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Bulletstorm; Worst game ever made!

polycounter lvl 14
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Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
(title not serious, don't murder me, I love you PCF)
Look at me, I'm a tabloid headline, anyway Fox News is being Fox News again, and we don't have a main Bulletstorm thread as far as I searched. And we ought to have one, since this awesome game is coming out in just 13 days.

So, this is Bulletstorm:

You guys hyped for it? Do you find the violence and named skillshots to induce thoughts of rape?

Personally I loved Painkiller and I'm really looking forward to a non serious/real (story and setting wise) where the focus seems to be on fun gameplay and kick-ass visuals.
As for Fox: I wish I could live in a world where mentioning/writing something could induce an action related too it. I'd run around saying/writing "poop" in the middle of sentences all day.


  • BorisK
    why is it so hard to shoot someone in the crotch lol
    is it a glitch lol??

    but seriously i was SOOO mad this demo was so short. the game is immense, i wanted to keep playing. ive just seen a new video with more weapons, it keeps getting better. there's a bunch of guys from PCF on here too right?? this is the type of game you play when your lecturer gives you a 3rd lol(which in my case is EVERYDAY because i refuse to learn Flash/board games lol)

    Fox News is full of fail. they dont even know where Egypt is lol. Then there's Glenn Beck who's always talking about "going to washington" to demand change lol
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    ooo, that fox news thing is awesome publicity. I've love a game I worked on to get Mortal Kombat'ed.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Bulletstorm: The last game you play before you lose your humanity/go to jail.
    Also looks like we might be getting a PC demo :0
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    "And with kids as young as 9 playing such games.."

    Parents with kids as young as 9 should not let them play such games.

    There, problem solved.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    cholden wrote: »
    ooo, that fox news thing is awesome publicity. I've love a game I worked on to get Mortal Kombat'ed.

    I know right? Thank you Fox news for the free advertising!

    Don't people know that if you do this you just put more light onto the subject. Oh god GTA4 is gonna be so bad. Millions rush out to buy it.


    Everyone buys the stupid cds to hear what the fuss is about.

    Way to go media...

  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    It wouldn't surprise me at all if I heard that Epic's marketing team stirred up that hornets nest themselves.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    No such thing as bad publicity! And yes, I am a bit hyped for this one. We'll see how well the appeal of comboing attacks in an FPS lasts over time but should be extremely fun for a week or two! Really curious how MP is for this game, it has MP right?
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    No such thing as bad publicity! And yes, I am a bit hyped for this one. We'll see how well the appeal of comboing attacks in an FPS lasts over time but should be extremely fun for a week or two! Really curious how MP is for this game, it has MP right?
    As far as I know it has 4 player co-op. Where players fight hordes of enemies together. Players can do combo moves and such together like; Two people leashing the same enemy rips the enemy apart.

    You can have a massive kick-party.
  • gibson543
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    gibson543 polycounter lvl 13
    I'm 14 and I'm so getting this game, I mean really, the only kids that actually get affected by the violence and shit are kids who don't have any or enough parental or friend influence, and in turn use the games as their influence. Basically it's the loners, and thats pretty unfortunate. At least thats my teenage theory.

    Anyway, this shit looks sick :) definete buy
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    did Epic paid fox news? wow lol this is great advertisement@
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter



    hahah this game is gonna be sick, loved the demo, looks like a gorgeous use of color and destruction. thumbs up to all the polycounters who worked on it!
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    If the scholars who are making these ridiculous quotes had any idea about the concept of objective gameplay, they would realize that the violence is merely the medium of said gameplay.

    The gore that follows is nothing more than eye candy.

    Does that make any sense? Hope so.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    I can't decide which version to get 360 or PC. PC mainly because it "may" come with the editor :)
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    Here's proof that parent CAN make sure their kids dont play M rated games... MY PARENTS DID THAT!!!! In fact, I plated my first non-educational video game at age 12. My first M rated game at 17. Now look at me. Im an environment artist looking for a job!

    I think that thats enough proof to show people that is it possible to limit your kids exposure to violent content.

    Also, I think it SHOULD be illegal (and a federal crime) for a store clerk to sell M rated games to minors.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    roosterMAP wrote: »
    Also, I think it SHOULD be illegal (and a federal crime) for a store clerk to sell M rated games to minors.

    That won't stop the popular 'mommy buy it plz' workaround.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Fuck censorship, the rating system is already too strict and silly as it is. Its a parent's job to protect their kids.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    leilei wrote: »
    That won't stop the popular 'mommy buy it plz' workaround.
    Haven't they been trying to do that for a while over in the US but keep runing into issues with Free Speech laws?
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    Well, if the parent cant set limits for their kid, then they're not a good parent.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    its not the governments job to be a parent for the parents, stores kinda have the right to decided to impose limits on what they sell, and to whom, thats why walmart forces cds to be clean.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17

    this is so luls :D

    And BorisK, it IS hard to shoot someone in the crotch, if you flail them first then its alot easier, + you get the extra points for sadist ^^ (also makes it alot easier to shoot them in the ass, heh.)
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    If I have kids, they're playing the dirtiest most grotesque M rated games out there.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    leilei wrote: »
    That won't stop the popular 'mommy buy it plz' workaround.

  • lefix
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    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    what's up with this drop to the ground and slide at the speed of light while still being able to make turns thing that many games are doing recently?
    i don't like this trend at all. it just looks stupid.
    are todays gamers now even to lazy to walk inside a video game? :P
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    lefix wrote: »
    what's up with this drop to the ground and slide at the speed of light while still being able to make turns thing that many games are doing recently?
    i don't like this trend at all. it just looks stupid.
    are todays gamers now even to lazy to walk inside a video game? :P

    one word: fun
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah seriously, fun.
    What sounds better?
    "I'm going to walk up to this enemy person and shot him in the face using my iron sight to kill him, RANK UP!"
    "I'm going to slide at the speed of light into his shins unloading buckshots into his crotch, while drunk and on fire."

    That said, I have not seen this game anywhere on Steam yet :( I thought it was coming out there, with VAC support and all that for the Co-Op MP, I want to pre-order and the such :(
  • e-freak
    Skamberin wrote: »
    That said, I have not seen this game anywhere on Steam yet :( I thought it was coming out there, with VAC support and all that for the Co-Op MP, I want to pre-order and the such :(


    "Son, there's no EA in sTeam. Oh wait..."
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Bulletstorm is defo Steam, its just most companies don't put up a pre-order for the game until a few days before the actual release. They see it as pointless, I mean, why pre-order something that can't run out at any time, ever...? But what they fail to see is that not everybody can download a 20gig game in a heartbeat, and so they NEED those few weeks to download it in chunks.
  • sneakymcfox
    roosterMAP wrote: »
    Here's proof that parent CAN make sure their kids dont play M rated games... MY PARENTS DID THAT!!!! In fact, I plated my first non-educational video game at age 12. My first M rated game at 17. Now look at me. Im an environment artist looking for a job!

    I think that thats enough proof to show people that is it possible to limit your kids exposure to violent content.

    Also, I think it SHOULD be illegal (and a federal crime) for a store clerk to sell M rated games to minors.

    I think before we go celebrating the restriction of a storytelling medium from kids we should probably ask ourselves why were doing it.

    I'm part of what you would probably call the Internet generation, as a kid I played a great variety of games from half life too TOCA Touring Car Championship and I highly doubt any of them have had a significant effect on the way I act what with me being probably less violent than the rest of my peer group (I'm not an impartial observer :poly124: ).

    I think the main problem with the "kids who play violent video games are more violent" is the failure to take into account outside factors such as attention and support given to the kids. For instance parents who are to say "worse parents" would pay little attention to there kids or what they are playing where as I was brought up by relatively average parents with a much more liberal attitude towards "adult content" in media than most.

    The thing I would also like to ask you is whether it was a specifically a game thing or where you stopped from watching non educational TV till 12 because otherwise all your doing is deferring the violence experienced to another medium therefore mooting any supposed gain.

    This is the same generation who on average (UK statistics) sees there first bit of porn at 13, I do not think a little sexual innuendo will cause them to be left soleless fuckzombies.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    The first two game I ever finished in their entirety were Turok Dinosaur Hunter and American Mcgee's Alice, and I turned out just fine.
    I think.
    Sometimes I get this thing where my eyelids twitch and I see dead people.
    But that's normal.
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    Loved the demo, can't wait to play the whole thing. It's nice to see a FPS that just focuses on having fun and not being the most realistic thing ever. That's one of the reasons I'm looking forward to Duke Nukem too.

    But did anybody else get the feeling that the main character in Bulletstorm sounds a lot like this guy??
  • Sean VanGorder
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Oh hey Conservative bible thumpers who think mature content in modern entertainment causes kids to go crazy. One can make the same arguments about your book;

    The fact is, violence is perpetrated by insane idiots, doesn't matter if your influence is a video game, the bible, or WATCHING THE NEWS. Crazy people do crazy things.
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    Parents who buy their kids violent games most of the time don't even know what the game is about, they don't care! The kid is whining all day long about this game thats the most amazing game ever, so mom just buys it to shut them up! Sometimes I ask myself why people even want to be a parent if they don't take any interest in their childs lives.

    I also agree with clerks selling violent games to young kids to be penalized. It might not be their job to parent the kids of some ignorent mother, but damn, if you know its a violent game, dont sell it to kids man! would you sell alcohol to kids? the ADULT sticker is not placed on a box because its pretty.

    I also think that the current rating is over the top. I mean if I create a game that has cartoon violence, its 12+ I can't remember them putting a sticker on bugs bunny cartoons and only sell it to kids that are 12 years and older. Also mario has cartoon violence, but those games are rated 3+ clearly being nintendo gives you the right to bend the rules.

    oh and to not fully derail this topic.
    Bulletstorm looks awesomly fun! the duke nukem track really creamed the pie.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    It's funny that the majority of society treats kids as being more mature and responsible when it comes to books, what ESRB rating would Lord of the Flies have stamped on the cover? I'd like to believe that yes, kids can handle shit, unhook the leash and stop putting padding on all the corners.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    It's funny that the majority of society treats kids as being more mature and responsible when it comes to books, what ESRB rating would Lord of the Flies have stamped on the cover? I'd like to believe that yes, kids can handle shit, unhook the leash and stop putting padding on all the corners.
    ^This, combined with good parenting is the best solution imo. Good parents know their kids, and kids that can handle it, can handle it. The ratings are there as a guide after all.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I'd like to believe that yes, kids can handle shit, unhook the leash and stop putting padding on all the corners.

    Parent's these days want to blame other outside influences over their own crappy parenting for their kid's problems. Bad Grades? Oh.. must be ADD. Talks back to you? MTV! Drugs?! RAP MUSIC. It's infuriating. I went to my old grade school the other day to say hi to some old teachers and they said they banned dodge ball so no one gets hurt. My girlfriend's mom doesn't allow their 7 year old son to play outside or do what we did when we were kids. Like ride bikes or hit eachother in the face with pine cones. I legit worry about whats going to happen when these new breed of leashed kids become adults and need to contribute to society.
  • Jesse Moody
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Great read there Jesse :D

    Man, I need this game yesterday, Just, So, Damn, Hyped. I had to make myself stop playing the demo on 360 so I wouldn't get tired of the game :poly142:
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    Bulletstorm demo was extremely fun, something I've missed for a while. After I played through, I realized how much I miss having FUN in games lately. The art is great, although I still think the character art and design is a LITTLE lacking, the backgrounds are, typical of People Can Fly, freaking brilliant.

    Wall of text incoming!!

    On the subject of censorship, I USED to believe censorship in all its forms was bad, but then I grew up. I got kids in my life now, my niece and nephews. There's a vast amount of things I'd prefer they didn't see. A Serbian Film being VERY high on that list. Hell that movie was too mature for me (I'm 35 btw). But I also recognize that censorship, and warning people about what they're about to see/hear/experience, are two different things.

    Warning people should be up to another group, away from parents, to let those parents know what's up. Censorship should be the parents job for THEIR KIDS alone. It's up the ESRB, to tell the parent what's in the game their kids about to play. It's up to the parent to decide whether or not their kid should be playing that game.

    Problem is, parents these days have a tendency to wanna be their kids "bestest friend" and not their parent. There's also a tendency to let the Xbox not only baby sit, but raise their kids, cause they're too god damn lazy to do it themselves.

    On the topic of stores selling games to minors, I'm for carding. When I bought Alan Wake at Target, the clerk "Had to see (my) ID. Sorry, store policy" Then he saw the game's rated T, and NOTHING about me says "teenager". We had a laugh over it, I gave him money, he gave me a game, and I left. Carding is not a big deal, so I honestly don't know why all stores don't do it, if for no other reason than just covering their own asses.

    That's just my thoughts on it. I could be wrong.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    I think that the people bitching about how bad this game is should go watch crank 2, or read one of those romance novels my grandma reads. Seriously, this kinda shit exists in all other forms of media. Sigh....
  • Mark Dygert
    "Parents had better beware: There's a Bulletstorm on the horizon."
    Humm interesting as if the parents of a grown adult have any influence over the choices of their grown child after they turn 18 and leave the nest...
    My parents stopped influencing my game purchases about the time I was able to buy such games. Coincidence?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    You know what the funniest part is, Fox News is big on conservative moral outrage while their tv programming has a reputation for having racy material. Maybe I missed it but I don't recall Fox news getting all pissy when Peter Griffin used the American Flag to wipe his ass (I thought the joke was funny but the interwebs were outraged).
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    yay free advertising!!!
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    You know what the funniest part is, Fox News is big on conservative moral outrage while their tv programming has a reputation for having racy material. Maybe I missed it but I don't recall Fox news getting all pissy when Peter Griffin used the American Flag to wipe his ass (I thought the joke was funny but the interwebs were outraged).

    Well it's not rupert murdoch's opinion you're seeing in fox news. He doesn't seem to care as long as the programming makes money. In the past he's backed politicians who have very left leaning policies. So he doesn't seem to be explicitly right-wing. If anything I'd guess that he's deliberatly presenting two opposing views so the controversy makes him more money.
  • 3DLee
    Bulletstorm really wasn't on my radar at all, but after all of the negative publicity I decided to check it out. Now, I may buy it. :)
  • ErichWK
  • roosterMAP
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Well, game is up for pre-order and tomorrow is the big day.
    Sad to say I pre-ordered the game on steam about a week or so ago, but after noticing that every other digital retailer sells it for cheaper, with pre-order extras and release it on the 22nd, I've since cancelled my Steam Pre-order.

    I hope to get a quick reply and a refund from steam, honestly not sure if I'm getting the game now, it looks great visually and offers some genuinely fun ways to dispose of enemies.

    But everything about it so far has been incredibly console centric (no problem with that, it's where the money is after all) I kind of feel shafted when I have to pay full retail console game price for a digital PC purchase, and get nothing extra for it, unlike console gamers. (and no I don't get FPS games on consoles if there is a PC version :P M/KB = unbeatable.

    Anyone else pre-ordered/tried the full thing yet?

    I'll wait for the PC demo and see what I do from there. Good luck with the launch PCF, hope the reviews are glowing and the sales reflect your work :)
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