. If this is true then I has a sad. I really enjoyed the first one and was hoping for a follow up sequel. I really enjoyed the art style of the city and the gameplay overall. The big mistake I remember is that it came out in the US at the same time as WoW: Lich King and that may have destroyed the sales numbers.
Or this...
Or... this...
or even...
Why? Because it doesnt make 20000000$?! This industry... lol.
ah ah, same.
I've never played Ninja Gaiden.
I'm just kind of sad to see more realistic military shooter stuff from Dice, when I now know they are capable of doing stuff that is so much more interesting visually in my opinion (not to detract from their military shooters, which are also very nicely made, just not really my cup of tea anymore).
Hell, the visual style, the music, gameplay made it to my overall top 10 games ever. It may be rejected for now but me thinks someday it'll come back out of the closet when the market is no longer interested in Horror or Battlefield.
2million sales is considered a bust now?
We need to get back to PS2. When game development was significantly cheaper.
@Praetus: Yes but it's a hacky job. It uses Unreal engine but they had access to a render tool which made the lighting all impressive. Dog something...Anyway here's a vid of a custom level some guy made:
Yeah, that what my thought reading that, too... When the hell did that happen
BG&E2 hasn't been canned. But hearing their wont be a Mirrors Edge 2 makes me sad
I liked Mirrors Edge. This Bullshit!!!!!!!!
Such wonderful art in ME. Sucks there wont be another : /
A few that come to mind, Overgrowth, NS2, Interstellar Marines
But as much as I'm sad that there will be no sequel to further follow the tracks of the first part, at least they won't blow the sequel into something mirrors edge shouldn't become. It would be heartbreaking to see the idea of an mostly unarmed runner girl beeing shifted to something more standard fps - meaning more guns, maybe more violence, simplified leveldesign - everything to match a broader audience.
I feel much the same looking back. It's a memorable title and a very fun game, despite some of the critical flaws it carried. It almost feels like anything besides another brown military shooter is a breath of fresh air these days.
Mirror's Edge was a game with some design issues, mostly relating to enemies with guns, but those could have been sorted out in a sequel easily enough.
I did always kinda thought that the game would have been better all around if they just ditched the narrative entirely and made it kind of like a La Parkour Tony Hawk game or a racer or some such. The speed runs and time trials were by far the most enjoyable part of the game, so why not play to the strengths? The story was passable, but not something that'd really be missed all that much, for my money. I wouldn't be surprised if, when the license is resurrected, that's the direction they take it.
Jeeze... why can we never good things?
Have to agree though, less Quake more Sonic the Hedgehog would make this game super-awesome.
I'm with you on this Pior, the only main issue I had with it, was that they made the guys with guns really really difficult to take care of later in the game. They almost forced you to run away from every battle (which makes sense). but some of us like to stand and fight sometimes
I think if they didn't have guns they would have been fine, or if they had a shooting mechanic that was clearly visible and telegraphed significantly they'd have functioned better. Mirrors edge in a medieval world with bows and arrows, or first person Assassins Creed, would likely have worked well.
I wanted to love the game, but man was it boring past the first hour.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww double fuck