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Soul Jailer (Piggy Style) (partial nudity)



  • fuxer
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    fuxer polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks Sparrow,i intend to do different renders with different lighting conditions.
    There will be glowy souls in some of the cages he has hanging,so they will light him with a soft blue color :)

    Here's more update on the texture. I will probably start working on a specular map tomorrow,to bring some of the materials to life. (he absolutely has no spec applied so far) Btw,do you guys dig the new updated eyes?
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Hideously beautiful, or beautifully hideous, can't decide which one!
    Sorry I can't be any more helpful, but thanks for inspiring me at least :p
  • fuxer
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    fuxer polycounter lvl 18
    Yozora ahahahah,i'm so glad :)
    Worked on the diffuse alot today. I think i'll leave it at this and start working on the spec and gloss. Btw,i thought it would be a funny (or disgusting) pose to have his tongue sticking out,so it will take 10 minutes tomorrow to give him a nice tongue :)
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    haha badass fuxer, that chest and belly skin is gnarly. Reminds me of the butcher from diablo 1 in that "fucked up terrifying fatty monster oh god it's running after me oh fuckOHFUCK" kind of way.
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    I love it, I seriously feel this is one of the best pieces i've seen of late, I hope this comes as no insult but I feel it would fit right in the game Dante's Inferno, i loved that game! It would be fitting as a final boss for sure but it looks to me like it would be one of the ones where he personally doesn't do much other than take a swing at you if you get close, but rather open the chest and use it's captured souls to attack you with!

    Oh also the pauldron really fits with the name, the cage of bones really gives off the "jailer" feel to the character, great concepting!
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    Well done! The textureing looks good and tight. The leather bits are particularly eye catching.

    The specular on the face could be nosier though, it feels too soft for such a gruff creature.
  • krisCrash
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    krisCrash polycounter lvl 9
    fuxer wrote: »
    krisCrash problem is that this is a viewport grab,i still have not setup a render (i will do so at the end though) thanks anyway :)
    now you have me puzzled, you are saying you can't enable 2-sided in your material, and you don't have backface cull turned on for the object? That is.. assuming this was 3dsmax.

    Guess you have to duplicate a few polys and flip their normals then. I tried to use shell modifier with size of 0 myself but that just makes a MESS.

    Gonna put some glowy souls in the cages?
  • woogity
    looks wicked man keep up the good work!
  • fuxer
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    fuxer polycounter lvl 18
    Ferg ahahaa yeah,he's disgusting. I'm about to throw up from watching him all this time :/
    DDuckworth Loved the game too,especially gluttony and the demon kids. Thanks for the good words man!
    Neo_God Thanks! The old pic had no spec map,just a general spec value all over.
    krisCrash Of course,soul's coming tomorrow i hope. I wanted to get the spec and gloss map done today (and add the tongue,which i did lol )
    I'm going to manually duplicate polys where needed,that's best way i suppose.
    woogity Thanks man!

    Ok guys,here's the spec map and gloss map done. I'd really love input on these to get the best out of them.Let me know what you think should improve. Thanks!
  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter
    This is pretty fucking money man, nice work.
    So, I'd light this dude in a way that takes the black out of it (ambient lighting)
    Add a loop and holes for the belt. Hide the seam, and thicken the top of his scythe, I'd either remove that central notch so it's one big sweeping shape, or pull one back to create a small, mid, big relationship and move the eye rather than lock it. I'd even add some geo there to refine the curves, etc. I'd give him a fake metal ear. I'd vary the blood on the hooks (sweet trinket btw) I'd go thick on top and less as it goes down to lead the eye up. I'd push the thick/thin sharp/soft creases in his skin. Man, I love that shoulder pad, that is mad style points.

    Great work dude. I love pig men, instant tiger blood winning.

  • fuxer
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    fuxer polycounter lvl 18
    killnpc loved some of the tips! I'm taking care of fixing the collar so it's sticking more to the meat,redoing the lighting and then get back at fixing whatever i don't like from the spec and gloss. I can't vary the blood on the hooks because there's no more space on the uv,i managed to take it all ahahah.
    I really wanted a blunt look on his Halberd weapon,so i will keep that one rough looking.
    Oh and i have to add the souls :)
  • fuxer
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    fuxer polycounter lvl 18
    Just added some test lights,what do you think?
    I kinda want to make both a render and realtime grabs (these are more accurate)
  • sparrow
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    sparrow polycounter lvl 11
    Hey fuxer this is getting better and better every time i look at this post. love it man the detail that you have put into this is awsome. keep it up cant wait to see this guy posed :P
  • ev149
    Looking good, though the key seems like it's floating...
  • THE 5
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    THE 5 polycounter lvl 14
    Maybe some sallow green tone for the lights inside the "prisons".
  • fuxer
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    fuxer polycounter lvl 18
    sparrow i won't be able to rig him this week since i'm going on a trip to Amsterdam tomorrow :) But i will leave it at this render for now.
    THE 5 yep,didn't like the old bright jails either. I will make a soul once i'm back from my trip.
    Here's a new and better render. MR with standard material.
    I really want to thank Rafael Grassetti for the tips on lighting and render setup. I'ts a massive improvement of my old workflow!
  • fuxer
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    fuxer polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guys,i'm finally calling this done! Here are the last renders of the model.
    Let me know what you think. I hope to do better on my next model :)
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