Hey Polycount! I've wanted to start a sketchbook on here for too long. Here I will keep up with my 2d and 3d artwork progress. Comment and critique if you like I appreciate both and take criticism very well.
I'm currently taking a 3d Scripting class. For my final I want to bring my character model into the game (UT3). The character based off of a dream where I was a mercenary fighting in a foreign country.
This is the concept art drawing I did, along with the base model I've started working on.
I will try and update often.
Looking fly man, the only thing that is really bothering me is his legs look a little thin in comparison to the rest of his body. Especially at the knee, there just isn't enough mass there, which makes them look like they will snap if he tried to walk. His feet also look a little odd, but I was never good at them so I can't really say if there really is anything wrong or not (could just be the angle)
Big Luther on campus,
first and foremost,
what is your color scheme going to be for this one?
Are you going to use zbrush?
Also I was thinking he could use a few more accessories
on his belt like a canteen or an extra knife, maybe even
a telescope.
Yes I am going to be using zbrush going to attempt to get nice muscle detail and clothing texture.
I'm going to include the weapons in the concept (carbine and two knives).
I think that character mesh is looking nice and clean. I would suggest working on the definition of certain areas, for example the wrist, looks a tad cylindrical. You probably have already seen the work done by George Bridgman (if not heres an example) I find this particuarly useful with 3D modeling, as there is such a strong emphasis on the form and structure. The larger masses of the model all seem to be in good order, just a case of refining.
This is the concept art drawing I did, along with the base model I've started working on.
I will try and update often.
I'll post some pictures when I get more progress (hair and ears).
Can't wait to just add clothing/gear.
first and foremost,
what is your color scheme going to be for this one?
Are you going to use zbrush?
Also I was thinking he could use a few more accessories
on his belt like a canteen or an extra knife, maybe even
a telescope.
Yes I am going to be using zbrush going to attempt to get nice muscle detail and clothing texture.
I'm going to include the weapons in the concept (carbine and two knives).
Hope this helps