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Books and other resources!

Hi Guys!

I hope to god I'm not comiting forum crime here by posting to ask about something which there is already a major thread about somewhere else, but as I couldn't find one I thought I'd take the chance... :)

I'm on a hunt for good resources to optimize my work, and even though I realize the best way to master the art of 3D is pretty much by putting in the hours and learning from your own mistakes and wrong doings. I also see the value in a good book/article/tutorial or what not.. So I guess I thought this would definetly be the place to go to find the sweet stuff..

Now, I realize that just saying "I wanna learn 3D" is kinda like saying "I wanna travel", at least the answers gonna be the same.. "Where do ya wanna go?" right!.. :)

... and I personally think I want to focus on Character Rigging and Animating, but I'm thinking I might not be the only one out there looking for the gold, so maybe this could be a thread where people can pitch in if they know a good resource..

All I've found so far is from the polycount Wiki where there are some resources on animation and rigging;

In the case there already exists such a thread please direct me to it, as I was to blind to see it, and know that I am ashamed by this blasfemic double posting!...


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