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Playstation Vita



  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    thomasp wrote: »
    PS2 emulator, really? care to share the link?

    seeing as it seems rather difficult to achieve playable PS2 emulation on a modern day PC and not possible on the current PS3 without the legacy hardware, you'd think it might be a little too much for a cellphone.

    You can, it's just that sony haven't put much effort into it, they are more interested in people buying things like god of war HD.

    And btw, when they speak emulators, they mean closed emulators, much like how the ps1 emulator on psp works, it's bundled with the ps1 games you buy through psn.
  • ikken
    Like the hardware and design a lot (it actually... could be even bigger, I don't care if it's not pocketsized or whatever)
    but I will not buy it without original titles that both look cool and play well too.
    Stripped down uncharted? mgs4 portable? gran turismo 5 mobile hd extra? kthxnobye

    (street fighter for ngp would be cool though, and some classy final fantasy title)
  • NordicNinja
    I have to admit...I'm much more interested in this device than I ever was about the first PSP (especially the go). The specs look killer, hopefully they will be able to price this at a point where people will actually buy it.

    What Sony really needs to do is make sure to get strong dev support right from the get go. It's all about the software!

    P.S. What is up with that UI!? That thing is hideous, they need to scrap it and come up with something good by the time it releases.
  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 17
    Flynny wrote: »
    Looks like a grand piece of hardware, but if anything im more excited about the Playstation suite! An official PS1/2 emulator on android, best idea ever!

    Ah sorry my bad, PS1 only Emulator, I was getting excited ;D
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15

    This is expected really. Still can't wait for the hardware! I hope it sells extremely well... Just sad about what's going on in Japan :(
  • ikken
    Don't they produce and assemble consoles in China/Taiwan/any other cheaper labour country?
    i'm pretty sure they moved the launch because people in Japan either can't afford or not in the mood for spending cash for entertainment right now (seeing a lot of Japanese bands pushing release dates at least a month ahead), so their early sales won't be that impressive.

    won't be surprised if they do an early launch in Europe, by the way.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Soo, since it got released in Japan, this was bound to happen :)


    Check out the breakdown here.
  • System
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    System admin
    Still on the fence about this one. I love my PSP, and play Monster Hunter almost obsessively. Problem is, Vita is region locked which means if Capcom insist on keeping further MH titles JP only, I'll be out of luck.

    Also, a lot of my PSP games are US/JP imports so even if they do introduce some kind of PSP>Vita download service, I won't be able to add my current collection.

    I love the look of the hardware, and from the few videos I've seen, it seems pretty awesome in action. I'm just not sure about the launch lineup. Uncharted obviously looks great but it doesn't appeal to me as a 'handheld' game. I'm a huge fan of the PS3 versions, but they appeal to me as a home console game and not something I'd play on a portable. Modnation racers might swing it for me, but I think I'll wait and see what the final prices are here in the UK.
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    TeeJay wrote: »
    Still on the fence about this one. I love my PSP, and play Monster Hunter almost obsessively. Problem is, Vita is region locked which means if Capcom insist on keeping further MH titles JP only, I'll be out of luck.

    sony has said multiple times that, like the ps3, the vita will be region free. for me, imports are really the only reason to get a sony system.
  • System
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    Racer445 wrote: »
    sony has said multiple times that, like the ps3, the vita will be region free. for me, imports are really the only reason to get a sony system.

    Wait, what? Seriously? I must have missed that... thanks for the info. I think I must've been thinking about the 3DS.

    Ok, now I'm interested.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    Apparently there are loads of hardware issues with the current batch of released vitas
  • System
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    Hmm, ok this might not be as appealing as I thought.


    So although it's region free, it's not exactly simple to switch from JAP to EU to US PSN's like it is on the PSP/PS3.
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    Tsk, the only reason to own a Psp is the Monster hunter series. So i'm in the same boat as TeeJay here. I wouldn't be too surprised if MH went Japan only with the way there going.
  • System
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    I wouldn't be too surprised if MH went Japan only with the way there going.

    Indeed. With the 3DS being region locked and Tri G being JP only too, the future for us non-JP Monster Hunters is not looking bright.
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    thought I read somewhere that Capcom was actually noticing a growing demand for Monter Hunter in America and Europe.

    If 3G doesn't come out in America I'm sure MH4 will. I just don't think that MH3G has Wifi online multiplayer.

    For the Vita though I will probably wait. I'm a fan of variety and most of the stuff for the Vita looks exactly like what I have on the PS3 gameplay wise.

    Although the new Little King's Story and Gravity Rush do look interesting.

    Also since I would want to get a decent memory card it the bundle of the Vita, a game to play and a memory card would hit the wallet a little too hard.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    US launch is less than a month away.

    What's the verdict on this? Anyone picking it up on launch day or waiting for the inevitable price drop (or bundled for same price) in a few months after poor sales (cough cough E3 E3 cough cough)?
  • System
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    jeffro wrote: »
    What's the verdict on this? Anyone picking it up on launch day or waiting for the inevitable price drop (or bundled for same price) in a few months after poor sales (cough cough E3 E3 cough cough)?

    I've got mine pre-ordered, cannot wait!

    I'm sure the price probably will drop, this thing isn't gonna sell at all I don't think. I'm just gonna deal with it though, I loved my PSP and since trading it in (for credit towards the Vita) I've really missed it! The prospect of having Uncharted, Modnation Racers, along with a few of my old PSP favourites on a decent handheld is too tempting for me to wait around to see if the price drops.

    Still debating whether to go the memory card+all digital route for the games, or just buy the boxed versions. The memory card prices here in the UK will no doubt be ridiculous (apparently we're not even getting the largest capacity) but the download versions of the games are slightly cheaper. Also, since the boxes contain nothing but the game-cart(card?) then there's not much in the way of incentive I suppose.

    I still really hope they do something with the account lock though, there's a fair few JAP only games that I would only be able to play with a JAP PSN account, and I'm really not keen on having to go through the whole factory reset thing every time I want to switch.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I really want it for Gravity Rush... But will get it if Monster Hunter 4 comes out for it.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Just looked up Gravity Rush. That does look pretty neat actually. Weird ass concept.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I already have mine (HK version). This thing is a beast, and Uncharted : Golden Abyss is no joke..it's a full fledged Uncharted game that's pretty awesome.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    I have mine pre ordered with Touch my Katamari! Yeah I know most of you are going to say it looks just the same as the others, but thats just want I want. New levels to roll still up in. Plus sound shapes looks pretty awesome.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Just tried out Uncharted and Gravity Daze at the store test unit.

    Uncharted looks much better in motion than in screenshots. It's really nice moving around. The controls take a little getting used to and the buttons on the system are all mashed together. That took a bit of getting used to.

    Gravity Daze is all kinda of cool. I really dug that. I might have to jump on getting one of these. The game had a great art style and was really fun to play.

    The Vita UI/interface is batshit crazy. I'm not a huge fan of the bubbles look on everything.

    The system is really big, the screen is gorgeous though. If you're in a store that has a demo kiosk give it a try at least.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Tsk, the only reason to own a Psp is the Monster hunter series.

    Daxter, Crisis Core, Birth by Sleep, Ys Seven, Trails in the Sky, Half-Minute Hero, Dissidia, Valkyria Chronicles 2 , Tactics Ogre, Persona 2, etc.

    Hopefully you were just trolling. PSP is a great system, with plenty of quality titles.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    All the Ratchet & Clank and Jak and Daxter titles are decent for the PSP too! :D
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Don't want to keep talking about older PSP games but the DJ Max Portable series is great and highly over looked(at least in america) music game. Plus Hammerin Hero is a wonderful platformer/beat-em up.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Man the cases and carts for this game are tiny!Having the games is making the wait tell next week terribly long.

  • System
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    Who got one then?!

    I NEARLY didn't. I had last minute doubts the week before launch and picked up another PSP, but then when launch arrived, I gave in, returned the PSP and got a Vita... honestly, couldn't be happier with it.

    I do think it's far too expensive, and as much as I don't want to admit it, I'm not sure I see a fantastic future for it. Unless I'm missing something, there doesn't seem to be a lot of upcoming titles and support from devs seems a little spotty at best.

    That said, it's a great piece of hardware. Analogue sticks feel great and the screen... THE SCREEN! I picked up Hot Shots Golf and Modnation Racers and really enjoying both of them. I played the Uncharted demo which was incredibly pretty but I'll grab that later when I have time for that kinda game, right now I'm loving the accessibility of the games I bought.

    My biggest complaint really is the account locking thing. There's a number of Japan only PSN games I wanted to install but you have to restore default settings and switch memory cards to change regions which is just not worth the trouble when you have games from both regions.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    I love my vita so far. The UI is very slick and works great and like you said hat screen is fucking awesome. I do see a pretty good future for it though. I think sony is just waiting untill e3 to announced the fall lineup for it. It may take some time but like the 3ds I think it will begin to sell after awhile. Plus they already said call of duty this year and while I might not get it, if they can get cross platform play with ps3 players I have a feeling that will sell a lot of units.
  • slipsius
    can I ask for a moderator to change this threads title to "Playstation Vita"?

    Its out now. The name has long been announced. Needs a more appropriate title. Especially for search results
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 20
    biofrost wrote: »
    if they can get cross platform play with ps3 players I have a feeling that will sell a lot of units.

    is this an announced feature?

    not saying anything for or against it, but i've heard this one time and time again from the original ds to the dreamcast, would love to see it happen, but the rate of success in this department is few and far between
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    It already is in a few games, Wipeout 2048 can play with Wipeout HD players and Hustle Kings can play vita vs ps3 also.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    I am thinking about getting one... i read that you can play ps1 games (which i have tons already on the psn), and any psp game that you download on to the psn... the general wifi bundle has i think the 8 gig? or the 4? is the 8 enough? or should i get a 16? what has been the experience of people with it? I owned a regular psp for the longest time, but at the end there were no games for it.... this one i guess can justify adding all of my library for ps1 games, plus some other games that i want to play like peace walker and stuff. Any comments?
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I picked one up a few weeks ago. I haven't used it much yet, but I really like Hot Shots Golf. I'm thinking I'm going to feed it to my Dad next time we go up to his cabin.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    The Vita is really strange. I really want it to do well and considered getting one but it's just completely failed to make an impact. I don't know anybody at work that's got one and loads of people weren't even aware of it's existence. And these are people that make games. Everyone knows about the 3DS. What's going on? I really hope it doesn't go the way of the PSP Go or other failed handhelds. I was considering picking one up for Christmas but now with the Wii U out soon.....hmmm..
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Anyone else enjoying this? I really don't see many games in development for it... at least that catch my attention. Any thoughts on that? I really hated my psp collecting dust, or being used mainly to play movies.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    I still love mine, actually been playing Zen pinball 2 on it just about everyday. Just gotta give it time, the 3ds dident have any games untill mario kart 7 came along almost a full year after release.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    glottis8 wrote: »
    Anyone else enjoying this? I really don't see many games in development for it...

    I think that the Vita is, at present, a casualty of economies of time. It's not so much about prices anymore, so much as time constraints. I don't play my Vita as often, largely because there are just so many other entertainment options available to me, and I have to pick and choose. My budget is no longer a limiting factor, I'm able to acquire plenty of games for very reasonable prices. But my time has finite limits, and there are just so many different outlets clamoring for my attention.

    Personally, I would like to see some visual-novel style adventure games released for the Vita. That beautiful screen would be a good fit for some hand-illustrated graphics, and touch-screens work well with that particular genre of games. (as the Ace Attorney series already managed to prove)
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Anyone who hasn't picked up Little Big Planet for the Vita yet, I really recommend it. We found ours a few days ago at Target, apparently some places were releasing it early. Fantastic game, I can't believe I can honestly say the touch screen and use of the vitas other features add to gameplay rather than detract from it.

    Weird for people to think the vita isn't doing well. It's far outshining the 3DS from my perspective. Doesn't sell like hot cakes to kids, but from a games perspective with things like Gravity Rush, LBP, and the MGS pack (compare that to the 3DS MGS game...) already out. A nice looking Assassin's Creed coming out next month. PSone classic support, many of which are of similar price to Nintendo's 20+ year old "virtual console" titles, they're a steal in comparison (and they look great on the vita screen, was really happy about that). Things like Soul Sacrifice are also looking pretty cool.

    My 3DS on the other hand, FF Theatrythm was fun. Mario Kart 7 was fun. But it's mostly a quick "pick up and kill 10 minutes" machine at the moment. Shame because I think it's got a lot of potential that's instead being thrown towards more side scrolling Mario games.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Another big issue that has been facing the Vita is what's been happening in Japan. Nintendo scored a major upset when they convinced Capcom to shift the focus of Monster Hunter over to their platforms. Right now the Vita just has an optimized version of a PSP Monster Hunter game that you can download from PSN. The 3DS has its own custom-designed version of the game already released, as well as an updated version scheduled to arrive the same day that a WiiU-optimized version is released.

    Monster Hunter was the series that revived the PSP in Japan, and kept it going strong. Having this super-popular series shift over to Nintendo's handheld is a major blow against the Vita for Japanese audiences, and could negatively effect how Japanese developers approach the Vita.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    If he's talking MH:FU, that's something I've been playing a lot on my Vita. I never owned a PSP, so this is my first play through and being able to use the second analogue for the camera is a godsend. Looks great, too.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    @ Richard Kain, what you're saying makes a lot of sense. There seems to be so many things you can play games on now that it's easy for the Vita to pass under the radar of the mainstream. I own so many things now that can play games and such a ridiculous amount of choice.

    I really like the look of Escape Plan. Creative and original IP is what I would like to see more of on the Vita. That would make me pick it up. Maybe I will wait until there's a bit more choice.
  • JamesWild
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    JamesWild polycounter lvl 8
    Had a go on one of these about a fortnight ago. Graphics were great, but it took ages to load in my opinion (used to phone/desktop games) and the buttons (the only thing distinguishing it from a smartphone really) felt cheap.

    I'm of the opinion that if Sony or Nintendo want to start printing money again on handhelds they need to stop competing with smartphones (get rid of the cameras and internet browsers and all that junk) because that ship has sailed. They cannot hope to provide a camera as good as that in a phone that comes out every year. They cannot hope to provide as good as browser as what's on phones.

    But the costs not only of buying the hardware such as camera modules but developing the rest of the system to include them and writing the software and testing it mount up and up and up... yet the end result still doesn't do any of the smartphone features half as well as, well, a smartphone would. And the price is way too high as a result of the effort.

    Pick one thing and do it well. I want a cheap system with the Vita's graphics, solid controls, fast load times, and a long battery life. And lots of decent games.

    Historically, that's what's shifted handhelds. (look at the Game Boy's competition over the years) Pushing the boundaries but not pushing them that hard that costs mount up or the batteries die faster than you can replace/charge them.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Anyone who enjoys music games should know that DJMax Technika Tune will be availale to preorder in a few days. The collectors edition(only 750 copies being made) looks nice! http://www.bemanistyle.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=444&d=1348252524
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Agreed on the buttons, they feel wiggly which is horrible. Also the screen is a bit low-res, pretty noticeable on the very busy visuals of Uncharted.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Actually the screen for the Vita has a relatively high ppi, but a lot of games are not running at native resolution (Uncharted and Gravity Rush for instance). Its the only dedicated handheld I've ever seen where devs didn't always run games at the native res.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    The problem is also to be seen on the smartie shaped icons on the main screen, so its defo the screen. Lots of aliasing round dem curves. Its a problem on both of the current handhelds, drives me scatty. Its a processor problem on the 3ds though, they didnt put one in powerful enough to drive two images. Ocarina of Time looks good in 2D, turn on the 3D and the jaggies around the edge of his hat are immediately apparent.
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